For That He Looked Not upon Her

Team English -
Created by: Team English -, Last Updated: June 13, 2024

For That He Looked Not upon Her

For That He Looked Not upon Her By George Gascoigne

Download For That He Looked Not upon Her Full Poem - PDF

For That He Looked Not upon Her Poem – by George Gascoigne (Text-Version)

You must not wonder, though you think it strange,
To see me hold my louring head so low,
And that mine eyes take no delight to range
About the gleams which on your face do grow.
The mouse which once hath broken out of trap
Is seldom ’ticèd with the trustless bait,
But lies aloof for fear of more mishap,
And feedeth still in doubt of deep deceit.
The scorchèd fly, which once hath ’scaped the flame,
Will hardly come to play again with fire,
Whereby I learn that grievous is the game
Which follows fancy dazzled by desire:
So that I wink or else hold down my head,
Because your blazing eyes my bale have bred.

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