Table of 72

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Created by: Team Maths -, Last Updated: September 3, 2024

Table of 72

72 Times Table

The table of 72 is a fundamental component in the vast universe of mathematics, illustrating the method of multiplying the number 72 by various integers. This multiplication table is essential for showcasing how multiplication serves as a quick and effective way to add the number 72 repeatedly. For instance, multiplying 72 by 2 (72 x 2) is equivalent to adding 72 to itself once, resulting in a sum of 144. Applying this principle across different numbers generates a broad array of results, crucial for fostering rapid calculation skills that are vital in both educational settings and daily life.

Incorporating the table of 72 into a range of learning resources is key to its memorization, rendering it a priceless tool for students progressing in their mathematical education. Mastering the 72 times table is not only beneficial for enhancing fast mental math capabilities but also for expanding the grasp of complex number patterns, laying a sturdy foundation for tackling more advanced mathematical concepts.

What is the Multiplication Table of 72?

The Multiplication Table of 72 is an organized chart that delineates the results of multiplying the number 72 by a range of whole numbers. This table serves as a crucial collection of mathematical facts, illustrating the consecutive multiplication of 72 starting from 1. It is particularly valuable for students aiming to boost their quick problem-solving skills. The table aids in recognizing numerical patterns and lays the groundwork for tackling more advanced mathematical theories. Essentially, it acts as a mathematical shortcut, simplifying the process of repeatedly adding the number 72, thereby making calculations more straightforward and time-efficient.

  • 72 times 1 is simply 72. (72 x 1 = 72)
  • 72 times 2 involves adding 72 twice, totaling 144. (72 x 2 = 144)
  • 72 times 4 equates to forming 4 groups of 72, which equals 288. (72 x 4 = 288)

Multiplication Table of 72

Multiplication Table of 72

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Multiplication from (1-10) Multiplication from (11-20)
72 x 1 = 72 72 x 11 = 792
72 x 2 = 144 72 x 12 = 864
72 x 3 = 216 72 x 13 = 936
72 x 4 = 288 72 x 14 = 1008
72 x 5 = 360 72 x 15 = 1080
72 x 6 = 432 72 x 16 = 1152
72 x 7 = 504 72 x 17 = 1224
72 x 8 = 576 72 x 18 = 1296
72 x 9 = 648 72 x 19 = 1368
72 x 10 = 720 72 x 20 = 1440

72 Times Table

Understanding and memorizing the multiplication table of 72 is pivotal for students to enhance their arithmetic skills. It’s not just about rote learning; grasping the 72 times table can significantly improve problem-solving speed and accuracy, making complex mathematical challenges more manageable. This table is especially beneficial for identifying patterns and applying them to various mathematical concepts, aiding students in developing a robust numerical foundation.

Multiplication Result
72 x 1 72
72 x 2 144
72 x 3 216
72 x 4 288
72 x 5 360
72 x 6 432
72 x 7 504
72 x 8 576
72 x 9 648
72 x 10 720
72 x 11 792
72 x 12 864
72 x 13 936
72 x 14 1008
72 x 15 1080
72 x 16 1152
72 x 17 1224
72 x 18 1296
72 x 19 1368
72 x 20 1440

Table of 72 from 11 to 20

Table of 72 from 11 to 20

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Delving deeper into the multiplication table of 72 from 11 to 20 offers students a comprehensive understanding and an enhanced grip on larger numbers. This part of the journey through the table of 72 not only solidifies their arithmetic skills but also broadens their perspective on numerical relationships. It’s a vital step for students aiming to excel in mathematics, providing them with the confidence to tackle more complex problems with ease. Let’s extend our exploration beyond the basics into the realm of larger multipliers.

Multiplication Result
11 x 72 792
12 x 72 864
13 x 72 936
14 x 72 1008
15 x 72 1080
16 x 72 1152
17 x 72 1224
18 x 72 1296
19 x 72 1368
20 x 72 1440

Tricks to Remember Table of 72

simplest Way to Remember Write Multiplication Table of 72

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Tips for 72 Times Table

Mastering the 72 times table is a significant step towards achieving mathematical fluency. Here are five practical tips to help students understand and learn the multiplication table of 72 with ease:

1. Break It Down into Smaller Segments

Start by breaking down the 72 times table into smaller, more manageable segments. Focus on learning the table in chunks, such as 1-5, 6-10, 11-15, and 16-20. This method makes it less overwhelming and allows for focused practice on each segment before moving on to the next.

2. Use Patterns and Relationships

Notice patterns within the table to simplify learning. For example, every time you multiply by 10, the result ends in a zero. Recognizing such patterns can reduce the need for rote memorization and make calculations quicker and more intuitive.

3. Practice Regularly

Consistency is key when learning multiplication tables. Daily practice, even for a few minutes, can significantly improve recall and understanding. Use flashcards, apps, or practice quizzes to reinforce memory and test your knowledge regularly.

