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Created by: Team English -, Last Updated: May 1, 2024



Gender refers to the roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men, women, and non-binary people. Unlike biological sex, which is centered on physical differences in anatomy, gender is a social and cultural construct. It deeply influences personal identity, social interactions, and the distribution of power within society. Understanding gender is crucial for addressing issues like equality, empowerment, and justice. As societies evolve, the definitions and expectations associated with gender roles are also changing, leading to a more inclusive understanding that goes beyond the traditional male and female binary.

What is Mean By Gender?

Gender refers to the roles, behaviors, and activities that society deems appropriate for men, women, and non-binary individuals. It is a cultural construct that shapes identity and social interactions, influencing issues of equality and justice. Unlike biological sex, gender extends beyond mere physical distinctions to encompass a broader spectrum of social expectations.

Types of Gender

Types of Gender

In today’s diverse society, our understanding of gender extends beyond the traditional notions of male and female. Here’s a clearer look at the different types of gender identities that are widely recognized:


Cisgender refers to individuals whose gender identity aligns with the sex they were assigned at birth. For example, someone born with female anatomy who identifies as a woman is cisgender.


Transgender people have a gender identity that does not match the sex they were assigned at birth. This can include a man born with female anatomy or a woman born with male anatomy, among other variations.


A genderfluid person does not have a fixed gender. Their gender identity can change over time, ranging from male to female, or somewhere in between, depending on how they feel on any given day.


Non-binary is a term used to describe individuals who do not categorize their gender within the binary frameworks of male or female. They might feel like a mix of both, neither, or something entirely different.


Agender people identify as having no gender at all. They often describe themselves as being gender neutral or genderless, seeing their identity as existing without gender.


Bigender individuals experience exactly two gender identities, either simultaneously or varying between them. These might be male and female, but could also include non-binary or other gender experiences.


Genderqueer is a broad category that includes any gender identity that isnā€™t solely male or female. It is a non-normative gender identity that challenges conventional understandings of gender.


A demiboy (or demiguy) is someone whose gender identity is partially, but not wholly, male. They may or may not identify partially as another gender alongside male.


Similarly, a demigirl is someone whose gender identity is partially, but not wholly, female. This can include feeling a connection to another gender identity alongside their femininity.


This term is used by some Indigenous cultures in North America to describe certain people within their communities who fulfill a traditional third-gender (or other gender-variant) ceremonial role in their cultures.

Identity of Gender

The concept of gender identity goes beyond mere categories of male and female, encompassing a broad spectrum of experiences and self-identifications. Gender identity is a deeply personal aspect of who we are, reflecting how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves in terms of gender. Hereā€™s an exploration of what forms and influences gender identity:

Personal Perception

Gender identity is an internal, deeply-held sense of being male, female, both, neither, or anywhere along the gender spectrum. Unlike biological sex, which is assigned based on physical characteristics at birth, gender identity is how individuals experience themselves and what they internally understand their gender to be.

Social Influence

Society plays a significant role in shaping gender identity. Cultural norms and expectations can influence how individuals form their identities, often dictating how they express themselves and interact with others. However, as societal understanding of gender evolves, there is a growing recognition and acceptance of diverse gender identities beyond the traditional binaries.

Expression and Roles

Gender expression refers to how a person outwardly shows their gender identity. This can include behaviors, clothing, hairstyles, voice, and other forms of presentation. Gender roles, on the other hand, are the roles and behaviors that society considers appropriate for people based on their perceived or actual gender identity. These roles can vary widely between different cultures and have changed over time.

Recognition and Rights

Understanding and respecting each individual’s gender identity is crucial for fostering an inclusive society. This includes using preferred pronouns, recognizing diverse gender identities in legal documents, and ensuring that individuals can express their identities without fear of discrimination or harm.

Psychological and Emotional Aspects

Gender identity is also tied to one’s psychological well-being. Incongruence between one’s gender identity and assigned sex can lead to gender dysphoria, which is a sense of distress that might arise from a discrepancy between a person’s body and their gender identity. Addressing this may involve gender-affirming treatments such as hormone therapy, surgery, or other medical interventions.

