Table of 38

Team Maths -
Created by: Team Maths -, Last Updated: June 26, 2024

Table of 38


The Table of 38 stands as a significant landmark in the journey through elementary mathematics, illustrating the process of multiplying the number 38 by various integers. This chart goes beyond mere memorization, acting instead as a gateway to the wider universe of intricate numerical operations, especially when viewed through the prism of repeated addition. For example, multiplying 38 by 2 (38 x 2) can be visualized as adding 38 to itself once (38+38), leading to a total of 76.

Incorporating the Table of 38 within educational materials in an engaging and effective manner is key to its comprehensive understanding, making it an indispensable tool for students poised to move beyond basic arithmetic. Proficiency in the 38 times table propels learners into higher realms of mathematical thought. By perceiving the Table of 38 as a series of additive steps—for instance, tripling 38 (38 + 38 + 38) to achieve 38 x 3 = 114—students establish a robust groundwork for deeper mathematical comprehension and application.

What is the Multiplication Table of 38?

The Multiplication Table of 38 is a fundamental mathematical tool that delineates the results of multiplying the number 38 by various integers. It plays a critical role for students aiming to sharpen their rapid problem-solving abilities and recognize numerical patterns efficiently. This table is particularly helpful in understanding the concept of repeated addition, with 38 serving as the foundational number.

  • 38 times 1 equals precisely 38. (38 x 1 = 38)
  • 38 times 2 involves adding 38 twice, yielding 76. (38 x 2 = 76)
  • 38 times 3 signifies adding 38 three times, resulting in a total of 114. (38 x 3 = 114)

Multiplication Table of 38

Multiplication Table of 38 Download in PDF

Mastering the Multiplication Table of 38 is a significant step forward in a student’s mathematical journey. It not only sharpens quick calculation skills but also lays a foundation for grasping more complex mathematical concepts. The table of 38, with its unique patterns and sequences, offers a splendid opportunity to explore the beauty of numbers. Understanding this table enhances a student’s ability to perform rapid calculations, an invaluable skill in both academic settings and daily life.

Multiplication from (1-10) Multiplication from (11-20)
38 x 1 = 38 38 x 11 = 418
38 x 2 = 76 38 x 12 = 456
38 x 3 = 114 38 x 13 = 494
38 x 4 = 152 38 x 14 = 532
38 x 5 = 190 38 x 15 = 570
38 x 6 = 228 38 x 16 = 608
38 x 7 = 266 38 x 17 = 646
38 x 8 = 304 38 x 18 = 684
38 x 9 = 342 38 x 19 = 722
38 x 10 = 380 38 x 20 = 760

38 Times Table

The Multiplication Table of 38 offers a straightforward path for students to enhance their understanding of multiplication through an easy-to-learn method. By breaking down the process into simple steps, students can quickly grasp the concept of repeated addition, making the learning of this table more approachable. This method not only aids in memorizing the table but also in recognizing patterns and applying them to solve more complex mathematical problems.

Multiplication Result
38 x 1 38
38 x 2 76
38 x 3 114
38 x 4 152
38 x 5 190
38 x 6 228
38 x 7 266
38 x 8 304
38 x 9 342
38 x 10 380
38 x 11 418
38 x 12 456
38 x 13 494
38 x 14 532
38 x 15 570
38 x 16 608
38 x 17 646
38 x 18 684
38 x 19 722
38 x 20 760

Tricks for Mastering the 38 Times Table

simplest Way to Remember Write Multiplication Table of 38Download in PDF

  1. Chunking Method: Break down the table into smaller segments. Start with multiplying 38 by 1-5, then 6-10, and so on. This makes the learning process manageable and less overwhelming.
  2. Pattern Recognition: Pay attention to the patterns in the results, especially the last digits. Recognizing these patterns can help you predict future products and reinforce your memory of the table.
  3. Relate to Known Facts: Use multiplication facts that you are already comfortable with to build on. For example, if you know the table of 19 well, you can double those results to get the answers for the table of 38.
  4. Use Visual Aids: Create flashcards or charts with the Multiplication Table of 38. Visual learning can be incredibly effective, as seeing the information laid out can help solidify your understanding and recall.
  5. Practical Application: Apply what you’ve learned by solving real-world problems involving the number 38. Whether it’s calculating expenses, distances, or quantities, using the table in practical scenarios can enhance your grasp of the concept.

