Flaunt vs Flout

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Created by: Team English - Examples.com, Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Flaunt vs Flout

Flaunt vs Flout

One tricky pair is “flaunt” and “flout” are both verbs. They are action words used to describe different types of behaviors or actions. “Flaunt” means to show off, while “flout” means to break rules. Imagine someone showing off a flashy motorcycle (flaunting) and then ignoring traffic laws (flouting). Understanding when to use each word helps you communicate clearly and correctly. It’s like knowing when to follow the rules and when to bend them a little.

Flaunt and Flout Meanings

  • Flaunt: To display or show off something boastfully or conspicuously, often with the intention of drawing attention or admiration. For instance, if someone buys a fancy car and drives it around town to make sure everyone notices, they’re flaunting their wealth or status.
  • Flout: To openly disregard or disobey a rule, law, convention, or societal norm. It’s a more serious action than just ignoring something; it’s actively going against it. For example, if there’s a rule about not smoking in a public area and someone lights up a cigarette anyway, they’re flouting the no-smoking rule. It’s like deliberately breaking the rules without caring about the consequences or what others think.


Flaunt” means proudly displaying or showing off something, while “Flout” means openly disregarding rules or conventions. Understanding the difference between these words is essential for clear communication. It’s like knowing when to showcase something and when to disregard the rules.

How To Pronounce Flaunt and Flout

  • Flaunt: Pronounced as \ˈflȯnt / /flaʊt/.
  • Flout: Pronounced as \ˈflau̇t / /flɑːnt/.

Differences Between Flaunt and Flout

Feature Flaunt Flout
Tone Generally positive or neutral, implying a sense of pride or admiration. Often carries a negative connotation, indicating disobedience or disrespect.
Examples She flaunted her new car by driving it around the neighborhood. He flouted the speed limit, driving recklessly down the highway.
Etymology Derived from the 16th-century Dutch word “flouten,” meaning “to play the flute.” Originated from the Old French word “flaunter,” meaning “to fling or slap.”
Synonyms Display, parade, boast, show off. Defy, disobey, disregard, mock.
Antonyms Hide, conceal, suppress. Obey, adhere to, respect.
Context Commonly used in contexts related to appearance, fashion, or material wealth. Frequently used in contexts related to breaking rules, norms, or societal conventions.

How To Remember The Differences Between Flaunt and Flout

  • Flaunt: Think of “flaunt” as showing off something fancy or stylish, like flaunting a new car or jewelry. The word “flaunt” has the letter “a” in it, which can remind you of “attract attention.”
  • Flout: Remember “flout” by thinking of it as breaking the rules or defying authority. The word “flout” starts with “fl,” which can bring to mind “forbidden” or “defy.”

Tricks To Remember The Differences Between Flaunt and Flout

  1. Visualize the Actions:
    • Picture someone flaunting by showing off something fancy, like flaunting a new car. Then imagine someone flouting rules by breaking them, like flouting traffic laws.
  2. Associations with the Words:
    • “Flaunt” sounds like “want” – think of showing off what you want others to see.
    • “Flout” sounds like “outlaw” – think of breaking rules or going against what’s allowed.
  3. Word Origins:
    • Remember that “flaunt” often involves attracting attention, while “flout” typically involves defiance or disobedience

When to Use Flaunt and Flout

Flaunt and Flout Usage

Usage of Flaunt:

  • Flaunt is used to showcase or display something proudly.
  • It is often done with the intention of attracting attention or admiration.
  • People flaunt their possessions, achievements, or attributes to enhance their image or status.
  • Flaunting can extend to displaying one’s beauty, intelligence, or talents.

Usage of Flout:

  • Flout is used to openly disregard or disobey rules, laws, conventions, or societal norms.
  • It involves a deliberate act of defiance or rebellion against established regulations or expectations.
  • Flouting can occur in various contexts, including legal, social, or cultural settings.
  • It may also involve challenging governmental policies or societal norms on a larger scale.

Flaunt and Flout Examples

Flaunt and Flout Examples

Flaunt Examples

  1. She flaunted her new sports car by driving it around the neighborhood.
  2. They often flaunt their wealth by wearing expensive designer clothes.
  3. He flaunts his intelligence by constantly correcting others in conversations.
  4. The company flaunted its success by showcasing its latest innovations at the trade fair.
  5. Sarah always flaunts her latest gadgets to impress her friends.

Flout Examples

  1. He flouts the rules by parking in the handicap spot without a permit.
  2. The rebels openly flouted the government’s curfew orders.
  3. She flouts societal norms by refusing to conform to traditional gender roles.
  4. The students flouted the school’s dress code by wearing inappropriate attire to class.
  5. Despite warnings, he continued to flout the safety regulations at the construction site.

Synonyms For Flaunt and Flout

Flaunt Flout
Display Defy
Show off Disobey
Parade Disregard
Boast Ignore
Exhibit Rebel


Q 1. She __________ her new dress at the party.

Q 2. They have been __________ the company’s policies for months

Q 3. The protesters decided to __________ the government’s curfew

Q 4. It’s important not to __________ safety regulations in the workplace.

Q 5. She loves to __________ her academic achievements to impress her peers.


A 1. flaunted

A 2. flouting

A 3. flout

A 4. flout

A 5. flaunt


What does it mean to flaunt orders?

Flaunting orders means to openly display disobedience or disregard for instructions, rules, or commands, often with a sense of defiance or arrogance.

What does flout mean in slang?

In slang, “flout” can mean to ignore or dismiss something casually, especially rules or expectations, often with an air of nonchalance.

What does flout out mean?

“Flout out” is not a standard phrase. Perhaps you meant “flout.” In that case, it means to openly disregard or disobey rules, laws, or conventions.

What are some common contexts in which “flout” is used?

“Flout” is commonly used in legal, social, or cultural contexts to describe open defiance or disregard for rules, laws, norms, or societal expectations.

How does “flaunt” contribute to someone’s self-image or social status?

Flaunting often involves proudly displaying one’s possessions, achievements, or attributes, contributing to a perceived sense of wealth, success, or status in society.

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