Wedding Order of Service

Last Updated: July 23, 2024

Wedding Order of Service

One of the things that you might be planning for your wedding includes a wedding order of service. A wedding order of service is traditionally handed out to guests so as to inform them as to how the upcoming wedding ceremony will unfold and help them determine how long the wedding ceremony will take place. The number of details you wish to include in your wedding order of service is definitely up to you. If you are currently looking for a wedding order of service template, look no further because, in this article, we have included some examples and templates that you can use for your own upcoming wedding.

Wedding Order of Service Examples & Templates

Whether your wedding service is religious or civil, it will just have the same general order of service. Creating a wedding order of service shouldn’t be that difficult. With the right template to customize and the perfect example to get inspiration from, creating one shouldn’t be that difficult anymore.

1. Order of Service of a Wedding

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Although it has been mentioned that your wedding will just have the same general order of service regardless whether it is religious or civil, you still have to know the fact that no wedding ceremonies are alike and this could mean that any wedding order of service will get mixed up depending on the preferences of the couple. But this does not only mean that you should disregard the traditional wedding order of service. You can still make use of the traditional order of service, such as this example, to guide your preferences.

2. Sample Order of Service for a Wedding

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Having something to refer to while making your own wedding order of service is probably the best thing you must have in order to create an accurate one. With that, here is an actual sample wedding order of service of an actual wedding. This example contains a really simple outline that you can easily follow, which starts from the entrance of the bride, welcome address, introduction, the first and second readings, the exchanging of vows and rings, unity ceremony, final blessings, and finally, the recessional. You may make some changes in the order depending on your own preferences.

3. Sample Wedding Ceremony Order of Service Outline

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Knowing the correct outline of a wedding order of service is important for you to determine how to create your own wedding order of service. In this example, a sample traditional wedding ceremony outline is being provided for you to be guided.  Just like any other wedding order of service, this outline starts right from the processional, followed by the introduction, the promises, vow exchange, ring exchanging, an optional marriage license signing, the closing of the ceremony, the presentation of the couple as a husband and wife, and, last but not the least, the recessional where the bridal party exits.

4. Simple Order of Service for a Wedding

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Are you wondering how to plan, manage, and plot the order of your wedding ceremony? The good thing is that most ceremonies are based on a similar format, so if you are looking for the best example of wedding order of service to follow and get inspiration from, here is a sample order of service for a wedding that you can easily follow and use as a foundation of your own wedding order of service. With the help of this template, you will learn how a wedding ceremony would usually run right from people walking down the aisle, to the most awaited “You may now kiss the bride,” until the recessional.

5. Wedding Order of Service

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Not sure where to begin with your wedding planning, particularly the order of service? Here is a wedding order of service example that you can use for your own convenience. Letting your guests and loved ones know what to expect during your wedding ceremony is a form of courtesy that you can easily extend with the use of a wedding order of service. It is through this that you would be able to list down what will occur during your wedding ceremony. Your guests will surely be glad if they know that you have put time and effort just to make them well-informed about how your wedding ceremony will follow through.

We hope that this article has been of great help to you as you create your own wedding order of service. Keep in mind that these are only templates and examples that you can just modify to suit your preferences, so do not feel restricted at all and you may just use these as your guide as you create an order of service for your upcoming wedding.

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