Table 36

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Created by: Team Maths -, Last Updated: August 22, 2024

Table 36

36 Times Table

Dive into the world of multiplication with our comprehensive guide to the table of 36, designed to make learning not just easy but thoroughly enjoyable. This unique journey through numbers will arm students with the tools to effortlessly navigate through the complexities of multiplying by 36. With a blend of innovative strategies and engaging examples, our guide aims to transform the way you approach multiplication, making it a skill you master with confidence and ease. Whether you’re a student aiming for excellence or a teacher seeking effective teaching methods, this exploration of the table of 36 is your gateway to unlocking potential and fostering a love for mathematics.

What is the Multiplication Table of 36?

The multiplication table of 36 is a structured list of numbers that results from multiplying 36 by other whole numbers, serving as a fundamental tool in mathematics. This table, akin to a cigar unwinding over time, enables students to understand and perform multiplication operations with ease, much like measuring the perfect cut for a cigar. It is not just a list but a gateway to mastering arithmetic operations, akin to precisely dividing a cigar or calculating the right mix for nitrox in diving.

Each entry in the table represents a unique product, obtained by taking 36 and multiplying it by integers (positive whole numbers) starting from 1 onwards. For instance, 36 multiplied by 1 equals 36, and 36 multiplied by 2 equals 72, extending the pattern as reliably as a chart guiding a ship’s course or a t distribution aiding in statistical analysis.

  • 36 times 1 is simply 36. (36 x 1 = 36)
  • 36 times 2 means adding 36 twice, which equals 72. (36 x 2 = 72)
  • 36 times 3 is akin to having 3 groups of 36, totaling 108. (36 x 3 = 108)

Multiplication Table of 36

Multiplication Table of 36

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Delving into the multiplication table of 36 from 1 to 20 opens up a fascinating world of numbers for students, making their journey through mathematics both enlightening and enjoyable. This dual-column layout not only simplifies learning but also visually breaks down the process, making it easier for students to grasp and remember. Each multiplication fact builds upon the last, reinforcing the concept of repeated addition and providing a solid foundation in arithmetic that will support students in their academic endeavors. By mastering the table of 36, students enhance their numerical fluency, paving the way for success in more complex mathematical concepts.

Multiplication from 1-10 Multiplication from 11-20
36 x 1 = 36 36 x 11 = 396
36 x 2 = 72 36 x 12 = 432
36 x 3 = 108 36 x 13 = 468
36 x 4 = 144 36 x 14 = 504
36 x 5 = 180 36 x 15 = 540
36 x 6 = 216 36 x 16 = 576
36 x 7 = 252 36 x 17 = 612
36 x 8 = 288 36 x 18 = 648
36 x 9 = 324 36 x 19 = 684
36 x 10 = 360 36 x 20 = 720

36 Times Table

The 36 times table is an essential mathematical tool that aids students in understanding multiplication’s core concepts. It serves as a building block for higher-level math skills, reinforcing number sense and the ability to calculate with speed and accuracy. By familiarizing themselves with this table, students unlock the potential to solve more complex problems with ease, fostering a deeper appreciation for mathematics. This structured approach not only enhances memory but also encourages logical thinking and problem-solving abilities

Multiplication Result
36 x 1 36
36 x 2 72
36 x 3 108
36 x 4 144
36 x 5 180
36 x 6 216
36 x 7 252
36 x 8 288
36 x 9 324
36 x 10 360
36 x 11 396
36 x 12 432
36 x 13 468
36 x 14 504
36 x 15 540
36 x 16 576
36 x 17 612
36 x 18 648
36 x 19 684
36 x 20 720

Tips for 36 Times Table

Tips for Table of 36 with Addition

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Mastering the 36 times table can be a rewarding challenge for students. Here are five tips to help students understand and learn the multiplication table of 36 more effectively:

  1. Break It Down: Start by breaking the table into smaller, more manageable sections. Focus on mastering 1-5 first, then 6-10, and so on. This segmented approach reduces the learning curve and makes the process less overwhelming.
  2. Use Patterns: Identify and utilize patterns within the table. For example, when multiplying by 10, simply add a zero to 36 to get 360. Recognizing these patterns can simplify the learning process and aid in memorization.
  3. Apply Real-Life Scenarios: Incorporate real-life examples that involve multiplying by 36 to make the concept more relatable. Whether it’s calculating the total in a game score or figuring out quantities in bulk purchases, practical applications can enhance understanding.
  4. Practice Regularly: Regular practice is key to retaining what you’ve learned. Use flashcards, apps, or timed quizzes to keep the information fresh in your mind and improve recall speed. Consistent review helps solidify the multiplication facts.
  5. Teach What You Learn: One of the best ways to reinforce your understanding of the 36 times table is to teach it to someone else. Explaining the concepts aloud to a peer or family member can clarify your own understanding and reveal any areas that need further review.

