Adjective Prepositional Phrase

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Created by: Team English -, Last Updated: April 26, 2024

Adjective Prepositional Phrase

Adjective Prepositional Examples

Dive deep into the fascinating world of Adjective Prepositional Phrases, the unsung heroes that embellish our sentences. As intricate connectors, they enrich descriptions, linking adjectives to the rest of the sentence seamlessly. Embark on this linguistic voyage, uncovering stellar adjective examples, expertly curated tips, and the nuanced art of their application.

What is the Adjective Prepositional? – Definition

An Adjective Prepositional Phrase, often shortened to Adjective Prepositional, begins with a preposition and functions as an adjective. This means it describes, identifies, or gives further information about a noun, telling which one or what kind.

What is the Best Example of an Adjective Prepositional?

Consider the sentence: “The book on the top shelf is a bestseller.” Here, the Adjective Prepositional Phrase “on the top shelf” describes the noun “book,” specifying which book we are referring to. By using this phrase, clarity is added to the sentence, giving readers a more vivid picture of the scenario.

100 Adjective Prepositional Examples

Adjective Prepositional Phrase Examples
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Navigating the dynamic landscape of English language, Adjective Prepositional Phrases emerge as subtle yet powerful tools. They artfully weave together nouns and adjectives, creating layers of depth in our sentences. Curated below are 100 illustrative examples, designed to guide you in mastering this nuanced linguistic technique. Each example shines a spotlight on the adjective, bringing its relationship with the noun into sharper focus.

  1. The cat with green eyes is my favorite.
  2. The dishes in the glass cabinet are antique.
  3. The girl with curly hair won the competition.
  4. I love the paintings from the Renaissance period.
  5. The book by the famous author was sold out.
  6. People without tickets were asked to leave.
  7. The building with tall spires is a cathedral.
  8. The dog with a shiny coat is well-groomed.
  9. I prefer the room with a balcony view.
  10. The chocolates from Belgium are delicious.
  11. The man with the top hat is a magician.
  12. Trees with pink blossoms line the street.
  13. The car without a sunroof is cheaper.
  14. The tea from the high mountains tastes fresh.
  15. The woman with red lipstick is a celebrity.
  16. The laptop with higher RAM performs better.
  17. The shoes from the luxury brand are on sale.
  18. The songs from the 80s are nostalgic.
  19. The phone with a larger battery lasts longer.
  20. The park with a lake is peaceful.
  21. The shirt with stripes is in fashion.
  22. The movie by that director won many awards.
  23. The house with the blue door is haunted.
  24. The cake with cherry toppings is sweet.
  25. I bought the plant with fragrant flowers.
  26. The bag from the top shelf is expensive.
  27. The boy with a guitar is a musician.
  28. The museum with ancient artifacts is renowned.
  29. The pizza with extra cheese is popular.
  30. The novel about vampires is a bestseller.
  31. The island with white sandy beaches is a tourist attraction.
  32. The shop on the corner street sells vintage items.
  33. The dish with spicy seasoning was flavorful.
  34. The city with historic monuments attracts tourists.
  35. The garden with colorful butterflies is beautiful.
  36. The necklace with a diamond pendant is exquisite.
  37. The teacher with a PhD is knowledgeable.
  38. The hotel near the airport is convenient.
  39. The bird with bright feathers is exotic.
  40. The coffee from Colombia is strong.
  41. The show by the popular network is trending.
  42. The stadium with larger capacity hosted the finals.
  43. The festival during the summer was fun.
  44. The bicycle with gear system is advanced.
  45. The workshop for beginners was informative.
  46. The forest with dense trees is mysterious.
  47. The cafe by the riverside offers a scenic view.
  48. The story about aliens was intriguing.
  49. The valley with snow-capped peaks is picturesque.
  50. The game for kids is educational.
  51. The meal with vegan ingredients was wholesome.
  52. The castle atop the hill is ancient.
  53. The jacket made of leather is stylish.
  54. The song from the latest album is catchy.
  55. The park with a playground is children’s favorite.
  56. The sculpture of the dancing lady is mesmerizing.
  57. The town near the coastline has a maritime climate.
  58. The dish without any spices is bland.
  59. The festival during winter is a cultural highlight.
  60. The hotel with a swimming pool is in high demand.
  61. The forest full of wildlife is a biodiversity hotspot.
  62. The artist with a unique style held an exhibition.
  63. The team from the southern region won the championship.
  64. The river with crystal-clear water is pristine.
  65. The book about time travel is a page-turner.
  66. The school beside the lake has a tranquil setting.
  67. The bakery with gluten-free options is health-conscious.
  68. The mountain with treacherous trails is a challenge for trekkers.
  69. The shop selling antiques has rare collections.
  70. The movie set in the 1920s is a period drama.
  71. The street lined with maple trees turns golden in autumn.
  72. The car with a sunroof is a premium model.
  73. The bridge over the wide river is an architectural marvel.
  74. The instrument from the classical era is precious.
  75. The painting depicting a sunset is evocative.
  76. The pastry filled with cream is delectable.
  77. The island without any inhabitants is remote.
  78. The building with green architecture is eco-friendly.
  79. The course for advanced learners is intensive.
  80. The bird with a melodious call is sought by birdwatchers.
  81. The market during the festive season is bustling.
  82. The dessert topped with nuts is crunchy.
  83. The region known for its wines is a must-visit for connoisseurs.
  84. The shoes with cushioned soles offer comfort.
  85. The beach with golden sands is serene.
  86. The seminar for entrepreneurs was enlightening.
  87. The journey through dense forests was adventurous.
  88. The computer with high processing speed is efficient.
  89. The concert featuring international artists was grand.
  90. The village with traditional huts preserves its heritage.
  91. The theme park with thrilling rides attracts many visitors.
  92. The tea with aromatic herbs is refreshing.
  93. The bookshelf made of oak wood is sturdy.
  94. The camera with a high-resolution lens captures sharp images.
  95. The gallery showcasing abstract art is avant-garde.
  96. The tree with fragrant blossoms is a spring delight.
  97. The phone with a long battery life is reliable.
  98. The cafe offering organic brews is health-centric.
  99. The game with virtual reality offers immersive experience.
  100. The fabric dyed in natural colors is eco-conscious.