4. Apply Real-Life Examples

Connecting the multiplication table to real-life scenarios can make learning more relatable and memorable. For instance, if saving $72 each month, calculate how much will be saved in a year by multiplying 72 by 12. This approach helps understand the practical application and significance of multiplication in daily life.

5. Visual Learning Aids

Utilize visual aids like charts, graphs, or online videos that illustrate the 72 times table. Visual tools can help in understanding complex patterns and offer a different perspective to approach learning. They’re especially useful for visual learners who might find traditional methods challenging.

Simplest Way To Memorize Table 72

Simplest Way To Memorize Table 72 .

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Number Addition Result
1 72 72
2 72 + 72 144
3 72 + 72 + 72 216
4 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 288
5 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 360
6 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 432
7 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 504
8 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 576
9 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 648
10 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 + 72 720

This method visually breaks down the concept of multiplication into repeated addition, offering an alternative perspective that might resonate better with visual learners or those struggling with traditional multiplication techniques.

Representation of Multiplication Table as Addition

Example 1: For 72 times 2, instead of calculating directly, you can think of it as adding 72 twice: 72 + 72 = 144.

Example 2: For 72 times 3, consider it as adding 72 three times: 72 + 72 + 72 = 216.

Row Number Addition Addition to Previous Result Result
1 72 72 72
2 72 + 72 144 144
3 72 + 144 216 216
4 72 + 216 288 288
5 72 + 288 360 360
6 72 + 360 432 432
7 72 + 432 504 504
8 72 + 504 576 576
9 72 + 576 648 648
10 72 + 648 720 720

This table starts with the basic concept of adding 72 for the first multiplication (72 x 1) and then builds upon it incrementally for each subsequent multiplication up to 72 x 10. Through this addition-focused method, students can easily visualize and understand the multiplication process, enhancing their ability to recall and apply the 72 times table in various mathematical contexts.

How to Read 72 Times Tables?

How to Read 72 Times Tables

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One time 72 is 72

Two times 72 is 144

Three times 72 is 216

Four times 72 is 288

Five times 72 is 360

Six times 72 is 432

Seven times 72 is 504

Eight times 72 is 576

Nine times 72 is 648

Ten times 72 is 720

Through these examples, the table of 72 becomes not just a series of numbers, but a pathway to greater mathematical exploration and achievement.

Multiplication Table of 72 till 100

72×1 = 72 72×26 = 1872 72×51 = 3672 72×76 = 5472
72×2 = 144 72×27 = 1944 72×52 = 3744 72×77 = 5544
72×3 = 216 72×28 = 2016 72×53 = 3816 72×78 = 5616
72×4 = 288 72×29 = 2088 72×54 = 3888 72×79 = 5688
72×5 = 360 72×30 = 2160 72×55 = 3960 72×80 = 5760
72×6 = 432 72×31 = 2232 72×56 = 4032 72×81 = 5832
72×7 = 504 72×32 = 2304 72×57 = 4104 72×82 = 5904
72×8 = 576 72×33 = 2376 72×58 = 4176 72×83 = 5976
72×9 = 648 72×34 = 2448 72×59 = 4248 72×84 = 6048
72×10 = 720 72×35 = 2520 72×60 = 4320 72×85 = 6120
72×11 = 792 72×36 = 2592 72×61 = 4392 72×86 = 6192
72×12 = 864 72×37 = 2664 72×62 = 4464 72×87 = 6264
72×13 = 936 72×38 = 2736 72×63 = 4536 72×88 = 6336
72×14 = 1008 72×39 = 2808 72×64 = 4608 72×89 = 6408
72×15 = 1080 72×40 = 2880 72×65 = 4680 72×90 = 6480
72×16 = 1152 72×41 = 2952 72×66 = 4752 72×91 = 6552
72×17 = 1224 72×42 = 3024 72×67 = 4824 72×92 = 6624
72×18 = 1296 72×43 = 3096 72×68 = 4896 72×93 = 6696
72×19 = 1368 72×44 = 3168 72×69 = 4968 72×94 = 6768
72×20 = 1440 72×45 = 3240 72×70 = 5040 72×95 = 6840
72×21 = 1512 72×46 = 3312 72×71 = 5112 72×96 = 6912
72×22 = 1584 72×47 = 3384 72×72 = 5184 72×97 = 6984
72×23 = 1656 72×48 = 3456 72×73 = 5256 72×98 = 7056
72×24 = 1728 72×49 = 3528 72×74 = 5328 72×99 = 7128
72×25 = 1800 72×50 = 3600 72×75 = 5400 72×100 = 7200

