
Team English - Examples.com
Created by: Team English - Examples.com, Last Updated: August 30, 2024



In literature and narrative arts, the use of an epilogue is a deliberate and strategic choice, not merely an addendum. Like complex characters who drive the plot forward, an epilogue serves to wrap up the story, shedding light on the aftermath and consequences of the main events. Much as a nuanced antagonist enriches the narrative, an epilogue deepens the storyā€™s complexity by providing closure and perspective. This thoughtful inclusion by authors fosters deeper engagement, enhancing the reading experience by reflecting on the enduring impacts on characters and the overarching narrative.

What is an Epilogue?

An epilogue is a section at the end of a book, play, or movie that concludes the story. It often comes after the main plot has finished and is used to reveal the final outcomes of the characters and tie up loose ends. This part can provide closure by showing what happens to the characters long after the main events of the story have occurred, offering additional insight or a wrap-up to the narrative.

Pronunciation of Epilogue

The phrase ā€œepilogueā€ is pronounced as \Ėˆe-pə-ĖŒlČÆg. Hereā€™s a breakdown to make it easier to understand how to say it:

  • The first part “Epi” is pronounced as ā€œep,ā€ where “ep” sounds like “pet” without the “t.”
  • The second part “logue” is pronounced as ā€œlog,ā€ sounding just like the word ā€œlog.ā€

When pronouncing ā€œepilogue,ā€ the emphasis is placed on the first syllable: ā€œEP-ih-log.ā€ This pronunciation guide can help you confidently say the term when discussing literature or any form of storytelling where this concluding section is mentioned.

When Do We Use Epilogue?

An epilogue is often used in books, movies, and plays, serving several important purposes:

  • Closure: It wraps up the story, giving readers or viewers a complete ending by tying up any loose ends left after the main events.
  • Future Insights: An epilogue can skip ahead to show what happens to the characters in the future, helping to show the long-term effects of the story’s events.
  • Conveying a Message: Sometimes, authors use an epilogue to emphasize a moral lesson or a final thought they want to leave with their audience.
  • Setting Up Sequels: In stories that continue over multiple books or films, an epilogue might hint at what’s coming next, building excitement for future installments.
  • Adding Depth: By showing the aftermath of the story, an epilogue can provide deeper insights and reflections, enriching the narrative.

Synonyms & Antonyms for Epilogue

Synonyms & Antonyms for Epilogue
Final chapterForeword
Closing sectionOpening chapter


  • Conclusion: An ending or final part.
  • Afterword: A section at the end of a book that provides additional information or comments.
  • Coda: A concluding passage that sums up or details the main theme, typically in music but also applicable in literature.
  • Final chapter: The last chapter of a book, often wrapping up the story.
  • Postscript: Additional information added to the end of a letter or book, usually as an afterthought.
  • Wrap-up: A summary or final statement.
  • Denouement: The final resolution or clarification of a plot in literature.
  • Outro: The conclusion or final part, especially in a piece of music or broadcast.
  • Summation: A summary or final total.
  • Closing section: The last section of a piece of writing or speech.


  • Prologue: An introductory section at the beginning of a book, play, or movie.
  • Introduction: The beginning part of a book or speech that introduces what will follow.
  • Prelude: An introductory or preliminary performance or event.
  • Foreword: A short introductory statement in a book, typically by someone other than the author.
  • Commencement: The beginning or start, often used to refer to graduation ceremonies.
  • Beginning: The point in time or space at which something starts.
  • Start: The act of beginning something.
  • Opener: The first part or opening section of something.
  • Initiation: The action of beginning something.
  • Opening chapter: The first chapter in a book, setting the stage for the story to unfold

Epilogue vs. Prologue

DefinitionAn introductory section at the beginning of a book, play, or movie.A concluding section at the end of a book, play, or movie.
PurposeTo set up the story’s background, introduce characters, or explain prior events.To provide closure, reveal the fates of characters, or tie up loose ends.
TimingOccurs before the main action of the story.Occurs after the main action of the story.
Impact on PlotSets the stage and context for the narrative.Reflects on or resolves the narrative.
Typical ContentBackground information, setting details, thematic elements.Future insights, moral conclusions, hints at sequels.

