
Last Updated: February 22, 2024


A person will have physical traits and genetics that all trickle down from generations worth of genes from a specific group. The community of the parents will also determine the ethnicity and ethnic group of the person.

1. Ethnicity Format

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Size: 624 KB


2. Ethnicity Estimate Sample

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Size: 4 MB


3. Race and Ethnicity Survey

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Size: 81 KB


4. Ethnicity Chart with County Data

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Size: 1 MB


5. Ethnicity Sample

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Size: 153 KB


6. Ethnicity Questionnaire

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Size: 104 KB


7. Race Ethnicity Form

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Size: 345 KB


8. Ethnicity Example

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Size: 82 KB


9. Ethnicity and Race Identification

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Size: 34 KB


10. Employee Ethnicity Questionnaire

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Size: 58 KB


11. Ethnicity PDF

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Size: 108 KB


12. Ethnicity Affidavit

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Size: 228 KB


13. Ethnicity in Special Education

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Size: 187 KB


14. Instrumental Theories of Ethnicity

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Size: 47 KB


15. Voluntary Self-Identification of Ethnicity

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Size: 784 KB


What is Ethnicity

Ethnicity is a person’s identity based on common traditions, culture, and stories that a specific person has. Our ancestors and kin have passed down specific contexts, themes, and cultural tones to one another, which scientists traced back to our ancestors centuries ago. Ethnicity also affects one’s taught and innate traditions that one holds throughout one’s life. One’s parent holds practices that can affect their child’s ethnicity which will impact the person’s overall ethnicity. This means you can be born in France but still be ethnically Korean.

How to Research your Ethnicity

Depending on how the person practices their culture, one can spot another person’s identity from their habits and traditions. But in some cases where the parents have a history of being ethnically mixed, it becomes hard to trace back one’s ethnicity.

1.) If Possible, Ask Your Parents What Traditions They Hold from Their Place of Birth.

You can ask your biological parents what ethnicity they are and the traditions they hold from their place of origin. This is the easiest way to understand the story, culture, and traditions your nationality can offer to you.

2.) Research Online

Another method you can use to research the history of your ethnicity is by searching all about it online. With the availability of information online, you can easily learn about the history of your ethnicity and what traditions they hold. Note that this is not foolproof as misinformation can be easily spread online; it is best to rely on trusted and reliable sources of information.

3.) Watch Documentaries About your Ethnicity

There are plenty of documentaries that are available for you to watch and enjoy. These documentaries compile easy-to-digest information about your ethnicity without you having to spend more energy researching about said information. Not only that but also it could include more factual information that you may not easily find online.

4.) Ask People from that Ethnicity

One of the best ways to research your ethnicity is to learn about it from people with said ethnicity. You can learn so much more about your ethnicity from the passed-down traditions and stories told to you by people of said ethnicity. Some of this information is not what you can readily find online.


Race vs Ethnicity; what is the difference between race and ethnicity?

Race is a personal identity that is determined by a person’s biological attributes that they have inherited from their biological parents. While ethnicity is concerned with the common traditions, stories, and culture a person has inherited from their parents and environment. Both race and ethnicity are closely associated with the person’s place of origin but it does not set the person’s race and ethnicity.

Ethnicity vs Nationality; what is the difference between ethnicity and nationality?

Ethnicity is the different common cultures, traditions, and beliefs that a person embodies as their ethnic identity. While nationality is the citizenship of the person and is directly concerned with the personal and legal obligation and duty a person has to their country. Unlike ethnicity which a person obtains through genetics from their parents, nationality is wholly dependent on the origin of birth of the individual.

Why is it important for us to know our ethnicity?

We need to understand and know our ethnicity as it helps stabilize or center our self-identification and our place in the world. Whether you want to distance or ingrain yourself from your ethnical background it is important to understand why a specific tradition, culture, or practice is important to your ethnicity. One’s identity will prevent or minimize the cognitive dissonance, bias, and fallacies that may occur in one’s life.

Ethnicity is a very important key factor in our understanding of one’s identity. Maslow, himself has suggested that self-actualization is the highest and most important human need we have to accomplish in one’s life.

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