Gender Roles

Gender roles are the social and behavioral norms deemed appropriate for individuals based on their perceived gender. These roles have deep cultural roots and vary widely across societies and through history. Hereā€™s a more detailed look at these roles:

Historical Perspectives

  • Traditionally, gender roles have been rigid: men were often seen as the breadwinners and protectors, while women typically took on caregiver and homemaker roles. These expectations were enforced through social, legal, and economic structures influencing education and career choices.

Cultural Variations

  • Cultural differences significantly affect gender roles. Some cultures recognize a third gender, which blends or alternates traditional male and female roles. In contrast, others may allow more fluidity, letting individuals choose roles that best fit their identities without strict adherence to binary norms.

Impact of Modernization

  • Advancements in education, technology, and social awareness are reshaping traditional gender roles. More women are entering fields once dominated by men, and ideas about masculinity now often include roles in caregiving and emotional support. The conversation about gender fluidity and non-binary identities also challenges the conventional gender role binary.

Media Influence

  • The media plays a crucial role in shaping and reflecting gender roles. Whether through TV, films, advertising, or social media, media can perpetuate or challenge traditional roles, helping to broaden views on gender expressions and identities.

Educational Impact

  • Educational systems that include gender studies and promote gender equality are critical in challenging entrenched gender roles. By fostering a critical understanding of gender, educational institutions can support a more inclusive atmosphere that respects diverse gender identities.

Future Directions

  • As societies progress, the interpretation of gender roles will continue to evolve. Promoting ongoing dialogue and education about gender equality and rights is key to developing a society where everyone can express their gender identity freely and without the constraints of outdated norms.

Gender Expression

Gender expression is how individuals present their gender externally through various means. This form of personal expression is crucial for many people’s identity and social interactions. Below are key points that highlight the main aspects of gender expression:

  • Forms of Expression:
    • Clothing, hairstyle, and body language.
    • Voice modulation and the roles assumed in daily interactions.
  • Spectrum of Expression:
    • Exists on a spectrum from masculine to feminine, including androgynous or unique expressions.
    • Not confined to binary gender norms but can include a mix or absence of these characteristics.
  • Cultural and Social Influences:
    • Influenced by cultural norms and societal expectations.
    • Varies significantly across different cultures and social contexts.
  • Impact on Personal Identity:
    • A critical aspect of self-perception and confidence.
    • Aligning external presentation with internal gender identity is vital for mental health and emotional well-being.
  • Challenges and Acceptance:
    • Individuals may face discrimination or stigma in less accepting environments.
    • Growing societal acceptance and legal protections are improving conditions for diverse expressions.
  • Role of Allies:
    • Allies support acceptance by advocating against discriminatory practices.
    • Help create safer environments for all forms of gender expression.

Feminist Theory of Gender

Feminist theory of gender explores how gender inequality is perpetuated in society and seeks ways to challenge these disparities. It emphasizes the importance of gender as a fundamental aspect of societal structure that affects both power and opportunity. Here’s a detailed look at the feminist theory of gender:

Historical Context

  • Origins: Feminist theory emerged from the feminist movements, particularly during the late 19th and early 20th centuries when women fought for voting rights, education, and legal equality.
  • Development: Over the decades, feminist theory has evolved to include various branches like radical feminism, liberal feminism, and intersectional feminism, each addressing different facets of gender inequality.

Key Concepts

  • Gender Performativity: Introduced by Judith Butler, this concept suggests that gender is not a fixed trait but rather a series of actions and behaviors performed according to societal expectations.
  • Patriarchy: Feminist theorists argue that societal structures are patriarchal, privileging male dominance in political, economic, and social spheres.
  • Intersectionality: A term coined by KimberlĆ© Crenshaw, intersectionality addresses how different aspects of social and political identities (gender, race, class) combine to shape levels of discrimination and privilege.