Table of 38 from 11 to 20

Table of 38 from 11 to 20 Download in PDF

Understanding the Table of 38 enhances students’ numerical fluency, enabling them to quickly solve problems and recognize patterns. This learning tool simplifies multiplication, making it accessible and manageable. By mastering the Table of 38, students gain confidence in their mathematical abilities, paving the way for success in more complex mathematical concepts. It’s an essential step in their journey towards mathematical proficiency, fostering an environment where learning is both effective and engaging.

Multiplication Result
38 x 11 418
38 x 12 456
38 x 13 494
38 x 14 532
38 x 15 570
38 x 16 608
38 x 17 646
38 x 18 684
38 x 19 722
38 x 20 760

Repeated Additions Table for 38

Number Addition Result
38 x 1 38 38
38 x 2 38 + 38 76
38 x 3 38 + 38 + 38 114
38 x 4 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 152
38 x 5 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 190
38 x 6 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 228
38 x 7 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 266
38 x 8 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 304
38 x 9 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 342
38 x 10 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 380

Representation of Multiplication Table as Addition for Table of 38

Example 1: 38 x 2 = 76 can be seen as 38 + 38 = 76.

Example 2: 38 x 3 = 114 is understood as 38 + 38 + 38 = 114.

Row Number Addition Addition to Previous Result Result
1 38 38 38
2 38 + 38 38 + 38 76
3 38 + 38 + 38 76 + 38 114
4 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 114 + 38 152
5 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 152 + 38 190
6 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 190 + 38 228
7 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 228 + 38 266
8 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 266 + 38 304
9 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 304 + 38 342
10 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 + 38 342 + 38 380

How to Read the 38 Times Tables

How to Read 38 Times Tables Download in PDF

One time 38 is 38

Two times 38 is 76

Three times 38 is 114

Four times 38 is 152

Five times 38 is 190

Six times 38 is 228

Seven times 38 is 266

Eight times 38 is 304

Nine times 38 is 342

Ten times 38 is 380

Start with Zero: Understanding that multiplying any number by zero results in zero is essential. Therefore, 38 x 0 equals 0, a basic principle in multiplication.

Increment by Thirty-Eight: Progress through the multiplication table by adding 38 more with each step. Start with 38 x 1 = 38, then move to 38 x 2 = 76, continuing this addition pattern.

Look for Patterns: Observing the multiplication table more closely reveals a consistent pattern where each result increases by thirty-eight. This regularity aids in predicting future results within the series, making learning more intuitive.

Memorization: Committing the multiplication facts to memory can significantly speed up calculations. Key milestones within the table, like 38 x 5 = 190, act as anchors to facilitate quick recall.

Apply What You Learn: Using the 38 times table in real-life applications can greatly enhance understanding and retention. Calculating expenses involving multiples of 38 or dealing with quantities where 38 is a factor demonstrates the practical utility of this knowledge.

