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Created by: Team English -, Last Updated: June 26, 2024



Ethics refers to principles guiding right and wrong behavior. Educational Research Ethics focuses on integrity and respect in studies involving education. Research Ethics ensures the protection of participants and the integrity of research methodologies and findings.

What is Ethics?

Ethics refers to the principles that define what is right and wrong, guiding our behavior and decisions. It involves addressing moral issues and ensuring actions align with societal norms. Ethical communication is crucial, promoting honesty and transparency. Ethical considerations help in navigating complex situations and maintaining integrity in personal and professional relationships.

Example of Ethics

  1. Confidentiality: Keeping sensitive information private.
  2. Respect for Autonomy: Allowing individuals to make their own choices.
  3. Non-Maleficence: Avoiding harm to others.
  4. Beneficence: Promoting the well-being of others.
  5. Justice: Ensuring fairness and equality.
  6. Fidelity: Keeping promises and commitments.
  7. Civility: Maintaining courteous and respectful behavior.
  8. Cultural Sensitivity: Respecting diverse backgrounds and beliefs.
  9. Diligence: Performing tasks with care and effort.
  10. Compassion: Showing empathy and concern for others.

Example of Ethics in Business

  1. Honesty: Being truthful in all business dealings.
  2. Transparency: Openly sharing company information with stakeholders.
  3. Fair Treatment: Treating all employees equally and without discrimination.
  4. Integrity: Upholding strong moral principles.
  5. Accountability: Taking responsibility for company actions.
  6. Respect: Valuing employees, customers, and partners.
  7. Environmental Responsibility: Minimizing the company’s environmental impact.
  8. Customer Privacy: Protecting customer data.
  9. Fair Pricing: Setting prices fairly and avoiding exploitation.
  10. Compliance: Adhering to laws and regulations.

Example of Ethics in Kantian

  1. Truthfulness: Always telling the truth, regardless of consequences.
  2. Duty: Acting out of a sense of moral duty.
  3. Respect for Persons: Treating everyone as an end in themselves, not as a means.
  4. Universalizability: Acting only according to maxims that can be universalized.
  5. Autonomy: Respecting the autonomy of others.
  6. Moral Law: Following moral laws as absolute principles.
  7. Fairness: Ensuring actions are fair and just.
  8. Good Will: Acting with good intentions.
  9. Consistency: Maintaining consistency in ethical behavior.
  10. Moral Worth: Valuing actions based on their moral worth, not outcomes.

Example of Ethics in the Workplace

  1. Teamwork: Collaborating effectively and respectfully with colleagues.
  2. Integrity in Reporting: Providing accurate and honest reports.
  3. Professionalism: Maintaining a professional demeanor at all times.
  4. Conflict of Interest: Avoiding situations where personal interests conflict with professional duties.
  5. Harassment-Free Environment: Ensuring a workplace free from harassment and discrimination.
  6. Proper Use of Resources: Using company resources responsibly and for intended purposes.
  7. Confidentiality: Keeping company and client information private.
  8. Commitment to Quality: Striving for excellence in all tasks and projects.
  9. Constructive Feedback: Offering and accepting feedback in a positive and productive manner.
  10. Punctuality: Arriving on time for work and meetings.

Example of Ethics in Real Life

  1. Helping a Stranger: Assisting someone in need without expecting anything in return.
  2. Recycling: Properly disposing of recyclable materials to protect the environment.
  3. Respecting Privacy: Not sharing someone else’s personal information without permission.
  4. Fair Play: Competing honestly in sports or games.
  5. Donating: Giving to charity to help those less fortunate.
  6. Volunteering: Offering time and skills to help community organizations.
  7. Returning Lost Items: Finding and returning a lost wallet to its owner.
  8. Honoring Commitments: Keeping promises made to friends and family.
  9. Reporting Dishonesty: Informing authorities about observed dishonest behavior.
  10. Equal Treatment: Treating all people with the same respect and kindness, regardless of differences.

