Proper Noun

Last Updated: April 4, 2024

Proper Noun

Our names allow other people to refer to us in their daily conversations and writings. The names and nicknames we hold are examples of proper nouns being used in everyday life.

1. Proper Nouns Common Nouns


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2. Common and Proper Nouns

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3. Proper vs Common Nouns Worksheet

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4. Common Proper Collective Abstract Types of  Noun

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5. E2E3 Common Nouns and Proper Nouns

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6. The Proper Noun Template

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7. Common and Proper Nouns Definition

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8. Proper Nouns and Capitalization


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9. Building a Proper Noun Database

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10. Common Nouns and Proper Nouns Worksheet

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11. Sorting Common and Proper Nouns

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12. ELA-Common and Proper Nouns

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What Is a Proper Noun

A proper noun is a unique identifier and name people use to refer to a specific entity/s, object/s, or place/s. These unique identifiers allow the reader or listener to know the specific object that the author or speaker is trying to refer to. 

How to Identify a Proper Noun from a Common Noun

Common and proper nouns are widely used in our vocabulary and literature. To prevent miscommunications or misdiagnosis of nouns, it is very important for the person to understand the concept of proper nouns and how to use them. If you want to practice using proper nouns you may use the templates, exercises, and worksheets available on the links above.

Step 1: Check for Capitalization

Not all capitalized nouns are proper nouns, but all proper nouns are capitalized. A common noun can be capitalized if it is at the start or beginning of the sentence or is used in a different context. For example “My Dad likes cooking vegetables, but he doesn’t like eating them.” Dad in the example is both capitalized and is not located at the beginning of the statement, but it is still a common noun. This means that one can discern if the noun is proper by checking the capitalization, but one shouldn’t assume all capitalized nouns are proper.

Step 2: Check If the Noun is Used to Describe a Specific Thing or Group of Things

One of the most important things to remember is that nouns are labels for a specific thing or group of things. A proper noun has the same function but it refers to a specific unique object or entity. Check if the noun refers to something specific, as most of the time it is considered a proper noun.

Step 3: Research if the Proper Noun is Unique to the Object or Person it Refers

In the example above the noun, “Dad” is capitalized and is used as a stand-in for a proper noun. The context will allow this to occur as the person using the sentence uses “Dad” to refer to their father. The reason why we consider the word “Dad” as a common noun is that this word can be used to refer to other fathers that are not included in the discussion. You must research whether or not the proper noun refers to something unique, a single group of objects, or entities.

Step 4: Understand the Context of the Sentence

The context of the sentence can affect the nouns used in a specific sentence. Therefore it is very important for the person to understand and discern the context that is used in the sentence.


What is the difference between a proper and a common noun?

There are primarily two ways of categorizing nouns. The first category is based on the amount or number of the object, person, or group the noun specifies while the second category focuses if the noun describing something general or specific. People have categorized proper and common nouns under the second category. A proper noun refers to an object, place, or entity that is very specific and is most of the time unique to the referred object, place, or entity. For example, Golden Gate Bridge is a proper noun that people use to refer to a specific landmark in San Francisco. A common noun refers to the label of a general object, place, or entity. Using a similar example, a bridge is the common form of the Golden Gate Bridge, this common noun is very general and requires a specific context to discern its usage. This highlights the difference between proper and common nouns.

How do you turn proper nouns into proper adjectives?

Some proper nouns can be used as proper adjectives, some of which are subjectively or objectively understood. To transform or convert a proper noun into a proper adjective is to add specific suffixes to the end of the proper noun. For example, if we want to explain or describe something’s appearance that gives or evokes a feeling of Roman architecture and aesthetics, we can transform the proper noun Roman into a proper adjective by attaching -esque or -like at the end of the proper noun. This will produce the proper adjective of Romanesque or Roman-like. Other suffixes one can use to convert proper nouns into proper adjectives include -like, -esque, -ian, -an, -istic, and -ese. The usage of the suffix will depend on the proper noun that the person will convert into a proper adjective.

Can a proper noun be a verb?

Yes, a proper noun can be used as a verb. But the usage of this is very subjective and is highly dependent on the social context and pop culture. For example, Google is now often used to indicate one’s active search for a specific topic or subject on a search engine. Most of the time, the proper noun will replace a specific activity that is somehow associated with the proper noun. Another example of a proper noun used as a verb is the utilization of Instagram as the specific action of taking a photo or video of something and posting it on Instagram. A person can use the proper verb Instagram as this “Alexa likes to Instagram photos of her Gunpla collection.”

A proper noun is a type of noun that refers to a specific person, landmark, place, animal, and object. This type of noun is more specific and refers to the label that is only unique to it. Proper nouns are used a lot in our everyday dialogues and readings. Therefore it is important to know how to distinguish this type of noun from common nouns from proper nouns.

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