Anymore vs Any more

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Created by: Team English -, Last Updated: April 26, 2024

Anymore vs Any more

The English language is peppered with nuances that can leave even the most astute learners scratching their heads, and the conundrum of “anymore” versus “any more” is a prime example of such intricacies. At first glance, these expressions may seem identical, spoken in the same breath and often mistaken for one another. However, the distinction lies in their usage and meaning, a subtle but significant difference that can alter the message being conveyed. This article aims to dissect these closely related terms, providing clarity for students on when and how to use each correctly in their writing and everyday conversations.

“Anymore” and “any more,” though phonetically indistinguishable, serve unique purposes within the realm of English grammar. “Anymore,” as a single word, ventures into the temporal domain, expressing a discontinuation or change over time, as in sentiments evolving away from past preferences. Conversely, “any more,” as two separate words, delves into the realm of quantity, often posing or answering inquiries about the presence or addition of something. Through a detailed exploration of examples and contexts, this article will guide students toward a comprehensive understanding of these expressions, enabling precise communication and enhancing their linguistic proficiency.

Anymore and Any more – Meanings

Anymore: Anymore, used as a single word, is an adverb that relates to time, signifying a change or cessation in action, condition, or belief that was previously true. It often conveys the idea that something no longer occurs or is no longer valid or relevant from a certain point forward. For example, when someone says, “I don’t read books anymore,” it implies that, unlike in the past, they no longer engage in reading books. This usage reflects a transition or discontinuation of a habit, preference, or state of affairs, highlighting a clear break from past to present.

Any more: Any more, as two separate words, functions primarily as a determiner or pronoun within a sentence and refers to quantities, amounts, or extents. It is used to inquire about or discuss the presence, addition, or need for something in various contexts. For instance, in the question, “Do you want any more tea?” ‘any more’ is inquiring about the desire for an additional quantity of tea. This form is concerned with assessing or addressing the need for further amounts of something, whether it be physical objects, abstract concepts, or experiences, emphasizing considerations of quantity and extension.


The distinction between “any more” and “anymore” hinges on their contextual application, despite their overlapping implications. Opting for “anymore” as a single entity signals a temporal reference, indicating a departure from past actions or states, such as a waning interest in tea. Conversely, splitting into “any more” shifts the focus to matters of quantity, probing the desire for additional servings or instances, as in querying one’s preference for further tea. This nuanced differentiation underscores the importance of context in determining the appropriate usage, ensuring precise communication in both written and spoken English.

Difference Between Anymore and Any more

Understanding the subtle difference between “anymore” and “any more” is crucial for clear communication, as each term serves a distinct grammatical function.

Aspect Anymore Any more
Function Adverb Determiner/Adjective
Usage Relates to time Relates to quantity
Meaning Indicates a cessation or change over time Refers to an additional amount or extent
Context Used in negative sentences or questions Used in questions, negative, and positive sentences
Example Sentence “I don’t go to the movies anymore.” “Do you want any more popcorn?”
Placement Typically at the end of a sentence Before the noun it’s modifying
Common Phrases “Not anymore,” “Can’t do this anymore” “Any more ideas?” “Any more cake?”
Interchangeability Not interchangeable with “any more” Not interchangeable with “anymore”
Implication Implies a change from past to present Implies consideration of additional quantities
Focus Time-based changes in state or action Quantity, presence, or need of something additional.

Examples of Anymore and Any more

The examples of  “anymore” and “any more” hinges on their use in context: “anymore” for time-related changes, and “any more” for quantities.

Anymore Examples:

  1. “I can’t trust him anymore.”
  2. “She doesn’t live here anymore.”
  3. “They don’t make these anymore.”
  4. “Do you see him anymore?”
  5. “It’s not popular anymore.”

Any more Examples:

  1. “Are there any more cookies?”
  2. “I don’t want any more help.”
  3. “Do we need any more chairs?”
  4. “She couldn’t eat any more cake.”
  5. “Can you spare any more time?”

When to Use Anymore and Any more

Usage of “Anymore”:

  1. Time-Related Changes: Use “anymore” when indicating a shift or cessation in habits, situations, or feelings over time. Example: “I don’t watch that show anymore.”
  2. Negative Contexts: It’s often used in negative sentences to denote the end of an action or state. Example: “He doesn’t call anymore.”
  3. Questions About Continuation: In questions that inquire if something is still happening. Example: “Do you not like it anymore?”

Usage of “Any more”:

  1. Discussing Quantities: Use “any more” when referring to additional amounts or quantities of something. Example: “Do you need any more supplies?”
  2. Positive, Negative, and Questions: It fits various sentence moods—affirmative, negative, and interrogative. Example: “I can’t handle any more work.”
  3. Offering or Refusing: When offering more of something or refusing it. Example: “Would you like any more tea?”

Tips for Anymore and Any more

Mastering the use of “anymore” and “any more” can enhance clarity in your communication. Here are some tips to guide you:

  1. Context Is Key: Use “anymore” for statements related to time, especially when indicating that something no longer happens. “Any more” is your choice for discussing quantities or amounts.
  2. Sentence Structure: “Anymore” often appears at the end of a sentence. “Any more” is usually placed before the noun it modifies.
  3. Negative Statements: “Anymore” is typically found in negative constructions or questions implying negativity, like “Don’t you work here anymore?”
  4. Questions and Affirmations: While “any more” is common in questions about quantity (“Do you want any more tea?”), it can also be used in affirmative and negative sentences regarding amounts.
  5. Memory Aid: Remember that “anymore” relates to time—think of “any more time.” If it doesn’t fit this mold, you likely need “any more.”
  6. Read Aloud: If unsure, read your sentence aloud. Often, the correct form becomes clearer when you hear it in context.
  7. Proofreading: Always proofread your work, checking that you’ve used the correct form based on whether you’re discussing time or quantity.
  8. Practice: Regularly practice writing sentences with both “anymore” and “any more” to build your confidence in distinguishing between the two.
  9. Seek Examples: Look for examples in books, articles, and online content to see how experienced writers use “anymore” and “any more.”
  10. Ask for Feedback: If possible, have someone else read your writing to provide feedback on your usage of these terms.

Exercise of Anymore and Any more

  1. I don’t play video games ________.
  2. Are there ________ cookies left in the jar?
  3. She doesn’t live in New York ________.
  4. I can’t eat ________ food; I’m completely full.
  5. It seems he’s not interested in gardening ________.
  6. Do you have ________ questions about the topic?
  7. This old model isn’t available in stores ________.
  8. I couldn’t carry ________ books; my bag was too heavy.
  9. They don’t make movies like that ________.
  10. Is there ________ milk in the fridge, or do we need to buy some?
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Which Is Correct: Anymore or Any More?

Both “anymore” and “any more” are correct but serve different purposes. “Anymore” is used for time-related changes, indicating something no longer happens. “Any more” refers to quantities, asking if additional amounts are needed or present.

Is It Anymore Days or Any More Days?

The correct phrase is “any more days,” as it refers to a quantity—asking about additional days. “Anymore” is used for time-related statements and doesn’t fit this context.

Why Do People Say Anymore Instead of Nowadays?

People use “anymore” to express a change over time, similar to “nowadays,” but with a negative or discontinuous connotation. It emphasizes something that used to happen but doesn’t happen now.

Can You Start a Sentence with Anymore?

Yes, you can start a sentence with “anymore” in informal or conversational contexts, especially in regions where it’s common to use “anymore” to mean “nowadays.” However, it’s less common and may not suit formal writing.

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