Example of Ethics for Students

  1. Academic Integrity: Avoiding cheating or plagiarism in assignments and exams.
  2. Respect for Teachers: Showing respect to teachers and school staff.
  3. Honesty: Being truthful about work and progress.
  4. Punctuality: Arriving on time for classes.
  5. Fairness: Treating classmates equally and without discrimination.
  6. Responsibility: Completing homework and assignments on time.
  7. Respect for Property: Taking care of school property and returning borrowed items.
  8. Collaboration: Working cooperatively in group projects.
  9. Kindness: Helping classmates who are struggling.
  10. Digital Ethics: Using technology responsibly and avoiding cyberbullying.

Example of Ethics in Deontological

  1. Truth-Telling: Always being honest, regardless of the consequences.
  2. Keeping Promises: Fulfilling commitments and promises made to others.
  3. Respect for Rights: Upholding the rights of individuals in all actions.
  4. Non-Stealing: Never taking what does not belong to you.
  5. Duty to Help: Assisting others when you have the capability.
  6. Respect for Authority: Following legitimate rules and laws.
  7. Non-Maleficence: Avoiding actions that cause harm to others.
  8. Confidentiality: Protecting private information shared in confidence.
  9. Fair Treatment: Ensuring equal and just treatment for all individuals.
  10. Upholding Justice: Acting in ways that promote fairness and justice in society.

Example of Personal Ethics

  1. Honesty: Always telling the truth to family and friends.
  2. Loyalty: Staying loyal to your partner and friends.
  3. Generosity: Sharing your time and resources with others.
  4. Respect: Showing respect to everyone, regardless of their status.
  5. Accountability: Taking responsibility for your actions and mistakes.
  6. Empathy: Being understanding and compassionate towards others’ feelings.
  7. Gratitude: Regularly expressing thanks for what you have and to those who help you.
  8. Forgiveness: Forgiving others for their mistakes and moving on.
  9. Mindfulness: Being present and thoughtful in your interactions.
  10. Humility: Staying humble and not boasting about your achievements.

Example of Ethics in code

  1. Code Quality: Writing clean, readable, and maintainable code.
  2. Documentation: Providing clear and comprehensive documentation for all code.
  3. Testing: Thoroughly testing code to ensure it functions correctly and reliably.
  4. Open Source Contribution: Respecting open source licenses and contributing back to the community.
  5. Security: Implementing robust security practices to protect user data.
  6. Privacy: Respecting user privacy by not collecting unnecessary data.
  7. Fair Use: Using libraries and frameworks within the bounds of their licenses.
  8. Transparency: Being honest about the capabilities and limitations of your code.
  9. Collaboration: Working effectively and respectfully with other developers.
  10. Accountability: Taking responsibility for your code and its impacts on users and systems.

Origin of Western Ethics

1. Ancient Ethics

  • Socrates (470-399 BC): Emphasized the importance of knowledge and virtue.
  • Plato (428-348 BC): Developed the Theory of Forms, advocating for justice and the ideal state.
  • Aristotle (384-322 BC): Introduced virtue ethics, focusing on character and the golden mean.

2. Medieval Ethics

  • St. Augustine (354-430 AD): Integrated Christian theology with Platonic philosophy.
  • Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274 AD): Combined Aristotelian ethics with Christian doctrine, emphasizing natural law.

3. Modern Ethics

  • Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679): Advocated social contract theory, where morality is based on mutual agreements.
  • Immanuel Kant (1724-1804): Introduced deontological ethics, focusing on duty and universal moral laws.
  • John Stuart Mill (1806-1873): Developed utilitarianism, advocating for actions that maximize overall happiness.

4. Contemporary Ethics

  • Existentialism (20th Century): Philosophers like Jean-Paul Sartre emphasized individual freedom and responsibility.
  • Feminist Ethics (Late 20th Century): Focuses on gender equality and the ethics of care, emphasizing relationships and context in moral decision-making.

Types of Ethics


1. Descriptive Ethics

  • Studies and describes how people actually behave and what moral standards they claim to follow.
  • Example: Sociological research on cultural moral norms.

2. Normative Ethics

  • Prescribes moral standards and principles to determine what actions are right or wrong.
  • Example: Kant’s deontological ethics, which emphasizes duty and rules.

