College Application

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

College Application

College Application Examples & Samples

College is completely different from any other school life. It is a phase wherein an individual is not just honed from the academic-related process, for college also serves as the gateway for exposure to the real-world scenario. However, unlike the primary and secondary education phase, college life isn’t just fun and games at all. College is the time of our lives where independence takes into effect, especially if we talk about college admission alone. Probably you might be thinking right now that getting into your dream college or university might be an impossible task for you. But what if we’re going to tell you that being admitted into a prestigious college is as simple as one, two, three. How? By submitting one professional College Application document! To know more about it, feel free to check out our article below.

College Application Form Template

College Application Form Template
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Size: A4, US


University Application Notice Template

University Application Notice Template
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Size: A4, US


University Application Timeline Template

University Application Timeline Template
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Size: A4, US


University Application Form Template

University Application Form Template
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Size: A4, US


College Application Planner Template

College Application Planner Template
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  • Pages

Size: A4, US


College and University Application Timeline Template

College and University Application Timeline Template
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Size: A4, US


University Board Application Form Template

University Board Application Form Template
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Size: A4, US


University Online Application Form Template

University Online Application Form Template
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  • Google Docs

Size: A4, US


Universal Application

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  • PDF

Size: 156 KB


Veterinary College

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  • PDF

Size: 923 KB


Graduation Application

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 101 KB


College Scholarship

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  • PDF

Size: 504 KB


College Grant Application

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  • PDF

Size: 526 KB


Sample College

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 192 KB


Medical College

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 83 KB


Printable Application

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  • PDF

Size: 129 KB


What Is a College Application?

As the name suggests, a college application is a process by which a candidate applies for a college or university entry. This requirement usually revolves around the basic background information of the applicant, including personal data, family background, and academic details, piled in one formal document. A college application also serves as an avenue for the college or university institution to discuss possibilities of one applicant’s admission. Additionally, college application submission usually comes with a letter of recommendation, written by previous high school guidance counselors or teachers.

Tips on Formulating College Application

Actualizing one college application serves as one of your keys to college admission. Writing a professional and compelling college application might be an overwhelming process to deal with—considering how crucial it is—but keep in mind that the average acceptance rate for colleges in the U.S. alone as of 2017 is 66 percent, as per National Association for College Admissions Counseling. However, that doesn’t imply that you have to be complacent at all, for you still need to ensure that you can avoid the mishap of being rejected at your dream college or university.

Tip 1: State the Facts

In creating one compelling college application, take note that you aim to present yourself into the college or university you desire. The first thing that you need to recognize is to know your critical assets. Lay all the facts about your strengths as a student or individual, and if possible, include supplemental materials that demonstrate your qualifications. Nevertheless, you need to be aware of how to present yourself to college admissions officers; hence, you need to be honest in presenting facts about yourself at all times.

Tip 2: Don’t Go Too Far

Understandably, you might get carried away in presenting yourself upon formulating your college application, considering that eagerness of getting accepted could fuel you. As much as you want to show off your qualities, make sure to apply conciseness in actualizing your college application. Just like any other formal document like letters, a college application should establish a clear message and tone in terms of its delivery.

Tip 3: Clear Your Social Media

If instances occur wherein including social media in your college application is a requirement, maybe you should take time to look back and cleanse your social media account. Why? Here’s an eye-opener fact for you: according to the Kaplan Test Prep survey in 2018, 25% of college admissions officers review their applicants’ social media profiles.

Tip 4: Include Official Documents

As mentioned in the first tip, providing a supplemental material showing your qualification is essential for college application. Materials like SAT and ACT scores or transcript of record that testifies your educational attainment could leverage the chance of standing out your college application, so you might as well include it. However, for transcripts, some college institutions only accept transcript of records sent directly to them from your high school, but if instances where you pick up your transcript for your college application, be sure that you do not open the envelope.


How many colleges should I apply to?

If we refer to experts, applying for college should range for at least four to 10 institutions. However, there’s no exact answer to this question, considering that everything depends on your preferred number. As a tip, before deciding the number of colleges that you want to apply, take time to divide your decided schools through categories, from the most-preferred down to the least.

What do you need to apply for college?

Local colleges and universities have their own requirements for college applicants. Most institutions require a copy of an individual’s transcript of records. An application fee may also be required for you to continue on with the process. Some countries conduct ACTs or SATs for students to use when applying for college. For those who don’t exercise the same procedure, applicants are required to take a college admission test at the university they are applying for. You would also need to write a college admission essay. Finally, a letter of recommendation may also be required by the university.

Is it okay to send college applications online?

Definitely! With the luxury of the internet today, there are numerous universities and colleges today that offer college applications through online application sites. In fact, there’s a survey, according to the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), that shows the rapid growth of online college applications today.

College life is considered as a significant transition in every academic phase. College serves as your gateway for the real-world setup, which also determines your career path in the future. But everything is not just an instant move, for presenting your self through college application should take first. With this said, waste no more time and grab the opportunity of admitting yourself to your dream institution by devising your college document today!

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