Background of the Study on Remote Work and Work-Life Balance

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Created by: Team English -, Last Updated: May 20, 2024

Background of the Study on Remote Work and Work-Life Balance

Introduction The transition to remote work, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, has significantly altered traditional work dynamics and impacted employees’ work-life balance. This study explores how remote work influences the balance between professional responsibilities and personal life.

Contextual Framework Historically, work environments have been predominantly office-based, with clear boundaries separating work and home life. Theories of work-life balance, such as boundary theory and work-family conflict theory, suggest that the separation of work and home environments is crucial for maintaining a healthy balance. The sudden shift to remote work blurred these boundaries, presenting both opportunities and challenges for employees.

Literature Review Existing research presents mixed findings on the impact of remote work on work-life balance. Some studies highlight the benefits, such as increased flexibility, reduced commuting time, and greater autonomy, which can enhance work-life balance. For example, a study by Bloom et al. (2015) found that remote work led to higher productivity and improved employee satisfaction due to the flexibility it offered. Conversely, other studies point to challenges such as difficulties in disconnecting from work, increased work hours, and feelings of isolation, which can negatively affect work-life balance. Despite the growing body of research, there is a need for more detailed studies examining the specific conditions under which remote work positively or negatively affects work-life balance.

Rationale Understanding the impact of remote work on work-life balance is essential for employers and policymakers to develop strategies that support employee well-being and productivity. This study aims to fill gaps in existing research by identifying the factors that influence work-life balance in remote work settings and providing recommendations for best practices.

Objectives and Research Questions

  • To assess the overall impact of remote work on employees’ work-life balance.
  • What specific factors (e.g., work environment, job role, organizational support) influence work-life balance in remote work settings?
  • How do remote work arrangements affect employees’ ability to disconnect from work and manage personal responsibilities?
  • What strategies can organizations implement to support work-life balance for remote workers?

Conclusion The background of this study underscores the importance of examining the effects of remote work on work-life balance. By identifying key factors and providing actionable insights, this research aims to inform organizational policies and practices that enhance employee well-being and productivity in remote work environments.

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