Situation Essay – 10+ Examples, Format, How to Write, PDF

Last Updated: January 21, 2025

Situation Essay – 10+ Examples, Format, How to Write, PDF


Have you ever written an essay that involves topics that may not be as common as people perceive them to be? We know for a fact that the most common essay topics are friendship, love and success. However, there are also essays wherein the topics may not be the kind you would think some readers would enjoy. These essays can either touch the hearts of many, or can bring tears to those who read them. In literature and prose, they are called situation essays. What are situation essays and why are they important to learn and understand? Take a look at these examples of a situation essay, which topics like pandemic, ethics and family can be written.

10+ Situation Essay Examples

1. Rhetorical Situation Essay

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Size: 202 KB


2. Pandemic Situation Essay

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Size: 579 KB


3. Dangerous Situation Essay

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Size: 60 KB


4. Covid 19 Situation Essay

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Size: 76 KB


5. Family Situation Essay

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Size: 76 KB


6. Situation Ethics Essay

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Size: 94 KB


7. Situational Essay on Crime Prevention

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Size: 471 KB


8. Situation Essay on Leadership

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Size: 530 KB


9. Situation Essay On Awareness

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Size: 83 KB


10. Situation Essay on Poverty

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Size: 2 MB


11. Sample Situation Essay

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Size: 26 KB


What Is a Situation Essay?

A situation essay is a kind of writing style that you use in order to adapt to what your essay topic is about. You often see this in any kind of essay you will write about. From informative essays, reflective essays, analytical essays, welcome speeches, This kind of writing style helps you adapt or understand the nature of your topic without having to go off topic or having to find a better way to write or address it. Situation essays can be used in just about any form of writing. Just like in emails, speeches, essays, and letters. The main purpose of the situation essay is to provide you the means to appeal to the person or people reading your writing.

How to Write a Situation Essay

Getting an idea on how to write a situation essay should not be that difficult or complicated. All you need to do is to follow simple steps to get there. The important thing to remember is you provide the means to appeal to your audience. Here’s how to do it.

Step 1: Your Introduction Must Catch Their Curiosity

Just like in writing any story, or an email, or even a speech, the most important thing you can do is to make an introduction that catches the reader’s attention and curiosity. Make your introduction something catchy but not too catchy they may lose interest after the introduction. In a way, give them a little taste of what they are going to expect. 

Step 2: Add Something That Relates to the Topic

This is the second part or the second paragraph if you are writing a letter, an email, or even a speech. Think of something that relates to your topic. Not only does this continue to grab your audience’s attention, but it also shows you are able to correlate your introductory topic to your main topic.

Step 3: Be Clear and Concise with Your Writing

Since you are going to be writing about a topic for your essay, there are times that you may forget that you are writing for your audience to appeal to what you are saying. This however does not mean that you should forget to be clear and concise with your topic and your writing. Make sure that you stick to making it clear all the way.

Step 4: Review Your Essay

Before you hand it over to the respective audience, always be sure that every single detail is present in your essay. The topic, the introduction, the statement or purpose of your essay and the conclusion. In addition, part of your review should also be about the grammatical errors, spelling and punctuations.


What is a situation essay?

A situation essay is a kind of writing style that you use in order to adapt to what your essay topic is about. You often see this in any kind of essay you will write about.

What are other kinds of essays or works you can use for this writing style?

The other essays you can use for this writing style are:

  • Reflective essay
  • Narrative essay
  • Formal essays
  • Case studies

What are some common topics for a situation essay?

Any topic can be used for a situation essay. You can write about family, friends, romance, personal, business, etc.

Have you ever written an essay that involves topics that may not be as common as people perceive them to be? Situation essays are the type of writing format that gives your readers the opportunity to put themselves in the shoes of the person or character they are reading. This is often used in writing stories, essays or speeches.

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