Last Updated: April 27, 2024



The moment we step outside of our comfort zones, new challenges await thereby making us uncomfortable. It is through hard work and determination that one will emerge victorious.

There lies a thin line between success and failure. The reason? They are both feared by humans. We fear that we might fail for trying. We are also afraid of succeeding knowing that there are more people who would criticize us and try their best to pull us down.

In the world of business, certainty is never a word that everyone really believes. Because when you are in business, expect change. Sometimes, change becomes either positive or negative. And in between them, a human resource specialist has to play the role. One must be adaptable and quick to act.

Sample Letter of Offer

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Annual HR Report Template

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Access and Identification Card Template

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Job Description Template

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What Are the Roles of the Human Resource Department?

Everyone seems to think that a bunch of people in business attires who work in an office space labeled “Human Resources Department” have easy jobs.

Well, we cannot blame them knowing that from someone who experienced going through a job application, their work looks pretty easy. They would just ask you some personality questionnaires which they have listed and prepared long before you sat on your chair inside an empty room. They look through your eyes if you are telling the truth or hiding a lie. And eventually, they will give the verdict whether you got the job or you have to look for other opportunities somewhere else. Pretty simple, you think?

While some of us settle into this kind of mental state or belief, others would negate, especially those who truly know what human resource specialists really do. So, in light of providing what really transpires within their organization, here are some of the things that they do that we do not know that their bosses do not want you to know.

Facilitate Recruitment

This is what most of us know that the human resources department do. Well, it is in fact one of the basic things that they do to play their part in making a company or a business grow.

Recruitment is the process of identifying possible applicants and conduct a series of tests and interview that would determine if he/she is fit for the position. The purpose of recruitment is to hire people to work for the company for a certain position that is available to be filled in. It is the major source or avenue for a company to have employees that are potential contributors  to their success.

However, the role of the human resources department does not only lie on the interview and hiring process. They are also in charge of posting job advertisements in many platforms that are preferred and accessible by the majority of the public. It is their job to attract people or applicants to be aware that such company exists and that there are jobs available.

Create Training and Career Development Programs

The job of the human resources department does not end once a candidate is hired. They have to guide the employee throughout his/her employment journey and continue to provide support. That is why they have to devise training and development programs to hone the employee to become his/her best in performing the tasks. Sufficient information has to be provided as well as skills and practices that has to be observed.

In addition to that, a human resource specialist has to also observe each and every employee’s performance. He/she has the responsibility to make sure an employee’s career advances or progresses in the long run. Career opportunities for those who deserve it has to be given. It is the role of the human resources department to determine who among the employees should earn one.

Sample Employee Handbook

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Size: 96 KB


Employee Details Form Template

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Sample Recruitment Strategy Planning Template

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Manage Compensation and Benefits

One of the determining factors for an employee to stay happy with his/her employee is the compensation or benefit that he/she receives.

An employee works in order to earn money to provide for his/her needs. It is the job of the human resources department to make sure an employee receives the right and fair compensation and benefits. Employees love to be rewarded for their hard work and it is the former’s full responsibility to give it to those who are deserving.

The truth is sometimes, job applicants prefer companies who can provide them better salary and more benefits. That includes: career growth, vacation and sick leaves, annual or quarterly bonus, and monthly awards. These are just a few that the HR department needs to analyze according to the company’s capacity.

The better the compensation and benefits package is, the happier and more productive the employees are. This contributes to the growth and stability of the business and avoids higher employee attrition rate.

Ensure Workplace Safety

Aside from planning on how to develop a human resources department business plan, they also need to spearhead activities and programs that ensure work environment safety for all the employees. They have to make sure that the workplace safety adheres to the standards that any government’s labor department or safety bureau requires.

This process is not only to avoid any lawsuits or complaints that may arise. This protects the employees from any harm that might pose hazardous to their health and safety. It is the role of the human resources department to make sure that everyone in the organization is kept same and free from harm.