Multiplication Table of 38 till 100

38 x 1 = 38 38 x 21 = 798 38 x 41 = 1558 38 x 61 = 2318 38 x 81 = 3078
38 x 2 = 76 38 x 22 = 836 38 x 42 = 1596 38 x 62 = 2356 38 x 82 = 3116
38 x 3 = 114 38 x 23 = 874 38 x 43 = 1634 38 x 63 = 2394 38 x 83 = 3154
38 x 4 = 152 38 x 24 = 912 38 x 44 = 1672 38 x 64 = 2432 38 x 84 = 3192
38 x 5 = 190 38 x 25 = 950 38 x 45 = 1710 38 x 65 = 2470 38 x 85 = 3230
38 x 6 = 228 38 x 26 = 988 38 x 46 = 1748 38 x 66 = 2508 38 x 86 = 3268
38 x 7 = 266 38 x 27 = 1026 38 x 47 = 1786 38 x 67 = 2546 38 x 87 = 3306
38 x 8 = 304 38 x 28 = 1064 38 x 48 = 1824 38 x 68 = 2584 38 x 88 = 3344
38 x 9 = 342 38 x 29 = 1102 38 x 49 = 1862 38 x 69 = 2622 38 x 89 = 3382
38 x 10 = 380 38 x 30 = 1140 38 x 50 = 1900 38 x 70 = 2660 38 x 90 = 3420
38 x 11 = 418 38 x 31 = 1178 38 x 51 = 1938 38 x 71 = 2698 38 x 91 = 3458
38 x 12 = 456 38 x 32 = 1216 38 x 52 = 1976 38 x 72 = 2736 38 x 92 = 3496
38 x 13 = 494 38 x 33 = 1254 38 x 53 = 2014 38 x 73 = 2774 38 x 93 = 3534
38 x 14 = 532 38 x 34 = 1292 38 x 54 = 2052 38 x 74 = 2812 38 x 94 = 3572
38 x 15 = 570 38 x 35 = 1330 38 x 55 = 2090 38 x 75 = 2850 38 x 95 = 3610
38 x 16 = 608 38 x 36 = 1368 38 x 56 = 2128 38 x 76 = 2888 38 x 96 = 3648
38 x 17 = 646 38 x 37 = 1406 38 x 57 = 2166 38 x 77 = 2926 38 x 97 = 3686
38 x 18 = 684 38 x 38 = 1444 38 x 58 = 2204 38 x 78 = 2964 38 x 98 = 3724
38 x 19 = 722 38 x 39 = 1482 38 x 59 = 2242 38 x 79 = 3002 38 x 99 = 3762
38 x 20 = 760 38 x 40 = 1520 38 x 60 = 2280 38 x 80 = 3040 38 x 100 = 3800

Multiplication Table of 101 to 200

38 x 101 = 3838 38 x 121 = 4598 38 x 141 = 5358 38 x 161 = 6118 38 x 181 = 6878
38 x 102 = 3876 38 x 122 = 4636 38 x 142 = 5396 38 x 162 = 6156 38 x 182 = 6916
38 x 103 = 3914 38 x 123 = 4674 38 x 143 = 5434 38 x 163 = 6194 38 x 183 = 6954
38 x 104 = 3952 38 x 124 = 4712 38 x 144 = 5472 38 x 164 = 6232 38 x 184 = 6992
38 x 105 = 3990 38 x 125 = 4750 38 x 145 = 5510 38 x 165 = 6270 38 x 185 = 7030
38 x 106 = 4028 38 x 126 = 4788 38 x 146 = 5548 38 x 166 = 6308 38 x 186 = 7068
38 x 107 = 4066 38 x 127 = 4826 38 x 147 = 5586 38 x 167 = 6346 38 x 187 = 7106
38 x 108 = 4104 38 x 128 = 4864 38 x 148 = 5624 38 x 168 = 6384 38 x 188 = 7144
38 x 109 = 4142 38 x 129 = 4902 38 x 149 = 5662 38 x 169 = 6422 38 x 189 = 7182
38 x 110 = 4180 38 x 130 = 4940 38 x 150 = 5700 38 x 170 = 6460 38 x 190 = 7220
38 x 111 = 4218 38 x 131 = 4978 38 x 151 = 5738 38 x 171 = 6498 38 x 191 = 7258
38 x 112 = 4256 38 x 132 = 5016 38 x 152 = 5776 38 x 172 = 6536 38 x 192 = 7296
38 x 113 = 4294 38 x 133 = 5054 38 x 153 = 5814 38 x 173 = 6574 38 x 193 = 7334
38 x 114 = 4332 38 x 134 = 5092 38 x 154 = 5852 38 x 174 = 6612 38 x 194 = 7372
38 x 115 = 4370 38 x 135 = 5130 38 x 155 = 5890 38 x 175 = 6650 38 x 195 = 7410
38 x 116 = 4408 38 x 136 = 5168 38 x 156 = 5928 38 x 176 = 6688 38 x 196 = 7448
38 x 117 = 4446 38 x 137 = 5206 38 x 157 = 5966 38 x 177 = 6726 38 x 197 = 7486
38 x 118 = 4484 38 x 138 = 5244 38 x 158 = 6004 38 x 178 = 6764 38 x 198 = 7524
38 x 119 = 4522 38 x 139 = 5282 38 x 159 = 6042 38 x 179 = 6802 38 x 199 = 7562
38 x 120 = 4560 38 x 140 = 5320 38 x 160 = 6080 38 x 180 = 6840 38 x 200 = 7600