By integrating Adjective Prepositional Phrases into your writing, you not only enhance the descriptiveness but also elevate the overall quality and fluidity of the narrative.

What is an Example of an Adjective-Preposition Collocation?

In linguistics, a collocation is the habitual juxtaposition of a particular word with another word or words with a frequency greater than chance. When we talk about adjective-preposition collocations, we’re referring to adjectives that are commonly paired with certain prepositions.

For instance, the adjective “afraid” often collocates with the preposition “of.” Example: She is afraid of spiders.

Here are a few more examples:

  • Fond of: He is fond of chocolate.
  • Interested in: She’s interested in learning Spanish.
  • Proud of: They are proud of their cultural heritage.
  • Good at: He is good at playing the guitar.
  • Angry with: She was angry with her brother for taking her book.

These collocations sound natural to native speakers and are often learned through exposure rather than explicit grammar instruction.

What is an Example of a Prepositional Phrase Modifying an Adjective?

When a prepositional phrase modifies an adjective, it provides more information about the degree or extent of that adjective. Here’s an example to illustrate:

Consider the adjective “happy.” A prepositional phrase can provide context to this adjective:

Example: She is happy to a fault.

Here, “to a fault” is the prepositional phrase that modifies “happy,” indicating that she is perhaps excessively happy or happy to the point that it might be a drawback.

Another example:

  • Adjective: “familiar”
  • Sentence: The song sounds familiar to my ears.

In this case, “to my ears” modifies “familiar,” specifying the perspective or context from which the song is recognized.

Exercises to Perfect in Adjective Prepositional Phrases

Perfecting adjective prepositional phrases can greatly enhance your descriptive abilities in writing and speaking. Here are some exercises to help you master them:

