Mentoring Goals

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Mentoring Goals


The best minds are only made by minds that make them think beyond the teachings in any textbooks. It may sound a bit ambitious to become wiser than the men who wrote the books of philosophies but, nevertheless, that is a fact. Sagacious mentors have to see to it that their students become more than what they are than just impose their philosophies on them.

As a mentor, setting your mentoring goals is the best thing you can do to yourself, your student or trainees– and even the society. It’s a ripple effect. If you don’t know where to start or where to look at, this article can help you with that. We offer samples of mentoring goals that may help you realize your own mentoring goals that are not listed here.

Samples of Mentoring Goals

Samples of Mentoring Goals

Being a mentor can really be tough and it may sometimes feel like all the hopes of the world rely on you. Well, the challenges that your mind comes up with can be settled by means of setting your goals. Through this, you can easily build your paths out away from future impediments. Not convinced? Check the list of samples below:

1. Be Patient

Time is something you don’t want to waste and with every passing time your students falter, your patience might just run thinner and thinner. It may really take some time before your students learn. Never let your frustrations get the best of you and let it out on your students. If you allow this to happen, chances are your students become discouraged to learn from you and wouldn’t bother finding another mentor. Of course, it would be hard for you to test your patience, especially if you are a hot-tempered person. Try doing a daily meditation or attend yoga classes.

2. Healthy Coping with Stress

Mentoring tasks can be seriously stressful but that wouldn’t be enough reason to excuse yourself with excessive intake of alcohol or drown in the toxins of nicotine. Stress can be managed without jeopardizing your health. You can always go for something that can help you boost your health instead such as exercising. You can also read books of your interest to keep your mind away from the factors that have induced the stress. Keep your mind occupied from other things besides work.

3. Train to Become Better than Yesterday

As a mentor, it is your task to continue to learn even if you think you already know a lot of things. Some realizations don’t just happen until time figures out a way to make you realize them. As you continue to study matters which is part of your field’s concern, you might come up with stuff that the past sages had missed. Additionally, don’t just limit your sources of knowledge from famous books just because others say these are the books that make sense. Your mind as a mentor must be open to opinions of other mentors or even to the suggestions of the mentee. After all, a mentor can learn a lot of things from his or her mentee.

4. Help Your Mentee Know What They Really Want

Being a mentor is not a joke and the frustration that is imminent in every undertaking with their mentee. For example, a mentee has a goal in his or her mind yet does not know the ways and methods to achieve the goal. A mentor helps the mentee figure things out from A to Z. Yes, from A to Z considering the circumstances that may come along, the skills or talent of the mentee, and the time it takes to instill determination in the mind of the mentee. Enumerating the possible steps to achieve the mentee’s goals can bless the mentee with clarity about his or her goal. The goal can then be defined more or redefined.

5. Don’t Give your Mentee False Hopes

You probably have encountered an ambitious mentee before. Having an ambitious mentee is actually good for your tasks as mentorship then becomes challenging. Some of these people set unrealistic goals. Just because it is your job to help them achieve their goals, it doesn’t mean you can help them achieve impractical goals. Don’t give him or her hope when there is none. Here is what you can do: Educate him or her about the procedures that must be followed to achieve the goal they set; Make him or her aware about the sources that are present; Inform him or her what can be done with the sources you both have.

6. Set Proper Time Frames

Once the goal of your mentee has become clearer than vague, set the possible time about when matters can be achieved. This does not only mean you set the exact date of when the main goal is achieved; rather, set time frames for other areas deemed necessary in achieving the mentee’s ultimate goal.

A mentor’s job is not simply to give advice or instill the things he or she has learned in the past. It is a part of his or her duty to continue to learn with the help of their mentee. The act of support and help in achieving the mentee’s goal is not simply to make your clients dream come true. Rather, it is an opportunity for you to know your unrealized goals.

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