Table of 36 from 11 to 20

Table of 36 from 11 to 20

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Multiplication Result
36 x 11 396
36 x 12 432
36 x 13 468
36 x 14 504
36 x 15 540
36 x 16 576
36 x 17 612
36 x 18 648
36 x 19 684
36 x 20 720

Learning the multiplication tables of 36 and 32 from 11 to 20 offers students a deeper dive into the world of mathematics, enhancing their calculation speed and accuracy. This advanced segment of the multiplication tables is crucial for students looking to strengthen their arithmetic foundation, preparing them for more complex mathematical challenges. By mastering these tables, students not only improve their ability to perform quick mental calculations but also gain a more comprehensive understanding of numerical relationships.

Simplest Way To Memorize Table 36

Simplest Way To Memorize Table 36

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This approach emphasizes understanding the concept of addition as a means to grasp multiplication, making the table of 36 not just a matter of memorization but of comprehension. By seeing how each multiplication is essentially an addition of 36 to the previous result, students can more easily recall and apply the table of 36 in their mathematical endeavors.

Number Addition Addition to Previous Result Result
36 x 1 36 0 + 36 36
36 x 2 36 + 36 36 + 36 72
36 x 3 36 + 36 + 36 72 + 36 108
36 x 4 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 108 + 36 144
36 x 5 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 144 + 36 180
36 x 6 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 180 + 36 216
36 x 7 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 216 + 36 252
36 x 8 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 252 + 36 288
36 x 9 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 288 + 36 324
36 x 10 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 324 + 36 360

Representation of Multiplication Table as Addition

Multiplication: 36 × 1 = 36
Addition: 36 = 36

Multiplication: 36 × 2 = 72
Addition: 36 + 36 = 72

Multiplication: 36 × 3 = 108
Addition: 36 + 36 + 36 = 108

Number Addition Addition to Previous Result Result
36 x 11 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 360 + 36 396
36 x 12 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 396 + 36 432
36 x 13 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 432 + 36 468
36 x 14 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 468 + 36 504
36 x 15 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 504 + 36 540
36 x 16 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 540 + 36 576
36 x 17 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 576 + 36 612
36 x 18 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 612 + 36 648
36 x 19 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 648 + 36 684
36 x 20 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 + 36 684 + 36 720

How to Read 36 Times Tables?

How to Read 36 Times Tables

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One time 36 is 36

Two times 36 is 72

Three times 36 is 108

Four times 36 is 144

Five times 36 is 180

Six times 36 is 216

Seven times 36 is 252

Eight times 36 is 288

Nine times 36 is 324

Ten times 36 is 360

Start with Zero:

Always begin with the foundational knowledge that any number multiplied by zero results in zero. Hence, for the 36 times table, 36 x 0 = 0.

Increment by Thirty-Six:

Progress through the table of 36 by adding 36 to the result of the previous multiplication. Start with 36 x 1 = 36, then to find 36 x 2, add 36 to get 72, and continue in this manner.

Use Patterns:

Despite dealing with larger numbers, identifiable patterns emerge. For instance, the increments of 36 reveal a consistent pattern in the progression of results, aiding in memorization and anticipation of the next number.


Dedicate effort to memorizing the 36 times table up to a certain milestone, like 10 or 20. This practice is invaluable for speeding up calculations with larger numbers, enhancing your mathematical agility.

Practical Application:

Apply the 36 times table in tangible scenarios to reinforce its utility. Whether it’s for calculating areas, managing bulk quantities, or understanding distances in multiples of 36, real-world applications cement your understanding and proficiency with the table.