3. Applied Ethics

  • Applies ethical principles to specific issues and fields.
  • Example: Medical ethics, focusing on patient rights and healthcare decisions.

4. Meta-Ethics

  • Examines the nature, origins, and meaning of ethical concepts.
  • Example: Analyzing what “good” means in different moral contexts.

5. Virtue Ethics

  • Emphasizes the role of character and virtues in moral philosophy.
  • Example: Aristotle’s concept of achieving moral excellence through virtuous habits.

Prehuman Ethics

1. Altruism

  • Definition: Behavior that benefits others at a cost to oneself.
  • Example: A chimpanzee sharing food with another, even when it means less for itself.

2. Reciprocity

  • Definition: Mutual exchange of benefits.
  • Example: Grooming behaviors among primates, where one animal grooms another and later receives grooming in return.

3. Empathy

  • Definition: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
  • Example: Elephants showing distress and trying to help a fellow elephant in distress.

4. Fairness

  • Definition: Preference for equitable outcomes.
  • Example: Capuchin monkeys rejecting unequal pay; they refuse to participate if they see another monkey getting a better reward for the same task.

5. Cooperation

  • Definition: Working together towards a common goal.
  • Example: Wolves hunting in packs to bring down larger prey.

6. Social Norms

  • Definition: Unwritten rules about how to behave in a group.
  • Example: Hierarchical structures in primate groups that dictate social interactions and mating rights.

Differences Between Ethics and Morals

DefinitionPrinciples governing proper conduct and behavior in societyPersonal beliefs about right and wrong
OriginExternal: Derived from social systems, institutions, and lawsInternal: Derived from individual beliefs and values
ScopeBroad: Applies to groups, organizations, and professionsNarrow: Applies to individual behavior and choices
FocusCodified rules and standards (e.g., professional codes)Personal principles and values (e.g., honesty, kindness)
ApplicationEnforced by external bodies (e.g., workplace, legal systems)Guided by personal conscience and societal norms
FlexibilityCan change with societal norms and lawsMore consistent and enduring, tied to personal identity
ExamplesProfessional ethics, business ethics, medical ethicsPersonal beliefs about lying, stealing, and helping others
JudgmentEvaluated by external standards and societal rulesEvaluated by personal standards and internal values
PurposeEnsure fairness, justice, and efficiency in groupsGuide personal behavior and decisions
ConflictsEthical dilemmas resolved by external consensusMoral dilemmas resolved by personal reflection

Tips for Ethics

  1. Be Honest: Always tell the truth in your personal and professional life.
  2. Respect Others: Treat everyone with dignity and consideration.
  3. Be Fair: Ensure your actions are just and equitable.
  4. Take Responsibility: Own up to your mistakes and make amends.
  5. Maintain Confidentiality: Keep sensitive information private.
  6. Follow Laws and Rules: Adhere to legal standards and organizational policies.
  7. Act with Integrity: Stay true to your values and principles, even when it’s difficult.

Why is ethics important?

Ethics guides behavior, ensuring fairness, justice, and respect in society and professional settings.

What are the main branches of ethics?

Descriptive, normative, applied, meta-ethics, virtue ethics, deontological ethics, consequentialism, relativism, feminist ethics, and environmental ethics.

What is normative ethics?

Normative ethics prescribes moral standards and principles to determine right and wrong actions.

What is descriptive ethics?

Descriptive ethics studies and describes how people actually behave and what moral standards they follow.

What is applied ethics?

Applied ethics applies ethical principles to specific issues like medical ethics, business ethics, and environmental ethics.

What is virtue ethics?

Virtue ethics emphasizes the role of character and virtues in moral philosophy, focusing on moral excellence.

What is consequentialism?

Consequentialism judges actions by their outcomes or consequences, aiming for the greatest good.

What is feminist ethics?

Feminist ethics focuses on gender equality, the ethics of care, and addressing moral issues related to women’s experiences.

What is environmental ethics?

Environmental ethics considers the moral relationship between humans and the natural environment, emphasizing conservation.

What is a moral dilemma?

A moral dilemma is a situation where there is a conflict between two or more ethical principles or values.

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