Goals of Feminist Gender Theory

  • Equality: Striving for equal rights and opportunities in all aspects of life, including work, law, and culture.
  • Empowerment: Empowering women and other marginalized genders to participate fully in all areas of society.
  • Awareness: Raising awareness about the subtle and overt ways that society perpetuates gender inequalities.

Impact on Society

  • Policy and Legal Changes: Feminist theory has led to significant changes in laws and policies to promote gender equality, such as equal pay acts and anti-discrimination laws.
  • Cultural Shifts: It has influenced media, literature, and public discourse, reshaping public perceptions of gender roles and expectations.
  • Education: Feminist principles have been integrated into educational curriculums to encourage critical thinking about gender and equality from a young age.

Criticisms and Challenges

  • Diversity and Inclusion: Critics argue that early feminist movements often centered on the experiences of white, middle-class women, neglecting the voices of women of color, non-binary individuals, and those from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
  • Backlash: Feminist theories and movements often face backlash from conservative groups who view them as threatening to traditional social structures.

Biological factors of Gender

Gender is influenced by various biological factors that contribute to the physical and some behavioral traits associated with being male, female, or intersex. Hereā€™s a straightforward overview of these factors:


  • Basics: Humans typically have 23 pairs of chromosomes. The 23rd pair, known as sex chromosomes, determines an individualā€™s biological sexā€”XY for males and XX for females.
  • Variations: Sometimes, variations like Klinefelter syndrome (XXY) or Turner syndrome (XO) occur, showing that chromosomal differences can lead to diverse developmental traits.


  • Key Hormones: Testosterone and estrogen are crucial in developing gender-specific characteristics. Testosterone, more abundant in males, promotes traits like body hair and muscle growth. Estrogen, predominant in females, influences features like breast development and body fat distribution.
  • Prenatal Influence: The balance and presence of these hormones during fetal development are pivotal in determining physical gender traits.

Reproductive Anatomy

  • Primary Characteristics: These include organs directly involved in reproduction, such as ovaries in females and testes in males.
  • Secondary Characteristics: These features emerge during puberty and are not directly involved in reproduction, like the deepening of the voice in males and the widening of hips in females.

Genetic Factors

  • Gene Expression: Itā€™s not just the chromosomes you have, but how genes on these chromosomes are expressed that shapes gender-specific development.
  • Genetic Disorders: Certain conditions can influence how gender traits develop, adding to the diversity of how individuals experience their biological gender.

Brain Structure

  • Differences in the Brain: Research indicates there are some structural differences in male and female brains, which might affect everything from behavior to cognitive functioning.
  • Complexity: The link between brain structure and gender identity is intricate and not entirely clear, with much overlap between genders.

Gender as Biopsychosocial

Gender is a complex identity that is best understood through a biopsychosocial model, which integrates biological, psychological, and social dimensions. This comprehensive approach helps explain the multifaceted nature of gender beyond mere physical or cultural definitions. Hereā€™s a breakdown of how each component contributes to our understanding of gender:

Biological Aspect

  • Chromosomes and Hormones: Biological factors like chromosomes (XX, XY, XXY, etc.) and hormones (estrogen, testosterone) play a fundamental role in the development of physical gender traits.
  • Genetic Influences: Genetic variations can affect how gender characteristics manifest, influencing everything from body structure to reproductive functions.

Psychological Aspect

  • Identity Formation: Gender identity is an individual’s personal sense of their gender, which may or may not correspond with the sex assigned at birth. This psychological aspect involves self-perception, self-expression, and personal experiences.
  • Cognitive and Emotional Processes: How individuals process their gender identity affects their emotional well-being. Psychological research explores how gender identity impacts mental health, personality development, and behavior.