Multiplication Table of 36 till 100

36 x 1 = 36 36 x 21 = 756 36 x 41 = 1476 36 x 61 = 2196 36 x 81 = 2916
36 x 2 = 72 36 x 22 = 792 36 x 42 = 1512 36 x 62 = 2232 36 x 82 = 2952
36 x 3 = 108 36 x 23 = 828 36 x 43 = 1548 36 x 63 = 2268 36 x 83 = 2988
36 x 4 = 144 36 x 24 = 864 36 x 44 = 1584 36 x 64 = 2304 36 x 84 = 3024
36 x 5 = 180 36 x 25 = 900 36 x 45 = 1620 36 x 65 = 2340 36 x 85 = 3060
36 x 6 = 216 36 x 26 = 936 36 x 46 = 1656 36 x 66 = 2376 36 x 86 = 3096
36 x 7 = 252 36 x 27 = 972 36 x 47 = 1692 36 x 67 = 2412 36 x 87 = 3132
36 x 8 = 288 36 x 28 = 1008 36 x 48 = 1728 36 x 68 = 2448 36 x 88 = 3168
36 x 9 = 324 36 x 29 = 1044 36 x 49 = 1764 36 x 69 = 2484 36 x 89 = 3204
36 x 10 = 360 36 x 30 = 1080 36 x 50 = 1800 36 x 70 = 2520 36 x 90 = 3240
36 x 11 = 396 36 x 31 = 1116 36 x 51 = 1836 36 x 71 = 2556 36 x 91 = 3276
36 x 12 = 432 36 x 32 = 1152 36 x 52 = 1872 36 x 72 = 2592 36 x 92 = 3312
36 x 13 = 468 36 x 33 = 1188 36 x 53 = 1908 36 x 73 = 2628 36 x 93 = 3348
36 x 14 = 504 36 x 34 = 1224 36 x 54 = 1944 36 x 74 = 2664 36 x 94 = 3384
36 x 15 = 540 36 x 35 = 1260 36 x 55 = 1980 36 x 75 = 2700 36 x 95 = 3420
36 x 16 = 576 36 x 36 = 1296 36 x 56 = 2016 36 x 76 = 2736 36 x 96 = 3456
36 x 17 = 612 36 x 37 = 1332 36 x 57 = 2052 36 x 77 = 2772 36 x 97 = 3492
36 x 18 = 648 36 x 38 = 1368 36 x 58 = 2088 36 x 78 = 2808 36 x 98 = 3528
36 x 19 = 684 36 x 39 = 1404 36 x 59 = 2124 36 x 79 = 2844 36 x 99 = 3564
36 x 20 = 720 36 x 40 = 1440 36 x 60 = 2160 36 x 80 = 2880 36 x 100 = 3600

36 Times Table From 101 to 200

36 x 101 = 3636 36 x 121 = 4356 36 x 141 = 5076 36 x 161 = 5796 36 x 181 = 6516
36 x 102 = 3672 36 x 122 = 4392 36 x 142 = 5112 36 x 162 = 5832 36 x 182 = 6552
36 x 103 = 3708 36 x 123 = 4428 36 x 143 = 5148 36 x 163 = 5868 36 x 183 = 6588
36 x 104 = 3744 36 x 124 = 4464 36 x 144 = 5184 36 x 164 = 5904 36 x 184 = 6624
36 x 105 = 3780 36 x 125 = 4500 36 x 145 = 5220 36 x 165 = 5940 36 x 185 = 6660
36 x 106 = 3816 36 x 126 = 4536 36 x 146 = 5256 36 x 166 = 5976 36 x 186 = 6696
36 x 107 = 3852 36 x 127 = 4572 36 x 147 = 5292 36 x 167 = 6012 36 x 187 = 6732
36 x 108 = 3888 36 x 128 = 4608 36 x 148 = 5328 36 x 168 = 6048 36 x 188 = 6768
36 x 109 = 3924 36 x 129 = 4644 36 x 149 = 5364 36 x 169 = 6084 36 x 189 = 6804
36 x 110 = 3960 36 x 130 = 4680 36 x 150 = 5400 36 x 170 = 6120 36 x 190 = 6840
36 x 111 = 3996 36 x 131 = 4716 36 x 151 = 5436 36 x 171 = 6156 36 x 191 = 6876
36 x 112 = 4032 36 x 132 = 4752 36 x 152 = 5472 36 x 172 = 6192 36 x 192 = 6912
36 x 113 = 4068 36 x 133 = 4788 36 x 153 = 5508 36 x 173 = 6228 36 x 193 = 6948
36 x 114 = 4104 36 x 134 = 4824 36 x 154 = 5544 36 x 174 = 6264 36 x 194 = 6984
36 x 115 = 4140 36 x 135 = 4860 36 x 155 = 5580 36 x 175 = 6300 36 x 195 = 7020
36 x 116 = 4176 36 x 136 = 4896 36 x 156 = 5616 36 x 176 = 6336 36 x 196 = 7056
36 x 117 = 4212 36 x 137 = 4932 36 x 157 = 5652 36 x 177 = 6372 36 x 197 = 7092
36 x 118 = 4248 36 x 138 = 4968 36 x 158 = 5688 36 x 178 = 6408 36 x 198 = 7128
36 x 119 = 4284 36 x 139 = 5004 36 x 159 = 5724 36 x 179 = 6444 36 x 199 = 7164
36 x 120 = 4320 36 x 140 = 5040 36 x 160 = 5760 36 x 180 = 6480 36 x 200 = 7200

