450+ Hebrew Words Meaning, PDF

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Created by: Team English - Examples.com, Last Updated: January 21, 2025

450+ Hebrew Words Meaning, PDF

Hebrew Words

Hebrew, a language steeped in history and spirituality, offers a fascinating linguistic journey. Its words are not just carriers of meaning but also bearers of cultural and historical significance. From the ancient texts of the Bible to the vibrant conversations on the streets of modern Israel, Hebrew words weave together the past and present, reflecting the resilience and evolution of a people. This introduction invites you to explore the depth and beauty of Hebrew, a language that has captivated scholars, religious seekers, and language lovers alike. Through its rich vocabulary, one can uncover the layers of Jewish tradition, philosophy, and everyday life, making Hebrew a treasure trove for anyone eager to dive into its unique linguistic and cultural landscape.

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Most Commonly used Hebrew Words

Hebrew Words

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Hebrew Word English Hebrew Word English
אמא Mother אבא Father
בן Son בת Daughter
אח Brother אחות Sister
ספר Book כיסא Chair
שולחן Table דלת Door
חלון Window קיר Wall
רצפה Floor תקרה Ceiling
מפתח Key נעל Shoe
חולצה Shirt מכנסיים Pants
שמלה Dress חגורה Belt
כובע Hat מגבת Towel
סכין Knife מזלג Fork
כף Spoon צלחת Plate
כוס Cup בקבוק Bottle
מים Water לחם Bread
פרי Fruit ירק Vegetable
בשר Meat דג Fish
עוף Chicken חלב Milk
גבינה Cheese עוגה Cake
קינוח Dessert מתוק Sweet
מלוח Salty חם Hot
קר Cold טעים Tasty
לא טעים Not tasty מר Bitter
חמוץ Sour פיקנטי Spicy
רחוב Street עיר City
מדינה Country בית House
דירה Apartment חדר Room
מטבח Kitchen אמבטיה Bathroom
סלון Living room מרפסת Balcony
גן Garden חצר Yard
משרד Office בית ספר School

Hebrew Words with Meanings

Hebrew Words with Meanings

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Dive into the richness of Hebrew, a language with roots deeply embedded in history and culture. Understanding Hebrew words opens a window to the soul of the Jewish people, their traditions, and beliefs. Each word is a mosaic of meanings, reflecting centuries of linguistic evolution. Here, we present ten Hebrew words, each carrying a unique essence and story, perfect for those looking to enrich their linguistic knowledge and appreciate the depth of this ancient language.

  1. Shalom – Peace, hello, goodbye; a multi-use word embodying harmony and completeness.
  2. Tzedakah – Righteousness, charity; giving from the heart as a moral duty.
  3. Chutzpah – Audacity, nerve; the boldness to go against the grain.
  4. Mishpacha – Family; the central unit of Jewish social life.
  5. Simcha – Joy, happiness; the celebration of life’s delightful moments.
  6. Tikkun Olam – Repairing the world; a call to action for social justice and environmental stewardship.
  7. Kavanah – Intention, direction of the heart; the focus one brings to prayer or deeds.
  8. Shabbat – Sabbath; a day of rest and spiritual enrichment.
  9. Mitzvah – Commandment, good deed; actions that connect one to the divine.
  10. Ruach – Spirit, wind; the breath of life and spiritual energy.

Hebrew Words and Phrases

Hebrew Words and Phrases

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Embark on a journey through the Hebrew language, rich in expressions that capture the essence of life, wisdom, and spirituality. This collection of words and phrases offers a glimpse into the heart of Hebrew-speaking cultures, revealing the values and traditions that have been passed down through generations. Ideal for students, linguists, and anyone intrigued by the depth of linguistic expressions, these selections illuminate the beauty and complexity of Hebrew.

  1. L’Chaim – To life; a toast to health and happiness.
  2. Baruch Hashem – Blessed be the Name; expressing gratitude or relief.
  3. Shalom Aleichem – Peace be upon you; a traditional greeting.
  4. Mazal Tov – Good luck, congratulations; used to celebrate joyous occasions.
  5. B’seder – Okay, all right; affirmation that things are in order.
  6. Kol Hakavod – All the respect; commendation for a job well done.
  7. Erev Tov – Good evening; a polite greeting after dusk.
  8. Sababa – Cool, awesome; informal expression of approval or satisfaction.
  9. Yalla – Let’s go, hurry; an urging to action or haste.
  10. Shavua Tov – Have a good week; a blessing given after the end of Shabbat.