  1. Fill in the Blanks: Begin with sentences that have blanks, and fill them in with appropriate prepositional phrases.
    • Example: The apple ___ is ripe. (Answer: The apple on the tree is ripe.)
  2. Sentence Rewriting: Take a basic sentence and rewrite it by adding an adjective prepositional phrase.
    • Example: The book is interesting. Rewritten: The book about ancient civilizations is interesting.
  3. Phrase Matching: Have a list of nouns alongside a list of prepositional phrases. Match each noun to a phrase that would make sense.
    • Example:
      • Nouns: girl, shoes, dog
      • Phrases: with the red collar, in the corner, with curly hair.
  4. Story Creation: Write a short story or paragraph using as many adjective prepositional phrases as possible. This not only tests your knowledge but also gets you accustomed to using them fluidly.
  5. Spot the Error: Read sentences that contain deliberate mistakes in the use of prepositional phrases. Identify and correct them.
  6. Convert Sentences: Change simple sentences into more descriptive ones using prepositional phrases.
    • Example: Convert “The flowers are beautiful.” into “The flowers from the valley are beautiful.”
  7. Daily Journaling: Write daily journal entries and try to incorporate adjective prepositional phrases. This will make their use habitual.

How to Practice Adjective Prepositional?

  1. Daily Usage: Aim to use a few adjective prepositional phrases in your daily conversations or writings. With consistent use, they’ll become second nature.
  2. Flashcards: On one side, write a noun or a basic sentence, and on the other, an appropriate adjective prepositional phrase. Regularly reviewing these will help reinforce your understanding.
  3. Reading: Read diverse materials, such as newspapers, novels, or magazines. Whenever you come across an adjective prepositional phrase, underline or note it down. This will give you real-world examples of their usage.
  4. Peer Practice: Engage with a study buddy. Give each other nouns or sentences, and challenge the other to enhance them with prepositional phrases.
  5. Online Exercises: Many grammar websites offer quizzes and exercises specifically for prepositional phrases. These can provide instant feedback on your understanding and usage.
  6. Join Workshops: Enroll in language or writing workshops. Engaging with instructors and peers can provide fresh perspectives and tips.

Practicing adjective prepositional phrases systematically and consistently will not only enhance your descriptive capabilities but will also enrich your overall language skills.

How to Use an Adjective Prepositional? – Step by Step Guide

Adjective prepositional phrases, while a mouthful to say, are a valuable tool in the writer’s arsenal. They add depth, detail, and vividness to your descriptions, allowing you to craft richer narratives. Here’s how you can integrate them seamlessly:

  1. Identify the Central Noun: Before layering on details, you need a clear idea of what you’re describing. Pinpoint the noun in your sentence that you wish to embellish with additional information.
  2. Determine the Description’s Core: Think about what specific aspect or detail you aim to convey about that noun. Are you discussing its origin, its purpose, its appearance, or some other attribute?
  3. Select the Appropriate Preposition: Your choice of preposition can shape the nuance of your description. For instance, “on” and “under” can give very different mental images.
  4. Craft the Phrase: Post your chosen preposition, add the object of the preposition, thereby finalizing your phrase. This is where your actual descriptive adjective comes into play.
  5. Placement Matters: As a general rule, place your adjective prepositional phrase right after the noun it modifies. This ensures clarity and maintains the sentence’s fluidity.
  6. Review: Once you’ve inserted the phrase, revisit the sentence. Does it read smoothly? Does the phrase enhance the sentence or overcomplicate it? Adjust as needed.

Tips for Using Adjective Prepositional

  1. Clarity Over Complexity: While it’s tempting to showcase your vocabulary, the primary goal should always be clarity. If a simpler word or phrase serves the purpose, it might be the better choice.
  2. Vary Your Prepositions: Relying too heavily on a handful of prepositions can render your writing monotonous. Mix it up by exploring different prepositions that fit the context.
  3. Maintain Sentence Balance: It’s great to provide vivid descriptions, but if every noun in your sentence has an accompanying adjective prepositional phrase, it can become overwhelming. Strive for balance.
  4. Practice Makes Perfect: Regularly challenge yourself to incorporate these phrases in your writing exercises. Over time, their usage will become more intuitive.
  5. Read Widely: Observing how seasoned writers use adjective prepositional phrases can provide both inspiration and education. Make it a habit to read a diverse range of materials and note down particularly impactful uses of these phrases.
  6. Feedback is Gold: Share your writings with peers or mentors and invite feedback specifically on your use of adjective prepositional phrases. External perspectives can offer invaluable insights.

With consistent attention and practice, adjective prepositional phrases can become a natural and effective part of your writing toolkit, enhancing both the precision and appeal of your narratives.

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