Examples of Epilogue in Movies

Epilogues in movies are scenes at the end that wrap up the story or give a peek into the characters’ futures. Here are ten movies with memorable epilogues:

  1. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 – Years later, we see Harry, Hermione, and Ron sending their own kids to Hogwarts, showing how life has moved on.
  2. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King – The film ends with Frodo finishing his book and saying goodbye to his friends, offering a heartfelt farewell.
  3. Forrest Gump – The movie closes with Forrest waiting at the bus stop with his son, showing the continuation of his family’s story.
  4. American Sniper – The film ends with real footage and text commemorating the life of Chris Kyle, connecting the story back to real events.
  5. The Godfather Part III – An older Michael Corleone dies alone, showing a poignant end to a life of power and turmoil.
  6. Fight Club – The film concludes with the main characters watching buildings collapse, suggesting a new start after chaos.
  7. Titanic – It ends with Rose secretly returning the necklace to the sea and imagining reuniting with Jack, symbolizing closure and eternal love.
  8. Blade Runner 2049 – The movie finishes with Officer K lying down, quietly watching the snowfall, leaving his future open to interpretation.
  9. The Shawshank Redemption – Red finds Andy in Mexico, showing their dreams of freedom finally realized.
  10. La La Land – The film ends with a fantasy sequence of what might have been for the main characters, ending their story with a mix of joy and sadness.

Examples of Epilogue in literature

Epilogues in literature are sections at the end of books that wrap up the story or provide a glimpse into the future. Here are ten books with memorable epilogues:

  1. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” by J.K. Rowling – The epilogue, “Nineteen Years Later,” shows the main characters all grown up and sending their kids to Hogwarts, tying up the series with a hopeful future.
  2. “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood – A future academic lecture analyzes the events of the book, adding historical context and deeper meaning to the story.
  3. “Animal Farm” by George Orwell – Reflects on how the farm has changed over time, showing the long-term effects of the animals’ rebellion and the corruption of power.
  4. “War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy – Discusses the lives of the main characters years after the war, exploring deeper philosophical questions and the outcomes of their lives.
  5. “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald – Nick Carraway reflects on Gatsbyā€™s life and his own experiences, providing closure and insights into the themes of the novel.
  6. “Moby-Dick” by Herman Melville – The epilogue reveals the fate of Ishmael, the sole survivor of the Pequod, which is crucial for understanding the storyā€™s conclusion.
  7. “A Clockwork Orange” by Anthony Burgess – Shows the protagonist, Alex, contemplating his violent past and considering a different future, offering a glimpse into his potential transformation.
  8. “Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell – Scarlett O’Hara plans to return to Tara to find happiness and possibly win back Rhett, showing her resilience and determination.
  9. “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley – A reflection on the events and moral implications of the dystopian world presented in the novel, providing a philosophical closure.
  10. “Lord of the Flies” by William Golding – The boys are rescued and reflect on their actions on the island, highlighting the return to civilization and the impact of their experiences.

Examples of Epilogue in  Books

Epilogues in books often wrap up the story or offer a peek into the characters’ futures after the main events. Here are ten books with memorable epilogues:

  1. “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows” by J.K. Rowling – The epilogue shows Harry, Hermione, and Ron as adults, seeing their children off to Hogwarts, providing a hopeful conclusion to the saga.
  2. “The Fault in Our Stars” by John Green – Features a touching letter from Augustus that offers closure and deep insight into his character.
  3. “Les MisĆ©rables” by Victor Hugo – The epilogue reflects on the characters’ futures and the enduring impact of Jean Valjean’s life, emphasizing themes of redemption.
  4. “The Handmaid’s Tale” by Margaret Atwood – Ends with a symposium in the future discussing the events of the novel, providing a broader perspective on the story’s historical significance.
  5. “Mockingjay” by Suzanne Collins – Shows Katniss and Peeta years later, living a peaceful life after the turmoil of their youth, highlighting their recovery and happiness.
  6. “1984” by George Orwell – Includes an appendix on Newspeak that sheds light on the novelā€™s societal controls, enhancing understanding of its dystopian world.
  7. “Gone with the Wind” by Margaret Mitchell – Scarlett remains determined to find happiness and plans to win back Rhett, showcasing her resilience.
  8. “Atonement” by Ian McEwan – An older Briony reveals the true story behind her novel, offering a dramatic twist and a reflection on her guilt and the nature of storytelling.
  9. “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini – Ends with hope as the main characters seek redemption and a better future for the next generation.
  10. “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen – The final chapter provides updates on the lives of the Bennet sisters and their acquaintances, wrapping up their stories with satisfying resolutions.