Powerful Hebrew Words

Powerful Hebrew Words

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Explore the power of Hebrew, a language that conveys strength, resilience, and spirituality. The words chosen here are imbued with deep meaning, each carrying the weight of history, tradition, and emotional intensity. Perfect for seekers of wisdom and those fascinated by the impact of language on the soul, these powerful Hebrew words resonate with energy and depth.

  1. Emet – Truth; the ultimate reality and sincerity in Hebrew thought.
  2. Chesed – Loving-kindness; boundless compassion and benevolence.
  3. Geulah – Redemption; the hope for spiritual and physical salvation.
  4. Nefesh – Soul, life force; the essence of vitality and existence.
  5. Ometz – Courage, bravery; the inner strength to face adversity.
  6. Shalom – Peace; more than the absence of conflict, a state of completeness.
  7. Teshuvah – Repentance, return; the process of returning to one’s true self and to God.
  8. Ahavah – Love; a deep, unconditional love that transcends boundaries.
  9. Kedushah – Holiness; the sacred quality of being set apart for a divine purpose.
  10. Rachamim – Compassion, mercy; the feeling of empathy and love towards others.

Meaningful Hebrew Words

Meaningful Hebrew Words

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Hebrew is a language that captures the essence of life’s experiences, emotions, and spiritual quests. The following words are not just linguistically rich but are also packed with cultural and philosophical significance. Each word is a key to understanding the depth of Jewish thought, ideal for anyone drawn to the profound aspects of language and culture.

  1. Derech Eretz – The way of the land; respect and good manners.
  2. Bitachon – Trust, confidence; faith in oneself and in divine providence.
  3. Shleimut – Wholeness, completeness; the pursuit of personal and spiritual integrity.
  4. Zman – Time; the sacred dimension of time in Jewish life.
  5. Neshama – Soul, spirit; the divine spark within each individual.
  6. Hesed – Steadfast love; the loving commitment between people and between humanity and God.
  7. Slichah – Forgiveness; the act of pardoning oneself and others.
  8. Kavod – Honor, respect; the value of recognizing the dignity in every being.
  9. Emunah – Faith, belief; unwavering trust in God and His plans.
  10. Torah – Teaching, instruction; the central reference of Jewish religious law and philosophy.

Hebrew Words in the Bible

Hebrew Words in the Bible

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The Bible is not just a religious text but a compilation of Hebrew words that have shaped cultures and belief systems. These words, deeply rooted in ancient wisdom, offer insights into spiritual truths and moral guidelines. Ideal for theologians, historians, and anyone interested in the linguistic underpinnings of sacred texts, this list highlights words that resonate with biblical significance.

  1. Bereshit – In the beginning; the first word of the Bible, symbolizing creation.
  2. Shema – Hear; the imperative call to listen to the oneness of God.
  3. Elohim – God; a name of God that emphasizes His power and majesty.
  4. Manna – What is it?; the heavenly bread that fed the Israelites in the desert.
  5. Selah – Pause, reflect; a musical or liturgical term inviting contemplation.
  6. Covenant – A binding agreement; the sacred contracts between God and His people.
  7. Messiah – Anointed one; the promised deliverer of the Jewish people.
  8. Sabbath – Rest, cessation; the day of rest commemorating God’s creation.
  9. Exodus – Departure; the liberation of the Israelites from Egyptian bondage.
  10. Tabernacle – Dwelling place; the portable sanctuary in which God dwelt among His people.

Hebrew, with its rich history and spiritual depth, offers more than just a linguistic experience; it is a journey through the heart of Jewish culture and tradition. Every word in Hebrew is a gateway to understanding the resilience, beliefs, and everyday life of its speakers. This language, bridging ancient wisdom with modern vitality, is a testament to the enduring spirit of its people, making it an invaluable treasure for anyone drawn to explore its unique cultural and linguistic heritage.

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Hebrew Words with Meanings

Hebrew Words and Phrases

Powerful Hebrew Words