Resume Skills Summary

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Resume Skills Summary

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Have you ever tried writing a summary before? May it be from class or for a report you are going to be presenting. Of course a lot of people would prefer to read a whole story while others would prefer a summary of it. It does not mean that if people prefer the summary over the original story or the original writing, they are too lazy to read. It simply means that there are some possible reasons like time. Moving on, it goes without saying, writing a good summary takes time, effort and practice. Especially when you have to write a single sentence summary or a two sentence summary. Yes, you read that right. You may think that this is impossible and that there is no way you are able to write a two sentence summary of something. Actually it is possible and is used in resumes. This is called a resume skills summary. What is a resume skills summary and how is this important for everyone to know? You may want to scroll down for at least an idea as to why this is important. Trust me, it is worth every read. So go ahead and read on.

9+ Resume Skills Summary Examples

1. College Resume Skills Summary

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Size: 468 KB


2. Editable Resume Skills Summary

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Size: 148 KB


3. Formal Resume Skills Summary

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Size: 73 KB


4. Legal Resume Skills Summary

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Size: 55 KB


5. Professional Resume Skills Summary

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Size: 845 KB


6. Resume Skills Summary Example

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Size: 36 KB


7. Sample Resume Skills Summary

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Size: 78 KB


8. Resume Skills Summary Format

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Size: 86 KB


9. Simple Resume Skills Summary

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Size: 396 KB


10. Student Resume Skills Summary

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Size: 112 KB


What Is a Resume Skills Summary?

Let’s start where we left off. What is a resume skills summary, how is this important and why is it useful? To begin we must first define what is a resume skill summary. A resume skills summary is a summary of your skills written down in a sentence or two. It is usually found on the top part of your resume. For some however, it can be found on the left side of the resume. Depending on the style and format you may be using. A resume skills summary is a short explanation or a summary of your achievements, skills and experiences. This summary of your skills helps future employers understand the level of your expertise in the job you are applying for.

In addition to that, it is also very useful as it does not take much of your employer’s time to leaf through the pages of your resume. The reason why this is also something important to place is because of how it could lessen the problems for employers who have to go through a lot of resumes, as well as for the one writing the resume. To be able to find it easier to simply place the skills on the top part of the resume can save them a lot of time.

How to Write a Resume Skills Summary?

As you write down your resume, you may want to add your skills summary. This is usually for those with experience in the fields they are planning to apply. However, for freshers, if you have any skills that you believe would come in handy for your first job, you may as well write them down. Now, moving on, let us learn how to write a resume skills summary by reading these five simple tips.

1. Begin by Drafting Your Resume Summary

Here is a very useful tip for you. Draft what you want to write before writing the finalized copy. This is quite useful especially for those who have more than five experiences, and would want to write everything down. But as we know that when writing your skills summary, you must not exceed more than five sentences. To avoid this kind of problem or mess, draft what you want to add and see if your skills match the job you are planning to get hired for.

2. Write the Years of Experience

Once you are done drafting your skills summary, it is time to add the years of experience that you have attained. Years or months of experience. This information must be found first and foremost on the top of your resume. Whether you plan to make it into bullet forms or better yet in a sentence. If you are able to add the complete month, day and year the better. However if you are only able to remember the month and year or the year alone, it is alright. As long as they are present in your summary.

3. State the Work You Did

Apart from writing the years or the months, it should be followed by the work that you did. This is to let your employers know that the work you did may be related or somewhat related to the new work you plan to apply for. It is also useful information for your employers to be able to know that you are capable of doing this kind of job based on your years or months of experience.

4. Highlight Your Skills

In your next sentence, which would be the second sentence, highlight the skills that you earned in your previous work. Especially the skills that would be beneficial for you and for the position you want as you apply.

5. Proofread Your Skills Summary

Before passing your skills summary, even if it may be short, you must always proofread. Put this into mind that your resume is your key to getting a job. A good resume has a higher chance of getting the position than a poorly made one. This includes placing your skills summary in your resume. Double check if you have placed the exact number of sentences and have highlighted your skills and the years or months earning that skill.


How many sentences do I need to write a skill summary?

You can write a minimum of two sentences and a maximum of three or four. It must not exceed this number. As five sentences may seem more than enough and it is not considered a summary anymore. It’s basically a paragraph.

Which part should I highlight more?

The skills that you earned in your previous jobs should be the main focus of your summary. This is the reason for doing a resume skill summary. To be able to show your employers the skills you have attained in your previous jobs.

Why is the resume skill summary found on the top or the left corner?

This is to make it easier for your employers to check your skill summary. Without having to turn a page and to look for it. As they often read and see a lot of resumes from different people, it takes up precious time. To avoid this, always write your skills summary on the top or on the left hand corner of your paper. Depending on the style and format as well.

Something to remember when you are writing your skills summary. Highlighting your skills and the years you have attained it is what is important. However, only place the skills that you believe are beneficial in the position you are applying for. Avoid writing other skills that may not be useful for the job you are applying for nor leaving out the ones that are good for it. Always do your research on the position you may be applying for and check if you have the skills to add to your summary.

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