Social Aspect

  • Cultural Norms and Roles: Society plays a critical role in shaping gender through cultural norms and expectations. These social constructs dictate acceptable behaviors, roles, and interactions for different genders.
  • Socialization Processes: From a young age, individuals learn and internalize societal expectations related to their gender through family, education, media, and peer interactions.
  • Social Identity Theory: This theory explains how individual personal identity is influenced by the social categories to which they belong, including gender. Social identity can impact self-esteem, group behavior, and interpersonal dynamics.

Interaction of Aspects

  • Biopsychosocial Interplay: Each aspect of gender does not exist in isolation but interacts dynamically. For instance, biological factors may predispose certain behaviors or traits, but psychological processes and social conditioning can modify or amplify these expressions.
  • Holistic Understanding: Viewing gender through a biopsychosocial lens allows for a more nuanced understanding that accommodates individual variations and societal changes. It acknowledges that gender identity and expression are influenced by a confluence of factors, each contributing uniquely to an individualā€™s experience of gender.

List of Gender Identities

Gender identity is diverse and encompasses a wide range of experiences beyond the traditional male and female categories. Here’s a list of some commonly recognized gender identities, each with its unique characteristics:

Gender IdentityDescription
CisgenderIndividuals whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth.
TransgenderIndividuals whose gender identity does not align with their assigned sex at birth.
Non-BinaryA gender identity that does not fit within the traditional binary of male or female.
GenderfluidA gender identity that varies over time, which can change from day to day or over longer periods.
BigenderIndividuals who experience two gender identities, either simultaneously or varying between the two.
AgenderIndividuals who do not identify with any gender; often described as being gender neutral or genderless.
DemiboySomeone who partially identifies as a boy or man, regardless of their assigned sex at birth, but does not fully identify as such.
DemigirlSomeone who partially identifies as a girl or woman, regardless of their assigned sex at birth, but does not fully identify as such.
GenderqueerA gender identity that does not adhere to conventional gender distinctions but is between or beyond genders.
Two-SpiritA gender identity specific to some Indigenous North American cultures that fulfills a traditional third-gender ceremonial role in their cultures.

Gender vs. Biological Sex

Gender vs. Biological Sex
AspectBiological SexGender
DefinitionRefers to the anatomical, physiological, genetic, and hormonal characteristics that define humans as male or female.A social construct that relates to behaviors, roles, expectations, and activities in society.
Determined ByChromosomes (XX for female, XY for male), hormones, internal and external reproductive organs.Social norms, cultural practices, individual self-perception, and personal identity.
VariabilityTypically categorized as male or female, but intersex variations exist (e.g., Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome).A spectrum that includes male, female, transgender, non-binary, genderqueer, and more.
ChangeabilityGenerally fixed from birth, but can be altered in cases of intersex conditions or through medical interventions.Fluid and self-defined; can change over time and vary across different cultural contexts.
Role in SocietyOften used for medical and legal classifications.Influences personal identity, social interactions, and access to resources in society.
RecognitionBiological differences are universally recognized and scientifically defined.Socially and culturally dependent; recognition varies greatly around the world.

Gender Equality and Inequality

Gender equality and inequality are significant topics in discussions about social justice, economic development, and human rights. Hereā€™s a detailed look at what these terms mean and the implications they have on society.

Gender Equality

  • Definition: Gender equality refers to the state in which access to rights or opportunities is unaffected by gender. This includes equal treatment of all genders in various aspects of life such as legal rights, economic opportunities, and voice in political and social spheres.
  • Goals: The primary goal is to ensure that everyone, regardless of their gender, has the same opportunities to achieve their potential. This includes equal access to education, healthcare, work, and decision-making processes.
  • Benefits: Societies that promote gender equality often see improvements in economic prosperity and social cohesion. Research shows that gender equality contributes to better health outcomes, economic growth, and a more stable society.

Gender Inequality

  • Definition: Gender inequality refers to the disparities in status, power, and prestige between people who identify as different genders. This often stems from historical and structural imbalances in power.
  • Manifestations: It can appear in various forms, including wage gaps, unequal representation in political and business leadership, gender-based violence, and differential access to education and healthcare.
  • Impact: Gender inequality not only hampers the individual development of women and gender minorities but also limits the overall economic and social development of a society. It perpetuates poverty, reduces economic productivity, and results in poor health outcomes and reduced life expectancy.

