Event Poster

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Event Poster

A poster is generally defined as a large printed picture. Posters are one of the best-used techniques for promotional activities. Events and promotions walk hand in hand and hence posters are always of prime importance for the publicity of any event. Posters are technically the first officially released piece of media for the promotion of any event. Posters have the potential to attract a large crowd if designed correctly. The content of the posters varies from one event to another. A few posters resort to text while the others to pictures and texts both. Posters help in making an immediate impression on the potential clients and spread the word because it is a general form of promotion.

This article will include varied examples, templates, and samples of posters related to all kinds of events.

Event Poster Examples & Templates

1. Event Poster Template

Event Poster Template
File Format
  • Illustrator
  • Pages
  • Photoshop

Size: 24×18 inches


The design of the event poster must be attractive and an inevitable one for the viewer. An attractive poster successfully makes an impression to a wide audience and is more affordable than advertising in the print media. This file is an example of the event poster template, designed in esthetic red color for a rumba night event with an illustration of a performing couple in the background. It is an intricately designed poster and can be downloaded instantly.

2. Schedule Event Poster Template

Schedule Event Poster Template
File Format
  • Illustrator
  • Pages
  • Photoshop

Size: 24×18 inches


Are you looking for a designer poster to release the schedule of your event? The above file is a schedule event poster template designed for the release of a sports fest. It is designed in dull white and red color with a unique black checks background along with the impressions of sports players. It is an editable template and available for download in three file formats.

3. Musical Event Poster Template

Musical Event Poster Template
File Format
  • Illustrator
  • Pages
  • Photoshop

Size: 24×18 inches


The club of image, graphics, and texts make the best poster. Such posters are tough to design but are the most effective in terms of creating an impact. This file is an example of the musical event poster template. It is designed with a light peach colored background and a semi-transparent music CD watermark with relevant text related to the event. It can be modified according to the requirement and can be printed easily.

4. Charity Event Poster Template

File Format
  • Illustrator
  • InDesign
  • Publisher
  • Photoshop
  • Word

Size: US


An interactive poster can be the key to attract the audience to a charity event. A charity event poster must clearly convey the motive of the event to the audience. This file is a template of the charity event poster by Medicare for an annual event. It is a club of decent design, picture and relevant text that looks convincing and related to charity. It is fully customizable and is easy to use.

5. Free Event Poster Template

Free Event Poster Template
File Format
  • Illustrator
  • Pages
  • Photoshop

Size: (A3) 11×17 inches


Do you intend to promote your event with a designer poster? Download the above event poster template and fill in the necessary details. It can be immediately downloaded in any preferred file format. It is designed in the default size of 11×17 inches and is ready to print. It is quick and easy to customize and has an eye-catching title design.

6. Free Christmas Event Poster

Free Christmas Event Poster Template
File Format
  • Pages
  • Photoshop

Size: (A3) 11×17 inches


A poster must reflect the type of event through pictures and graphics. The above file is a template of a family Christmas party event poster. It is available for download in blue, pink, and fainted sky blue color theme with suitable font style and color. It includes relevant details about the event and can be easily customized.

7. Free Church Event Poster

Free Church Event Poster Template
File Format
  • Illustrator
  • Pages
  • Photoshop

Size: (A3) 11×17


The above file is a template of a church worship event poster. It is designed in a simple purple background with contrasting text colors. It also includes a picture relating to the theme of the event and includes necessary information about the same. It is a sober template and can be downloaded to easily fulfill the basic purpose of conveying information to the members of a church regarding the event.

8. Deluxe Event Poster

De Luxe Event Poster

Attracting a trendy crowd requires publishing of funky posters. The above file is an exclusively designed poster template for a DJ event. It has a shining golden high-quality authentic graphics featured above the photograph of the artist along with an impressive illustration. The central background of the poster remains to be in dull black. Download this one of a kind poster template and customize one for a mainstream music event promotion.

9. Event Poster Example

Event Poster Example

This template is titled ‘Botanica’ and is used to promote the event of a decorative plant garden. The template has a theme based design and is available in three variations for download. It has well-organized layers and is super easy to edit. All in all, it is a clean, simple, and a modern designed customizable template.

10. Conference Event Poster Template

Event Poster Conference

This file is a classically designed poster template for an event. It has an inbuilt page design with a three PSD layered file. Alignments are perfect and only photos & texts must be substituted in relevance to the theme of the event. One can download this file in three different color options.

11. Event Poster Sample Template

Event Poster Sample

Posters with provocative design and compelling messages drive the entire event campaign to success. This sample file is a template of a corporate event poster with multicolor illuminating graphics and sufficiently aligned space to make a business announcement. The abstract vector dynamic background provides an elegant and professional touch to the poster design.

12. Mountain Event Poster Template

Mountains Event Poster

This poster template is exceptionally designed in the theme of mountains and its respective culture for the promotion of a restaurant. It includes intricate illustrations which are perfectly aligned to fit the necessary informative text at the bottom. The perfect finishing makes this design one of the best available online.

13. Music Event Poster

Music Event Poster

Overdesigning a poster is as harmful as under designing. This file is a music event poster designed sensibly to maintain the balance between the picture and the informative text. It is a general announcement poster and can be used to introduce a music event function. It is easily customizable and flexible for printing.

14. Schedule Event Poster

Schedule Event Poster

This file is a template of the schedule event poster designed in a lighter orange shade with the provision of accommodating sufficient data for a schedule. It is editable and takes only several minutes to insert data and make the template print ready. One can also easily add a logo if required.

15. Wedding Event Poster Template

Wedding Event Poster

Are you looking for an aesthetic poster to announce a wedding? This template is a classically designed wedding event poster in plain white background and unique customized fonts. It is easy to edit and can be conveniently printed in the desired size. So what are you waiting for? Download this template and prepare a customized event poster for your wedding now.

16. Event Poster Design

Event Poster Design

This template is designed in a unique pattern to promote an event. It has an out of the box alignment and unique placement of text. It is available in three color variants and can be downloaded by corporate companies or businesses to announce an official event.

17. Simple Event Poster Template

Event Poster Simple

Sometimes certain event announcements require simple designing of posters. This file is one such example of an event poster template with simple designing and a unique presentation concept. It can be used to promote product launch events by brands.
This template is an example of handmade high-quality poster template available for purchase on order. It has mesmerizing graphics and suitable color combinations that reflect the soul of the film festival. Such posters are tough to design and consume considerable time.

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