72Times Table From 101 to 200

72×101 = 7272 72×126 = 9072 72×151 = 10872 72×176 = 12672
72×102 = 7344 72×127 = 9144 72×152 = 10944 72×177 = 12744
72×103 = 7416 72×128 = 9216 72×153 = 11016 72×178 = 12816
72×104 = 7488 72×129 = 9288 72×154 = 11088 72×179 = 12888
72×105 = 7560 72×130 = 9360 72×155 = 11160 72×180 = 12960
72×106 = 7632 72×131 = 9432 72×156 = 11232 72×181 = 13032
72×107 = 7704 72×132 = 9504 72×157 = 11304 72×182 = 13104
72×108 = 7776 72×133 = 9576 72×158 = 11376 72×183 = 13176
72×109 = 7848 72×134 = 9648 72×159 = 11448 72×184 = 13248
72×110 = 7920 72×135 = 9720 72×160 = 11520 72×185 = 13320
72×111 = 7992 72×136 = 9792 72×161 = 11592 72×186 = 13392
72×112 = 8064 72×137 = 9864 72×162 = 11664 72×187 = 13464
72×113 = 8136 72×138 = 9936 72×163 = 11736 72×188 = 13536
72×114 = 8208 72×139 = 10008 72×164 = 11808 72×189 = 13608
72×115 = 8280 72×140 = 10080 72×165 = 11880 72×190 = 13680
72×116 = 8352 72×141 = 10152 72×166 = 11952 72×191 = 13752
72×117 = 8424 72×142 = 10224 72×167 = 12024 72×192 = 13824
72×118 = 8496 72×143 = 10296 72×168 = 12096 72×193 = 13896
72×119 = 8568 72×144 = 10368 72×169 = 12168 72×194 = 13968
72×120 = 8640 72×145 = 10440 72×170 = 12240 72×195 = 14040
72×121 = 8712 72×146 = 10512 72×171 = 12312 72×196 = 14112
72×122 = 8784 72×147 = 10584 72×172 = 12384 72×197 = 14184
72×123 = 8856 72×148 = 10656 72×173 = 12456 72×198 = 14256
72×124 = 8928 72×149 = 10728 72×174 = 12528 72×199 = 14328
72×125 = 9000 72×150 = 10800 72×175 = 12600 72×200 = 14400

72Times Table From 101 to 200

72×201 = 14472 72×226 = 16272 72×251 = 18072 72×276 = 19872
72×202 = 14544 72×227 = 16344 72×252 = 18144 72×277 = 19944
72×203 = 14616 72×228 = 16416 72×253 = 18216 72×278 = 20016
72×204 = 14688 72×229 = 16488 72×254 = 18288 72×279 = 20088
72×205 = 14760 72×230 = 16560 72×255 = 18360 72×280 = 20160
72×206 = 14832 72×231 = 16632 72×256 = 18432 72×281 = 20232
72×207 = 14904 72×232 = 16704 72×257 = 18504 72×282 = 20304
72×208 = 14976 72×233 = 16776 72×258 = 18576 72×283 = 20376
72×209 = 15048 72×234 = 16848 72×259 = 18648 72×284 = 20448
72×210 = 15120 72×235 = 16920 72×260 = 18720 72×285 = 20520
72×211 = 15192 72×236 = 16992 72×261 = 18792 72×286 = 20592
72×212 = 15264 72×237 = 17064 72×262 = 18864 72×287 = 20664
72×213 = 15336 72×238 = 17136 72×263 = 18936 72×288 = 20736
72×214 = 15408 72×239 = 17208 72×264 = 19008 72×289 = 20808
72×215 = 15480 72×240 = 17280 72×265 = 19080 72×290 = 20880
72×216 = 15552 72×241 = 17352 72×266 = 19152 72×291 = 20952
72×217 = 15624 72×242 = 17424 72×267 = 19224 72×292 = 21024
72×218 = 15696 72×243 = 17496 72×268 = 19296 72×293 = 21096
72×219 = 15768 72×244 = 17568 72×269 = 19368 72×294 = 21168
72×220 = 15840 72×245 = 17640 72×270 = 19440 72×295 = 21240
72×221 = 15912 72×246 = 17712 72×271 = 19512 72×296 = 21312
72×222 = 15984 72×247 = 17784 72×272 = 19584 72×297 = 21384
72×223 = 16056 72×248 = 17856 72×273 = 19656 72×298 = 21456
72×224 = 16128 72×249 = 17928 72×274 = 19728 72×299 = 21528
72×225 = 16200 72×250 = 18000 72×275 = 19800 72×300 = 21600

Solved Examples:

Example 1:

Question: What is 3 times 72? Solution: To find 3 times 72, multiply 3 by 72. Calculation: 3 × 72 = 216 Answer: 3 times 72 is 216.

Example 2:

Question: What is 6 times 72? Solution: To find 6 times 72, multiply 6 by 72. Calculation: 6 × 72 = 432 Answer: 6 times 72 is 432.

Example 3:

Question: What is 7 times 72? Solution: To find 7 times 72, multiply 7 by 72. Calculation: 7 × 72 = 504 Answer: 7 times 72 is 504.

Example 4:

Question: What is 9 times 72? Solution: To find 9 times 72, multiply 9 by 72. Calculation: 9 × 72 = 648 Answer: 9 times 72 is 648.

The table of 72 is a powerful tool for enhancing mathematical skills, offering a straightforward way to tackle complex calculations. Through practice and understanding, students can master this table, building a strong foundation for advanced math. These examples illustrate the simplicity and practicality of the 72 times table, showcasing its importance in mathematical education

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