Multiplication Table of  201 to 300

38 x 201 = 7638 38 x 221 = 8398 38 x 241 = 9158 38 x 261 = 9918 38 x 281 = 10678
38 x 202 = 7676 38 x 222 = 8436 38 x 242 = 9196 38 x 262 = 9956 38 x 282 = 10716
38 x 203 = 7714 38 x 223 = 8474 38 x 243 = 9234 38 x 263 = 9994 38 x 283 = 10754
38 x 204 = 7752 38 x 224 = 8512 38 x 244 = 9272 38 x 264 = 10032 38 x 284 = 10792
38 x 205 = 7790 38 x 225 = 8550 38 x 245 = 9310 38 x 265 = 10070 38 x 285 = 10830
38 x 206 = 7828 38 x 226 = 8588 38 x 246 = 9348 38 x 266 = 10108 38 x 286 = 10868
38 x 207 = 7866 38 x 227 = 8626 38 x 247 = 9386 38 x 267 = 10146 38 x 287 = 10906
38 x 208 = 7904 38 x 228 = 8664 38 x 248 = 9424 38 x 268 = 10184 38 x 288 = 10944
38 x 209 = 7942 38 x 229 = 8702 38 x 249 = 9462 38 x 269 = 10222 38 x 289 = 10982
38 x 210 = 7980 38 x 230 = 8740 38 x 250 = 9500 38 x 270 = 10260 38 x 290 = 11020
38 x 211 = 8018 38 x 231 = 8778 38 x 251 = 9538 38 x 271 = 10298 38 x 291 = 11058
38 x 212 = 8056 38 x 232 = 8816 38 x 252 = 9576 38 x 272 = 10336 38 x 292 = 11096
38 x 213 = 8094 38 x 233 = 8854 38 x 253 = 9614 38 x 273 = 10374 38 x 293 = 11134
38 x 214 = 8132 38 x 234 = 8892 38 x 254 = 9652 38 x 274 = 10412 38 x 294 = 11172
38 x 215 = 8170 38 x 235 = 8930 38 x 255 = 9690 38 x 275 = 10450 38 x 295 = 11210
38 x 216 = 8208 38 x 236 = 8968 38 x 256 = 9728 38 x 276 = 10488 38 x 296 = 11248
38 x 217 = 8246 38 x 237 = 9006 38 x 257 = 9766 38 x 277 = 10526 38 x 297 = 11286
38 x 218 = 8284 38 x 238 = 9044 38 x 258 = 9804 38 x 278 = 10564 38 x 298 = 11324
38 x 219 = 8322 38 x 239 = 9082 38 x 259 = 9842 38 x 279 = 10602 38 x 299 = 11362
38 x 220 = 8360 38 x 240 = 9120 38 x 260 = 9880 38 x 280 = 10640 38 x 300 = 11400

Solved Examples:

Example 1:

Question: What is 38 times 5?
Solution: To find the product of 38 and 5, we multiply the two numbers.
Calculation: 38 x 5 = 190
Answer: 190

Example 2:

Question: How much is 38 multiplied by 15?
Solution: To calculate 38 times 15, we perform the multiplication operation.
Calculation: 38 x 15 = 570
Answer: 570

Example 3:

Question: What is the result of multiplying 38 by 22?
Solution: Multiply 38 by 22 to find the answer.
Calculation: 38 x 22 = 836
Answer: 836

Example 4:

Question: Calculate the product of 38 and 100.
Solution: To find out how much 38 times 100 is, we multiply the numbers together.
Calculation: 38 x 100 = 3800
Answer: 3800

The Table of 38 is more than just numbers; it’s a gateway to mastering multiplication, enhancing numerical fluency, and unlocking mathematical patterns. By adopting strategic learning methods, such as breaking down the table, recognizing patterns, and applying practical examples, students can effortlessly navigate through it. This foundational skill paves the way for advanced mathematical understanding and application in real-world scenarios.

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