Weekly Schedules

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Weekly Schedules


We have different ways on how we deal with our daily living but there are just some instances when we just need to plan out every single activity within the week. With that, you might just find the need for a weekly schedule. Weekly schedules ensure you have a smooth and sound delivery and accomplishment of your weekly activities.

With that, we are going to give you some insights on how to create your own weekly schedule as well as some weekly schedule examples and templates for you to utilize.

You will learn about the elements of an effective weekly schedule and will be guided on how to create your own weekly schedule. You will see templates and examples of different types of weekly schedules.

Elements of a Weekly Schedule

Here are the essential elements of a weekly schedule that you should never forget including in your weekly schedule:

1. Activities: These are the things that you should fulfill and complete within the week. This could include your daily routine that happens all throughout the week. It can include special or non-repetitive tasks as well for last-minute duties and errands.

2. Time and Date: What’s a weekly schedule without the time and date? It will be fruitless if you are not going to specify the time and date on your weekly schedule or else, how then are you going to know that you are supposed to complete an activity on the day of the week? Some weekly schedules do not need a time specified, but the date is always important.

3. Delegation: You have to admit that there are activities that you cannot handle alone. This is when you need to seek help from other people especially if you are supposed to work with a team. In this case, you need to indicate in your weekly schedule how you are going to delegate certain tasks.

4. Visual Elements: This can be optional but if you do not want to get bored and unmotivated just by looking at your weekly schedule, then do consider adding some visual design elements that will make your weekly schedule more appealing and exciting to look at.

16+ Weekly Schedule Templates and Examples

Weekly Schedule Template

Weekly Schedule Template

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Size: A4 & US

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Steps in Creating a Weekly Schedule

Do you think you already need to create a weekly schedule but you just do not know how to deal with it? Worry not for we have provided you the following steps on how to set up one:

Step 1. Create a list of your weekly tasks:

If you want a good start on the draft of your weekly schedule, then make sure that you will start by creating the list of your weekly tasks. This is to make sure that you do know what you need to achieve within the week and this can also serve as a reminder that will help you not to miss out on your important tasks.

Plus with this list, you can also create a task checklist that will serve as a different guide on keeping up and updating with your weekly tasks.

Step 2. Prioritize and organize important items:

Now that you have already come up with the list of the things that you need to do and fulfill within the week, it is now time for you to prioritize the items that you have written down on your list. Some tasks may need to be done earlier so you have to prioritize that and place it on the first few days of the week.

After prioritizing the important tasks, you can then organize and plot this on your weekly schedule. Make sure that you do this carefully so that you will not overlap one task over another or duplicate some.

Step 3. Include the necessary adjustments:

After having prioritized the crucial tasks in your week as well as plot them on your weekly schedule, you must not forget that there are always additional and unexpected tasks within the week. This is why it is important to place an ample blank space for these adjustments to fit in your weekly schedule.

No matter how perfect you have plotted your activities for the week, it is not considered as efficient enough if you have not provided a space for the unexpected events that might happen within the week.

Step 4. Make your weekly schedule visible:

You may be done plotting and organizing your weekly schedule but you will defeat its purpose if you do not place your finished schedule where it is visible for you to see and keep reminded of your tasks. Find a conspicuous spot in your room, office, or house, and post or hang it there.

You should make sure that you are going to place your weekly schedule in a place that you can access, view, and update it easily. Such places include your refrigerator door or your bedroom door. In the office, it can be your overhead bin or a whiteboard near you.

Step 5. Regularly update your weekly schedule:

As you go through the week, make sure to keep updating your weekly schedule. This is for you to keep track with the progress of every single one of your weekly tasks. And this is also to ensure you that you have not forgotten anything that you have written down on your weekly schedule.

Having to regularly update your weekly schedule can be motivating as well because as you keep on crashing out completed tasks, you will be inspired to crash out more.

Tips for Effective Weekly Scheduling

To help you out more in creating your weekly schedule, here are more tips you can use as your guide.

1. Always think before you plot activities on your weekly schedule: Before you waste your weekly schedule sheets, make sure that you have already thought of the things that you usually do on a weekly basis. You can start by contemplating how your week would usually look like and you can start from there. If you have a daily routine, make sure that you include it on your weekly schedule so other tasks beyond that routine will be organized accordingly.

2. Do not be afraid to start your week big: You might think that it will be hard for you to handle big things during the first days of the week. Cast these doubts away and believe that you can do bigger and better things. Dealing with the big tasks as early as Monday is the best way for you to get yourself energized and hyped up to do other things and accomplish tasks for the rest of the week.

3. To make things manageable, break it into chunks: If you have not heard of the term “multitasking”, then maybe you are not living in the 21st century where that term has become a norm. Unfortunately, this is always not advisable because things might get out of hand. The best way to deal with your tasks is to break it into manageable chunks, thus making you even more productive and efficient.

4. Check your attitude towards weekly scheduling: Even if you come up the most perfect weekly schedule in the entire world, it will still not work for you if your attitude will not match with your plans for the week. If you are an expert at procrastination, do not expect that things will be done as you have plotted in your weekly schedule because it will surely be moved to the next week if you will keep on procrastinating.

5. Always leave a room for the unexpected: There will always be instances when new and unexpected tasks will come up at the most unexpected time and when you have already carefully plotted your plans for the week in your weekly schedule. Whatever the unexpected task or thing may bring you, it is all on you on how you deal with it. And one way to do so is to never forget to place blank spaces on your schedule.

6. Give yourself some allowance. Do not beat yourself up if you are not going to totally fulfill every single task you have plotted for the week. If it is your first time following a weekly schedule, there will always be a lot of instances where you will mess up; however, know that it’s okay to make mistakes. Learn from it and apply what you have learned from your previous mistakes for the next weeks to follow.

Weekly Schedule Sizes

There are no fixed sizes for a weekly schedule but in this article, we have provided weekly schedule templates and examples that come in A4 and in US sizes. Such sizes can be helpful for you since most software, like Microsoft Word, can accommodate these sizes. Additionally, most printers can print these kinds of sizes and this means that editing and printing schedules will no longer be a problem for you if you are going to opt for these sizes.

Weekly Schedule FAQs

Before we end this article, we are going to clear up some frequently asked questions regarding weekly schedules.

What are weekly schedules?

A weekly schedule is a type of schedule that helps you to keep track of the activities, as well as its progress and completions, for a week. Depending on how you are going to create your weekly schedule, it must contain every single thing and task that you need accomplish for the week. It can also include the method or manner on how you are going to accomplish these tasks.

What is the importance of a weekly schedule?

Making weekly schedules is not a daunting task. What makes it daunting is the actual tasks that you are going to fulfill. But in order to make it less daunting, you definitely need a weekly schedule that will help you organize the things and tasks that you need to accomplish within the week. Weekly schedules also ensure you that you will create a progress report to keep track of your progress. You may also be interested in daily schedules.

A week has seven days and each day has twenty-four hours. If you have a lot of things to do on a daily basis, your mind might get preoccupied and would increase the chances of forgetting the other tasks you need to deal with for the next day. Thus, it is indeed important for you to get a hold of a weekly schedule that will help you stay on track for the rest of the days in a week.

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