Teacher Resignation Letter For Salary Reasons

Last Updated: January 21, 2025

Teacher Resignation Letter For Salary Reasons

John Deo
123 Education Blvd
Teachertown, PA 19000
(555) 222-3344
April 11, 2024

Samantha Clear
Sunset High School
456 Learning Ave
Teachertown, PA 19000

Dear Principal Clear,

I am writing to formally resign from my position as Mathematics Teacher at Sunset High School, effective May 25, 2024. This was not an easy decision and took a lot of consideration.

Over the past years, I have greatly enjoyed my time at Sunset High and am proud of the work done to advance the level of education for our students. The support from the staff and the camaraderie among my colleagues have been among the highlights of my tenure.

Unfortunately, due to financial considerations and after much deliberation, I have decided to accept a position elsewhere that offers a significantly enhanced compensation package. This decision is purely financial and not a reflection of my experiences at the school, which have been very positive.

I am dedicated to making this transition as smooth as possible. I will complete all current grading, ensure that all of my reports are finalized, and assist in any way to hand over or train my replacement. Please let me know if there are other ways in which I can aid during this transition period.

I am grateful for having had the opportunity to work at Sunset High School and for the professional growth and experiences provided during my time here. I look forward to staying in touch, and I hope to find ways we can collaborate in the future.

Thank you again for the opportunity to be a part of Sunset High. Please feel free to keep in touch.


John Deo
Mathematics Teacher
Sunset High School

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