
Team Biology at
Created by: Team Biology at, Last Updated: July 23, 2024



The planet all of us live in has many intertwined and interconnected relationships that span multiple organisms and systems. The predatory and prey relationship is one of the most important relationships found on this planet as it sets the precedent of how energy is cycled back into the earth by scavengers.  This relationship highlights the act of predation exhibited by the organisms.

1. Escaping Predation Lesson

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2. Predation Functional Response

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3. Density Dependent Predation


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4. Intraguild Predation Template

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5. Urban Predator Control

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6. Rodent Seed Predation

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7. Predation Assay Template

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8. Intraguild Predation Generalist

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9. Literature Predation Brief  Template

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10. Ecological and Evolutionary Effects of Predation

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11. Insect Predation Game

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What Is Predation

Predation refers to the ability of an organism to hunt and consume a specific food source based on its biology and adaptations. People often call the consumer of the food source a predator. The food source will provide potential energy, that the organism’s body will use as fuel for kinetic energy.

How To Check an Organism’s Predatory Style

Each organism has its way to eat and consume its food source as a way to survive in this harsh world. We need to understand how these organisms consume and hunt their food source, so as to not upset the balance in an ecosystem and not cause any issues in the future.

Step 1: Research Its Hunting Methods

All organisms have a specific way of obtaining their food sources. This can include various strategies to hunt down smaller prey (Carnivory) or the ability to grind out specific fibers and foliage in one’s stomach (Herbivory).

Step 2: List Out Its Adaptations and Survival Techniques

Most carnivory predators tend to have more hunting methods than survival techniques as they are the one’s doing the hunting, whilst their prey has more survival techniques to deter their predators. List out the organism’s adaptations and survival techniques to determine its lo predatory style and its place in the food chain. This is due to the cause-and-effect relationship that is present in the food chain, food web, or biosphere.

Step 3: Determine If the Organism has Any Related Organisms Pivotal For Its Survival

Some predators engage in a mutualistic or parasitic relationship with another organism (prey). Check if the organism needs the presence of another to reap benefits (mutualistic) or if the organism needs the presence of another to latch on to. (parasitic)

Step 4: Research the Organism’s Main Food Source

The most important thing to research is the organism’s primary food source, as some organisms are omnivores and can digest both meat and foliage. Doing this will help you determine whether the organism is a carnivore or a herbivore.


What are the four types of predation?

The first type of predation is carnivory predation, which refers to a predator that has meat as its primary source of energy and will have trouble digesting foliage and other grasslike food sources. Predators that are carnivores often exhibit hunter-like strategies and techniques to chase their prey and are generally at the higher parts of the food chain or food web in a given ecosystem. The second type of predation is herbivory predation, which refers to predators that have plants and foliage as their primary food or energy source. The third type of predation is parasitism or parasitic predation, the context and concept are very similar to the relationship between two organisms with the same name. Predators that are considered parasites use parasitic predation to obtain chemical energy by disadvantaging their hosts while latching unto them. The final type of predation is mutualistic or mutualistic predation, which is also very similar to the relationship between two organisms with the same name. 

Why is predation important?

Predation is an organism’s ability to consume a specific food source and transform it into energy through chemical reactions and changes that will take place in the body. Not only does predation act as the main way to obtain and absorb energy and nutrients, but this ability allows the energy cycle to exist in the form of food chains or food webs. This means that predation is an important phenomenon that contributes to the survival of all the organisms in the biosphere.

What are predators in terms of illegal acts?

A predator, in a legal sense, is an individual or person who has been found to have committed a sexually violent crime against a victim/s. The predator can commit these crimes multiple times and is considered a danger to themselves and the people around them. Most of their horrid acts can be traced to specific mental illnesses, psychological disorders, or various imbalances felt in their life.

Predation is the organism’s ability to consume another organism for sustenance and energy absorption. A lot of current-day adaptations and modern techniques we have are a result of predation being heavily ingrained in our lives. This includes our innate survival instincts to escape predation or danger to the multiple ways we can refine our food to a better form.

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