Strategies to Address Inequality

  • Education and Awareness: Educating the public about gender issues and promoting gender-sensitive policies are crucial. This involves integrating gender studies into educational curricula and fostering an environment of respect and equality.
  • Legal Frameworks: Implementing and enforcing laws that protect against gender discrimination and promote equality. This includes laws on equal pay, anti-discrimination, and protection against harassment.
  • Empowerment Initiatives: Programs that empower underrepresented genders through skills development, access to resources, and support networks can help level the playing field.
  • Representation: Ensuring diverse representation in all areas of public life, including politics, business, and media, helps to challenge entrenched stereotypes and promote a more inclusive society.

Examples of Gender in Psychology

In psychology, the concept of gender encompasses various dimensions, each with unique implications for behavior, cognition, and social interaction. Here are 10 examples of how gender is explored and understood within the field of psychology:

  1. Gender Identity: A person’s internal sense of their own gender, whether they feel male, female, a blend of both, or neither.
  2. Gender Roles: The behaviors, tasks, and responsibilities that a society considers appropriate for men, women, and other gender identities. Psychology examines how these roles affect mental health and personal development.
  3. Gender Stereotypes: Fixed and oversimplified beliefs about the characteristics of men and women. Psychological research often explores how these stereotypes influence everything from job performance to interpersonal relationships.
  4. Gender Dysphoria: The distress or discomfort that may occur when a person’s gender identity does not align with their biological sex. Psychology plays a key role in diagnosing and treating gender dysphoria.
  5. Gender Socialization: The process by which individuals learn the gender norms of their society. Psychological studies focus on how gender socialization influences identity formation and behavior patterns.
  6. Gender Differences in Cognition: Research that explores differences in how men and women think, including differences in memory, problem-solving skills, and language usage.
  7. Gender Expression: How an individual expresses their gender identity through their appearance, speech, behavior, and social interactions. Psychological perspectives can help understand the impacts of gender expression on social acceptance and mental health.
  8. Transgender Psychology: A subfield that studies the psychological aspects of being transgender, including the challenges and experiences faced by transgender individuals.
  9. Intersectionality in Gender: Examines how gender intersects with other personal attributes like race, class, and sexual orientation, and how these intersections impact individual psychology and social status.
  10. Gender and Sexuality: The relationship between gender identity and sexual orientation, and how these aspects of self influence each other. Psychology explores the diversity of experiences within different gender and sexual identities.

Examples of Gender in Real life

Exploring examples of gender in real life helps illustrate the diverse ways in which gender identity, roles, and expressions manifest in everyday situations. Here are some practical examples that reflect this diversity:

  1. Workplace Roles: Traditionally, certain professions have been dominated by one gender (e.g., nursing by women, engineering by men). Changes in these patterns over time reflect shifts in societal gender roles.
  2. Fashion and Dress: Clothing choices often reflect gender norms and expectations. For instance, wearing dresses is traditionally associated with women, while suits are often linked to men. However, increasing fashion fluidity allows individuals to express their gender identity beyond these norms.
  3. Parental Roles: In many cultures, women have been primary caregivers, a role that is increasingly shared with men as societal views on fatherhood and gender equality evolve.
  4. Sports Participation: Participation in certain sports has been gendered, with football seen as masculine and gymnastics as more feminine. Gender barriers in sports continue to be challenged by athletes who defy these stereotypes.
  5. Education Choices: Gender influences educational pursuits, with statistical differences in subjects where men and women are traditionally underrepresented (e.g., women in STEM fields).
  6. Media Representation: The roles and behaviors depicted by characters in films and television often reinforce or challenge traditional gender stereotypes, impacting viewers’ perceptions of gender roles.
  7. Gendered Language: In many languages, gender is reflected in pronouns and forms of address that imply or specify gender, influencing daily communication.
  8. Toys and Play in Childhood: Toys are often marketed as gender-specific, influencing childrenā€™s interests and skills from an early age. Dolls for girls and trucks for boys are classic examples, though this is increasingly being questioned.
  9. Public Spaces: Gender norms can dictate behaviors in public spacesā€”such as men being expected to suppress emotional displays, whereas women may be more socially permitted to show emotion.
  10. Legislation and Rights: Legal recognition of gender, as seen in the availability of gender-neutral bathrooms or the option to choose ‘X’ as a gender marker on passports, reflects changing societal understanding of gender beyond binary classifications.