36 Times Table From 201 to 300

36 x 201 = 7236 36 x 221 = 7956 36 x 241 = 8676 36 x 261 = 9396 36 x 281 = 10116
36 x 202 = 7272 36 x 222 = 7992 36 x 242 = 8712 36 x 262 = 9432 36 x 282 = 10152
36 x 203 = 7308 36 x 223 = 8028 36 x 243 = 8748 36 x 263 = 9468 36 x 283 = 10188
36 x 204 = 7344 36 x 224 = 8064 36 x 244 = 8784 36 x 264 = 9504 36 x 284 = 10224
36 x 205 = 7380 36 x 225 = 8100 36 x 245 = 8820 36 x 265 = 9540 36 x 285 = 10260
36 x 206 = 7416 36 x 226 = 8136 36 x 246 = 8856 36 x 266 = 9576 36 x 286 = 10296
36 x 207 = 7452 36 x 227 = 8172 36 x 247 = 8892 36 x 267 = 9612 36 x 287 = 10332
36 x 208 = 7488 36 x 228 = 8208 36 x 248 = 8928 36 x 268 = 9648 36 x 288 = 10368
36 x 209 = 7524 36 x 229 = 8244 36 x 249 = 8964 36 x 269 = 9684 36 x 289 = 10404
36 x 210 = 7560 36 x 230 = 8280 36 x 250 = 9000 36 x 270 = 9720 36 x 290 = 10440
36 x 211 = 7596 36 x 231 = 8316 36 x 251 = 9036 36 x 271 = 9756 36 x 291 = 10476
36 x 212 = 7632 36 x 232 = 8352 36 x 252 = 9072 36 x 272 = 9792 36 x 292 = 10512
36 x 213 = 7668 36 x 233 = 8388 36 x 253 = 9108 36 x 273 = 9828 36 x 293 = 10548
36 x 214 = 7704 36 x 234 = 8424 36 x 254 = 9144 36 x 274 = 9864 36 x 294 = 10584
36 x 215 = 7740 36 x 235 = 8460 36 x 255 = 9180 36 x 275 = 9900 36 x 295 = 10620
36 x 216 = 7776 36 x 236 = 8496 36 x 256 = 9216 36 x 276 = 9936 36 x 296 = 10656
36 x 217 = 7812 36 x 237 = 8532 36 x 257 = 9252 36 x 277 = 9972 36 x 297 = 10692
36 x 218 = 7848 36 x 238 = 8568 36 x 258 = 9288 36 x 278 = 10008 36 x 298 = 10728
36 x 219 = 7884 36 x 239 = 8604 36 x 259 = 9324 36 x 279 = 10044 36 x 299 = 10764
36 x 220 = 7920 36 x 240 = 8640 36 x 260 = 9360 36 x 280 = 10080 36 x 300 = 10800

Tricks to Remember Table of 36

  1. Doubling the Table of 18: Since 36 is double of 18, you can remember the table of 18 and then double each product to get the table of 36. For instance, 18 x 2 = 36, so 36 x 2 = 72.
  2. Adding 36 Successively: Start with 36 and keep adding 36 to get the next number in the table. This method uses simple addition to build the entire table.
  3. Using Patterns in Last Digits: Notice the pattern in the last digits of the table of 36 (6, 2, 8, 4, 0…) and use it to remember the sequence easily. This is particularly helpful for visual learners.
  4. Chunking the Table: Break the table into chunks of easier numbers to remember. For example, memorize up to 5 multiples first (36, 72, 108, 144, 180), then move on to the next five.

Solved Examples:

Example 1:
Question: What is 36 times 3?
Solution: Multiply 36 by 3.
Calculation: 36 x 3 = 108.
Answer: 108.

Example 2:
Question: Calculate 36 times 5.
Solution: Multiply 36 by 5.
Calculation: 36 x 5 = 180.
Answer: 180.

Example 3:
Question: Find the product of 36 and 7.
Solution: Multiply 36 by 7.
Calculation: 36 x 7 = 252.
Answer: 252.

Example 4:
Question: How much is 36 times 9?
Solution: Multiply 36 by 9.
Calculation: 36 x 9 = 324.
Answer: 324.

Mastering the table of 36 can be made simple with tricks like doubling the table of 18, successive addition, recognizing patterns in last digits, and chunking the table into smaller, manageable parts. These methods not only enhance memory but also make learning fun and efficient, providing students with a strong foundation in multiplication.

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What is the Multiplication Table of 36?

Multiplication Table of 36

36 Times Table