Examples of Epilogue in Sentence 

  1. The novel’s epilogue showed how the characters’ lives turned out years after the main story ended.
  2. At the end of her memoir, the epilogue revealed how writing the book helped her heal.
  3. The movie included an epilogue where the hero reflects on the lessons learned from his adventure.
  4. During his presentation, he used an epilogue to summarize the key points and suggest future research areas.
  5. The epilogue in the play added a surprising twist that changed how we viewed the main character.
  6. When I re-read my favorite book, I always look forward to the epilogue because it gives extra details about the characters’ futures.
  7. The epilogue connected the story to a planned sequel, leaving clues about what might happen next.
  8. The epilogue of the poetry collection shared the poet’s personal notes, making the poems even more meaningful.
  9. The epilogue of the documentary provided updates on the people featured, showing where they are now.
  10. The historical book’s epilogue explained what happened to the era’s key figures after the events described in the main chapters.

Examples of Epilogue for Students

Epilogues can be a valuable tool for students to provide closure, reflect on lessons learned, or hint at future topics in their academic or creative projects. Here are ten examples of how an epilogue might be effectively used by students:

  1. In a History Project: A student concludes their presentation on World War II with an epilogue that discusses the long-term effects of the war on modern international relations.
  2. For a Science Fair Project: After demonstrating a scientific experiment, the student adds an epilogue explaining potential real-world applications of their findings.
  3. In a Student Film: At the end of their short film, a student filmmaker uses an epilogue to show how the characters’ lives have progressed five years later.
  4. During a Debate Club Summary: A student wraps up the debate session with an epilogue that summarizes the points made and reflects on the importance of the topic discussed.
  5. In a Creative Writing Assignment: A student adds an epilogue to their short story to reveal the future of the protagonist, providing a satisfying conclusion for the reader.
  6. For a Book Report: After discussing the main themes and characters, the student uses an epilogue to connect the story’s moral to personal experiences or broader societal issues.
  7. In a Class Presentation: A student presents on climate change and concludes with an epilogue that speculates about the state of the Earth in 50 years if no action is taken.
  8. For a Theatre Performance: After the main performance, students include an epilogue scene that shows the long-term impact of the playā€™s events on the community depicted.
  9. In a Poetry Recital: A student poet concludes their session with an epilogue poem that reflects on the themes presented and their meaning for contemporary society.
  10. In an Art Exhibition Commentary: After displaying their artwork, a student provides an epilogue in the form of a written statement or a speech about what they hope viewers take away from their work.

Is an Epilogue an ending?

Yes, an epilogue is typically considered an ending to a story but it functions a bit differently from the main ending. It usually comes after the central conflict has been resolved and the main narrative has concluded. The epilogue provides additional details or a glimpse into the future of the characters, often tying up loose ends and offering closure beyond the immediate ending of the story.

What makes a good Epilogue?

A good epilogue should:

  • Provide Closure: It should offer a satisfying conclusion to the story, answering lingering questions and resolving the fates of the characters.
  • Be Relevant: It should be directly related to the main story, providing information that is meaningful and enhances the overall narrative.
  • Add Depth: A good epilogue can deepen the themes or messages of the story, providing reflection and insight that enrich the reader’s understanding.
  • Maintain Consistency: The tone and style should be consistent with the rest of the work to maintain the integrity of the experience.

Is the epilogue important?

The importance of an epilogue can vary depending on the story. In some cases, it is crucial as it provides necessary closure and may even set the stage for a sequel or further exploration of the storyā€™s themes. However, not all stories require an epilogue. When used effectively, it enhances the story’s emotional impact and can leave the audience with a lasting impression, making it a significant element in narrative storytelling.

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