Examples of Gender in Sociology

In sociology, the concept of gender is crucial for understanding how societal norms and structures shape identities, behaviors, and opportunities. Here’s an easy-to-understand breakdown of how gender is explored in this field:

  1. Gender Socialization: This concept explains how individuals learn and internalize their society’s expectations for gender behaviors and roles. For example, societal norms might encourage nurturing behaviors in girls and assertiveness in boys.
  2. Gender Stratification: Sociologists study how gender affects access to resources and power. This includes looking at why wage gaps exist between genders in different professions or why fewer women hold leadership roles.
  3. Gender and Family Dynamics: This area explores how traditional gender roles within families influence things like who does household chores or how parents interact with their children.
  4. Gender and Education: Researchers analyze why certain gendered patterns, like girls excelling in reading and fewer girls pursuing STEM fields, occur. They examine the cultural and institutional factors behind these trends.
  5. Gender in the Workplace: Sociology looks at how gender impacts career paths and experiences at work, including issues like the “glass ceiling” that prevents many women from rising to top positions.
  6. Gender in Media: This study focuses on how media portrayals of gender influence societal views and behaviors, such as the impact of stereotypical female characters or the representation of transgender individuals.
  7. Gender and Public Policy: Sociologists assess how laws and policies related to gender equality, like maternity leave or equal pay laws, shape societal norms and individual experiences.
  8. Intersectionality: This approach considers how overlapping identities (gender, race, class) interact and affect experiences of oppression or privilege.
  9. Gender and Religion: This area looks at how religious beliefs and practices assign different roles and expectations to genders, influencing everything from participation in religious ceremonies to leadership roles within religious communities.
  10. Gender and Health: Research in this area explores how gender influences health outcomes and access to medical care, examining disparities in how different genders are treated within the healthcare system.

Examples of Gender in Sentences

Using the concept of gender in sentences can help illustrate how it is understood and applied in everyday language. Here are some examples of sentences that incorporate the term “gender“:

  1. The company is committed to gender equality and ensures equal pay and opportunity for all employees, regardless of gender.
  2. During the workshop, we discussed how gender stereotypes can influence career choices from a young age.
  3. The new policy requires bathrooms to be accessible to people of any gender, including those who identify as non-binary.
  4. Historical data shows that gender roles have shifted significantly over the past century.
  5. The survey revealed that attitudes towards gender fluidity are becoming more accepting among the younger generation.
  6. Gender identity is a deeply personal aspect of who we are, influencing how we see ourselves and how others perceive us.
  7. In sociology, gender is not just about male and female; it encompasses a range of identities including transgender and genderqueer.
  8. The teacher uses books and materials that challenge traditional gender norms to encourage critical thinking among students.
  9. Her thesis explores the impact of gender bias in artificial intelligence algorithms.
  10. Gender representation in video games has been a hot topic, with calls for more diversity and inclusivity in character designs.

What is Gender anyway?

Gender is a social and cultural construct that defines roles, behaviors, and identities typically associated with being male, female, or beyond traditional binary classifications.

What is Gender in Constitutional law?

In constitutional law, gender refers to categories protected against discrimination, ensuring equal rights and opportunities irrespective of an individual’s gender identity or expression.

The legal definition of gender typically refers to an individual’s personal sense of identity as male, female, or a non-binary option, recognized for anti-discrimination protections and rights.

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