Digital Marketing Resume – 6+ Examples, Format, How to Write, PDF

Last Updated: February 4, 2025

Digital Marketing Resume – 6+ Examples, Format, How to Write, PDF

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Making resumes is as equal as the importance of finding a job. This is very essential in order for your employer to know more about you, your skills and your background (career, education, trainings and seminars attended). A resume is a brief summary of your personal and professional experiences and characteristics. Its main purpose is to show to your potential employers on what you can do in relation to the position that you are applying for. In most cases, when applying for a job, you will be asked on submitting a resume with a cover letter or application letter with all your contact information on it. This is in order for you to get notified if the employer considers your application and hire you. In the world of digital marketing, beautifying resumes is also a part of the competition when applying for the job. With this, this article will provide you resume templates that could help you cope up with the necessary competence that the digital world is requiring.

6+ Digital Marketing Resume Examples

1. Digital Marketing Resume Template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages



2. Digital Marketing Manager Resume

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 280 KB


3. Digital Marketing Manager Resume Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 837 KB


4. Digital Marketing Executive Resume

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 94 KB


5. Sample Digital Marketing Resume

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 101 KB


6. Digital Marketing Intern Resume

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 40 KB


7. Digital Marketing Manager Resume Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 60 KB


What Do I Need to Include in My Resume?

Often times, especially for the first timers, it is a pain in their head to decide on what are the things that they need to include in drafting and creating their resumes. The tips suggested below are the general information that the resumes should contain and what are the needed specific details that should be put in these areas. You should highly consider this in drafting your resume so that you could instantly catch the attention of your potential employer and would lead you to be the next person they are going to hire.

What Are the Things That I Should Put On My Resume?

The very common sections or information that you should put in your resumes are:

-Contact Information

Resume Opening Statement

Resume Objective or Career Goal/Objective 

-Work Experience


For further customization, other applicants also include:


-Volunteering Experiences

-Trainings and Seminars Attended

-Hobbies and Interest


How Do I Format My Resume?

There are three very common and typical resume formats that most applicants are using, these are the following:

-Reverse Chronological Resume

-Functional Resume

-Combination Resume

In most cases, people will pick the reverse chronological order. Its main focus is your work experience, written down in reverse-chronological order.

How to Write a Resume Summary?

Your resume summary or resume statement is the totality that hooks your potential employers on what your resume is all about. Think of it as something that introduces your summary. It should be coiled up into 2-4 sentences that contains the background explanation and the relevance to it to the position that you are applying for. It is often formatted as this way:

“Professional (job title) with X+ years of work experience in (job responsibility). In the past Y years, I have (your top 1-2 achievements). Seeking a position of (job title) at (company name)”.

If you are still a student and don’t have a lot of work experience yet, you may want to read on the resume objectives or ready-made resume objectives that could help you in achieving your professional and career goals.

How to Make a Cover Letter for My Resume?

Aside from requiring a resume, other companies also require you to submit to them your cover letter. How do you make these and what are the things that you need to include in making your cover letter?

1. Make your cover letter be customized for a specific employer. The more customized it is, the more likely your potential employer would appreciate you for writing it just for them. This will eventually lead in choosing you are their newly-hired employee.

2.Include your general background (your name, where you graduated, what degree did you graduated etc.). You may also include in your professional cover letter 2-3 of your skills to show off to your potential employer on what you can do in relation to the position that you are applying for.

3. If you really aim to stand out from among the rest, you may want to create your cover letter with the same or similar template with your resume. This will not only establish professionalism but also displays your creativity and consistency in what you are doing.


Is resume the same as CV (Curriculum Vitae)?

A resume is a one page summary of your work experience and background relevant to the job you are applying to. A CV is a longer academic diary that includes all your experience, certificates, and publications.

Which should I secure better? Printed or digital resume?

It is best to secure both, so that if your employer requires you to submit a digital copy of your printed resume, you can readily attach it in your email.

What can you suggest as I make my resume for the first time?

Make it simple, yet clear, elegant and presentable. You don’t need to put a lot of extras just to fill out the short details of your resume. Be simple but ace most on your interview with your potential employer.

It is not easy to look for a job these days but with the help of the ready-made materials (resumes, cover letters, proposals, curriculum vitae, etc.) that is found online, this can help you unload the burden of finding one. Be yourself as your make these, and do not forget to uphold your sole purpose for applying the job, to grow personally and professionally.

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