Race – 9+ Examples, How to Not, PDF
Many words can mean various things when put together in various social contexts. Race is one of those words that can mean many things when people use them in various dialogues or contexts.
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What Is Race
Race can have different meanings depending on its usage and the context around it. One can describe race as a vehicular sport that involves race cars and racers vying for first place around a specified track. Another person can define race as the shared physical traits, gender dimorphism, or characteristics of a specific organism. This version of race can be used by authors for their fantasy or sci-fi books as a way to denote the fictional race of a fantastical organism.
How to Not Discriminate Against Someone’s Race
Discrimination is an action an individual can do that will result in the improper treatment of another individual due to their race, ethnicity, sexuality, or gender. The individual’s treatment may or may not be positive or negative. Therefore the person needs to try and prevent discrimination from occurring around them.
Step 1: Practice Mindfulness
One of the best ways to minimize or stop yourself from discriminating against another person’s race is through one’s practice of mindfulness and empathy. Having these soft skills will allow you to instinctively think about other people’s feelings without needing to put too much energy into them.
Step 2: Learn or Listen to People Who Experience Racism and How it Affects Their Lives
Another way to minimize one’s proclivity to discrimination is to learn about other people’s experiences and how this act has affected their lives. This will allow you to keep in mind the consequences and after-effects caused by discrimination and racism.
Step 3: Raise Awareness
Another thing one can do to reduce discrimination is to spread awareness that these issues exist or have a really bad historical context. This will minimize ignorance in the people around you and will therefore reduce the amount of discrimination put forth.
Step 4: Amplify Other People’s Voices
One of the worst ways a person can subtly discriminate against other people is by speaking on their behalf. Instead of trying to speak on a person’s behalf, you should actively try to amplify the person’s voice through various platforms allowing them to speak for themselves.
Ethnicity vs. Race; what is the difference between ethnicity and race?
Race refers to a specific quality in an individual that people can physically observe. This means that race is a compilation of all shared physical structures of a particular group. For example, one can say that the person’s race is Asian as these people are generally short and have a smaller physical frame. One can even go further by describing a sub-type of a race. Using the same example, one can further explain that the person’s race is East Asian due to their lack of eyelids and the person’s yellowish skin tone. Ethnicity, on the other hand, is a specific quality in an individual that people can observe through an individual’s personal and cultural practices and rituals. Groups of people hailing from a specific part of the world will share these cultural practices and rituals. The individual’s biological parents will determine the race of the individual, while the person’s community upon growing up will determine the individual’s ethnicity. This means that a person’s ethnicity may not be the same as the person’s race.
What are the 5 primary races of humanity?
People can easily identify the race of other individuals based on the 5 major races found around the world. The whites are people that generally hail from the western part of the world and have a distinct white skin tone. The African-Americans have their origins in Africa and have a darker skin tone and a thicker body structure. Asians are a race that hails from Asia, the eastern part of the world, and have either a yellowish or a brownish skin tone and are shorter in height. Native Americans or Alaskan Natives are a race of people that originate from the Americas they have a reddish tone for their skin. Pacific Islanders are people who generally hail from certain parts of Asia and other pacific islands, these people have a brownish skin tone.
What is the Critical Race Theory?
Critical Race Theory or CRT is a theory or a line of thinking that states or indicates that race is a social construct that people use to discriminate against and oppress People Of Color or POCs. Cornel West posited in 1995 that CRT is an intellectual movement that is a product of human resistance and liberation. CRT has evolved as a way to try and explain the existence of races as a product of racism.
The race is a word with multiple definitions which are determined by the context in which the word is used. If one were to use race in terms of sports, then one can define race as a sport that pits together sports cars and race car drivers on a specific track wherein they compete who gets first place. The other definition of race is a category of a specific organism in a given ecosystem or biosphere. An individual can determine an organism’s race by its shared physical characteristics and traits. One of the most important things a person can do to better themselves is through one’s effort to eliminate biases and prejudices brought about by racial discrimination.