How to Give Your Essay Contest Entries a Winning Edge?

Last Updated: January 21, 2025

How to Give Your Essay Contest Entries a Winning Edge?

How to Give Your Essay Contest Entries a Winning Edge

We sometimes think that people who are good with words are the only ones capable for writing award-winning essays. However, this isn’t exactly the case. Sure, it can be quite intimidating to write an essay that is sure to stand out among other essays. But anyone can compose an essay that’s worth the recognition if you just know how to.

How to Write Personal Essays for Writing Contests?

Subject matters for personal essays are usually based on one’s experience or knowledge. For instance, a travel essay may be about a person’s trip to a foreign country.

If an individual wishes to use this topic as an entry for a contest winning essay, then they have to find a way to make it special. To do so, you don’t just state facts but you also express emotions. By doing so, you allow the reader to fully feel and understand the message you are trying to convey.

What Can You Do to Make an Essay Memorable?

To make an essay memorable, it has to be an attention-getter from the very start. You have to take bold step to do so.

Next, try not to be boring. Some short essays have the tendency to contain paragraphs with nothing but facts. Try to be witty but in an appropriate way. Furthermore, it’s important to be yourself. Essays that seem like they’ve been written by a robot are in no way memorable.

Does Your Essay Have a Strong Start?

The perfect start to essay is sure to leave a lasting impression to your readers. This is why the wow factor is essential to every introduction. The key to making a good introduction is to make it interesting. You can start with a question, tell a story, or provide an inspirational quote.

Whatever you do, you need to add your personal twist to it. You have to be unique with the way you formulate your statements. Some introductions are too generic that it lacks that certain spark needed to keep your readers enticed.

If you aren’t to sure about the impact statement your introduction gives, have somebody reliable critique it for you. After all, constructive criticism is needed for one to develop.

Does Your Contest Entry Follow the Rules?

In essay writing, a criteria is set by the organizers for you to refer to. But in order to meet the criteria, there are rules and regulations that must be strictly followed.

For instance, an essay writing contest has a certain character count for essay contests that participants must abide to. Sometimes, this proves to be a challenge especially when the consequences can lead to complete disqualification. Naturally, you wouldn’t want all your time and effort to be put to waste.

To prevent this from happening, it’s important to read the rules before starting on your essay. For points that appear unclear to you, have this clarified by the organizers of the event. Once you’re done composing your essay, it’s best to run through the rules again to make sure you didn’t miss anything important.

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