There are a lot of things to consider when it comes to workplace safety. This includes: building safety regulations, safety equipment, fire and earthquake drill activities, and working instruments and facilities.

Handle Employee Relations

There should be a constant engagement and communication between the employees and the employer. Sometimes, there arises problems and concerns that the employees want to raise up to those in authority. It is the role of the human resources department to serve as an intermediary instrument in raising taking these issues to the upper management.

An organization cannot be strong if there is a miscommunication or no harmonious relationship between its members. It is the responsibility of the HR team to make sure there are programs that would motivate employees to open up about their work concerns. They need to be fair and impartial when dealing with delicate issues.

Human Resource Plan Template

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Size: 33 KB


Assessment Report Template

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Template for Recording Employee Meetings

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Letter of Engagement Template

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What Is the Difference between Human Resources Management and Human Resources Development?

Although human resources management and human resources development seem quite likely synonymous, there is actually a difference that we can infer from it.

Both of them are necessary in the growth and progress of a business. They are also within the scope and boundaries of the human resources department. These are just a few of the tasks that they have to take and effectively work on.

But what exactly is the differentiating factor between the two? Let us find out.

Human Resources Management

Human Resource Management (HRM) is the system or method that is used in order to properly regulate and oversee performance of employees in different divisions within an organization.

It is designed to make sure that employees are utilized according to their strengths and abilities. Primarily, the role of human resources management is to create a structure that would ensure the effectiveness of each department or group thus avoiding redundancy and conflicts between them. It is essential to keep all departments in perfect harmony so that the business can move in an upward direction rather than seeing them work individually which often results to poor productivity.

Human Resources Management also involves basic tasks:

  • recruitment of employees;
  • orientation, training and development;
  • job analysis;
  • management of compensation and benefits;
  • evaluation of employees’ performance;
  • employee relations and communications; and
  • employee and workplace safety.

Core Qualities Needed for Human Resources Management

  • Leadership. This is a very important attribute necessary in Human Resources Management. Everyone can become followers but only a few can be called leaders. As I would define it, leadership is not the ability to be able to command and make others follow every word you say. It is not about being above others and keeping your head high. Leadership is all about the power to act with strength in character, competence while being humble, and motivational when others seem to falter. A leader is someone who can accept challenges while bring the whole team together and finish the race as one. Leadership is important in Human Resources Management as it is your responsibility to ensure that employees are well within their acts. It is your job to make sure that policies are observed by everyone including yourself.
  • Knowledge and Expertise. Human Resource Management involves completion of complex tasks. You need to have sufficient information about the industry you are working with. Aside from that, you need to have an expertise when dealing with people. You need to be able to communicate with a professional tone. Human resources requires a continuous quest for knowledge. You must not only be bounded by what you have learned during your scholastic years nor the books you’ve read. You need to be updated with the recent and effective practices in human resource.

Human Resources Development

Human Resources Development (HRD) is not a different study nor a subject unrelated to Human Resources Management. It is, however, a more focused and elaborated expertise within the Human Resources Department that is used to develop and enhance employees in relation to their growth as persons and as major contributors in the company.

It is specifically designed to help people with their interpersonal skills as well as their knowledge and expertise in their respective fields. Human Resources Development can be likened to a basketball team where there is the coach and the trainer. The Human Resource Development is personified by the trainer, not the coach.

The trainer helps each and every player discover their strengths and work or improve on their weakness. They undergo agility and performance skills training or anything that the trainer sees fit for a particular player. Since each of them have different strengths and weaknesses, it is the trainer’s responsibility to identify these among players and create strategies and methods on how to develop them.

In a Human Resource Department, the Human Resource Development can be handled by one or two persons, or depending on the capacity of the company. But, there should be a dedicated team to work on the development of all the employees. Tasks include:

  • training and development sessions;
  • employee identification;
  • mentoring and coaching; and
  • career development.

In brief, HRM and HRD are not exactly different. They are practices that both deal with human resources. They can both function within the bigger umbrella of the Human Resources Department. Big companies though would usually create a separate division for the Human Resources Department. However, when the number is not that big, they can both co-exist in the same department.

