AP® Environmental Science Practice Test

Exam Format & Components
Section I: Multiple Choice
80 Questions | 1hr 30mins | 60% of Score
This section tests a range of skills through individual questions and sets of questions related to specific diagrams, data presentations, and text sources.
- Conceptual Understanding: Explain key environmental concepts, processes, and models.
- Visual Analysis: Analyze charts, graphs, models, and other visual representations to extract and interpret environmental information.
- Textual Analysis: Evaluate text sources for environmental data and theories.
- Research Evaluation: Analyze the methodology and conclusions of environmental research studies.
- Data Interpretation: Interpret and draw conclusions from data tables and statistical evidence.
- Mathematical Applications: Apply mathematical calculations to solve environmental problems, such as predicting outcomes and calculating resource use.
- Problem Solving: Propose viable solutions to environmental issues and justify your choices using scientific reasoning.
Section II: Free Response
3 Questions | 1hr 10mins | 40% of Score
Each question in this section requires a detailed written response, presenting you with realistic environmental scenarios to analyze and address.
Question Breakdown:
- Question 1: Design an Investigation: You will be given an environmental scenario along with a model or quantitative data. Your task is to design an investigative approach to study the scenario effectively.
- Question 2: Analyze an Environmental Problem and Propose a Solution: This question involves analyzing an environmental issue presented through a scenario with supporting visual or quantitative data and suggesting practical solutions.
- Question 3: Problem Analysis and Solution with Calculations: Tackle an environmental problem by conducting relevant calculations to propose and justify your solution.
Skills Assessed:
- Theoretical Knowledge: Explain environmental concepts and models relevant to the scenarios.
- Visual and Data Analysis: Critically analyze provided visual aids and data sets to understand and address the environmental issue.
- Research Application: Apply knowledge of environmental studies to analyze scenarios and propose solutions.
- Quantitative Reasoning: Use mathematical skills to solve environmental problems and support your solutions with numerical evidence.
- Solution Justification: Develop and defend your solutions to presented environmental challenges, showcasing your ability to integrate scientific knowledge with practical problem-solving.
Section I: Multiple Choice
80 Questions | 1hr 30mins | 60% of Score
This section tests a range of skills through individual questions and sets of questions related to specific diagrams, data presentations, and text sources.
- Conceptual Understanding: Explain key environmental concepts, processes, and models.
- Visual Analysis: Analyze charts, graphs, models, and other visual representations to extract and interpret environmental information.
- Textual Analysis: Evaluate text sources for environmental data and theories.
- Research Evaluation: Analyze the methodology and conclusions of environmental research studies.
- Data Interpretation: Interpret and draw conclusions from data tables and statistical evidence.
- Mathematical Applications: Apply mathematical calculations to solve environmental problems, such as predicting outcomes and calculating resource use.
- Problem Solving: Propose viable solutions to environmental issues and justify your choices using scientific reasoning.
Section II: Free Response
3 Questions | 1hr 10mins | 40% of Score
Each question in this section requires a detailed written response, presenting you with realistic environmental scenarios to analyze and address.
Question Breakdown:
- Question 1: Design an Investigation: You will be given an environmental scenario along with a model or quantitative data. Your task is to design an investigative approach to study the scenario effectively.
- Question 2: Analyze an Environmental Problem and Propose a Solution: This question involves analyzing an environmental issue presented through a scenario with supporting visual or quantitative data and suggesting practical solutions.
- Question 3: Problem Analysis and Solution with Calculations: Tackle an environmental problem by conducting relevant calculations to propose and justify your solution.
Skills Assessed:
- Theoretical Knowledge: Explain environmental concepts and models relevant to the scenarios.
- Visual and Data Analysis: Critically analyze provided visual aids and data sets to understand and address the environmental issue.
- Research Application: Apply knowledge of environmental studies to analyze scenarios and propose solutions.
- Quantitative Reasoning: Use mathematical skills to solve environmental problems and support your solutions with numerical evidence.
- Solution Justification: Develop and defend your solutions to presented environmental challenges, showcasing your ability to integrate scientific knowledge with practical problem-solving.
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