  • HRD is responsible for employee development, training, mentoring, and coaching. It deals specifically in improving the quality of employees’ performance. It is also a part of HRM.
  • HRM deals with the companies activities in a broader and larger scope. Their tasks include recruitment, management of compensation and benefits, workplace and employee safety, and employee relations.

Project Management Plan Template

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Size: 43 KB


Training Manual Template

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Induction Plan Template

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Disciplinary Suspension Letter Template

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Sample Interview Questions

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Size: 65 KB


Sample Welcome Letter

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Tips on How to be an Effective Human Resources Specialist

Great people do things differently than those who want to stay in the mediocre level. They do not like to copy what others do. They are inventive or creative in their own ways. They like to do things that other people wouldn’t want to do. And the most interesting part, they are not afraid to accept new challenges and they are risk-takers.

In the human resources industry, you are not expected to do only what you are told to do. And you should not stop learning new things. Life is a constant day-to-day opportunity to unveil new discoveries and you always have to seize every opportunity. People need to understand the importance of human resource management and it should start in you.

  • Be organized. This, probably, is the most basic approach when you want to become a good and effective human resource specialist.  Being organized means you have to make sure that there is a system that you follow when it comes to filing of documents, organizing events and other important activities, as well as time management. You have to always remember that employees will be asking for your attention every now and then specially when imperative issues need to be addressed. You have to plot your interview schedules and prepare your questionnaire examples beforehand to give you enough time in dealing with other stuff.
  • Maintain composure. When you are in the midst of all the problems and issues thrown at you, and you think giving up is the only option, think first and keep calm. Another character to keep to make you perform at the top level is by being calm in the middle of the storm. It is undeniable that the human resources department is another one busy office in the company where you have to fix problems which you have not directly caused. Still, it is your job and responsibility to deal with it. Keep composed so you can think clearly and make sound decisions. Take control of the situation and own it.
  • Be professional. There are times where you can encounter situations that are possibly beyond your imaginations as a human resource practitioner. Moments where you have to deal with problematic employees, fixing issues regarding work and employment, or anything that may pose uncertainty to your positively-filled day. You have to be professional all the time. And being professional also comes with becoming ethical. When dealing with business to business transactions, you need to maintain high standards. Never give out information that are confidential to the company. Do not expose your business’ weakness nor give in to the temptation of power and avarice.
  • Learn to multitask. Remember that the job of a human resource specialist requires you to do these things: facilitate recruitment process, process and manage compensation and benefits, create training and career development programs, and deal with employee relations. On a daily basis, there may be times when one of two of these roles may have to be accomplished simultaneously. You need to be flexible and be able to put your left hand on one thing and the right hand on another. But the job does not end there. You must never compromise the quality of what you do.
  • Be fair and objective. At times, your judgment and impartiality will be put to test. Part of human resource management is knowing how to use fair judgment and reasonable decisions in cases when work incidents arise or conflict between employees. You must remain neutral and neither parties have to be condoned. Set your personal opinions aside and let the facts and the truth prevail. However, bear in mind that this ability or skill cannot be mastered overnight. You will get used to this as more and more problems come and experience will be your only teacher.

Attendance Policy Samples

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Payslip Template

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Retirement Policy Template

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Metrics Dashboard Template

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Sample Contract Agreement

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Workplace Wellness Statement and Policy Template

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Board and Committee Report Template

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Sample Record Keeping Template

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Sample HR Training Plan

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Action Plan Template

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Let it be said that one cannot become a master without being a student at one time. The same goes with human resources management. The things that you have learned while you were in school are just a small piece of the puzzle. It is never even half of what you are destined to become.

Learning comes with experience. And the more you immerse yourself with the issues, the wiser you become when dealing with them. Without human resources department, a company cannot last long. It cannot stand the storms that may come from different directions. It is your job as a human resource specialist to live your organization’s mission in order to attain your vision.

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