Personal Pronouns Exercises

Team English -
Created by: Team English -, Last Updated: July 9, 2024

Personal Pronouns Exercises

Personal Pronouns Exercises are practice activities designed to help learners understand and correctly use personal pronouns in sentences. Personal pronouns, such as “I,” “you,” “he,” “she,” “it,” “we,” and “they,” replace specific nouns and indicate who is speaking, being spoken to, or being spoken about. These exercises typically include tasks like identifying personal pronouns in sentences, replacing nouns with the correct personal pronouns, and choosing the appropriate pronoun for a given context. Additionally, some exercises may include reflexive pronouns like “myself,” “yourself,” “himself,” “herself,” “itself,” “ourselves,” and “themselves,” which refer back to the subject of the sentence. The goal of these exercises is to improve grammar skills and ensure proper pronoun usage in both written and spoken English.

Exercises – 1. Fill in the Blanks

Complete the sentences using the correct personal pronoun.

  1. Sarah is my friend. ___ loves to read books.
  2. Tom and Jerry are playing outside. ___ are having fun.
  3. My cat is very cute. ___ likes to sleep on my bed.
  4. I have a brother. ___ is older than me.
  5. The teacher is very nice. ___ helps us with our homework.
  6. Jack and I are going to the park. ___ will meet you there.
  7. The dog is barking loudly. ___ is probably hungry.
  8. My parents are at work. ___ will be home soon.
  9. The car is new. ___ drives very smoothly.
  10. Emily is a good student. ___ always does her homework.
  11. This is my book. ___ is very interesting.
  12. The flowers are blooming. ___ look beautiful.
  13. The movie was exciting. ___ had a great plot.
  14. The kids are playing soccer. ___ are having a blast.
  15. This laptop is mine. ___ works perfectly.

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Exercises – 2. Rewrite the Sentences

Rewrite the following sentences by replacing the underlined nouns with the appropriate personal pronouns.

  1. Alice is going to the market.
  2. The books are on the table.
  3. John and I went to the park.
  4. The dog is barking loudly.
  5. My parents are watching TV.
  6. The teacher is grading papers.
  7. Lisa and Mark are going to the party.
  8. The cake tastes delicious.
  9. My brother is playing video games.
  10. The students are studying for the exam.
  11. The cat is sleeping on the couch.
  12. Paul is working on his project.
  13. The baby is crying.
  14. The boys are playing basketball.
  15. The weather is nice today.

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Exercises – 3. Match the Pronouns

Match each noun with the correct personal pronoun.

Mary and I
The computer
The children
The weather
The books
The team

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Exercises – 4. Identify the Personal Pronouns

Underline the personal pronouns in the following sentences.

  1. She is my best friend.
  2. We are going to the movies.
  3. They have finished their homework.
  4. He loves playing football.
  5. I will call you later.
  6. You need to be careful.
  7. It is raining outside.
  8. They are very kind people.
  9. He brought his laptop.
  10. We should leave now.
  11. I forgot my keys.
  12. She went to the store.
  13. He is my brother.
  14. We enjoyed the concert.
  15. They are visiting us tomorrow.

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Exercises – 5. Choose the Correct Pronoun

Choose the correct personal pronoun to complete each sentence.

  1. (He/They) went to the store to buy groceries.
  2. (I/We) will help you with your project.
  3. (She/It) is the best singer in the class.
  4. (You/They) need to complete your assignment by tomorrow.
  5. (It/He) is raining heavily today.
  6. (We/She) are going on a trip next week.
  7. (They/I) are excited about the game.
  8. (He/You) should talk to the teacher.
  9. (It/She) is my favorite movie.
  10. (We/He) have a meeting at noon.
  11. (I/They) am going to the gym.
  12. (She/We) wants to join the club.
  13. (He/You) should try this dessert.
  14. (They/It) are my best friends.
  15. (It/We) is a beautiful day.

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How do personal pronouns differ from other pronouns?

Personal pronouns specifically refer to people or things directly involved in the action, unlike demonstrative (this, that) or possessive pronouns (his, hers).

Can personal pronouns be subjects and objects?

Yes, personal pronouns can act as subjects (I, you, he) or objects (me, you, him) in a sentence.

What is the difference between subject and object pronouns?

Subject pronouns (I, he, we) perform the action, while object pronouns (me, him, us) receive the action.

How do you choose the correct personal pronoun?

Identify whether the pronoun will act as the subject or object, then match it to the noun it replaces.

What are some common mistakes with personal pronouns?

Using subject pronouns as objects (e.g., “between you and I” instead of “between you and me”) is a common mistake.

How can you practice personal pronouns?

Replace nouns in sentences with appropriate personal pronouns. For example, “Sarah went to the store” becomes “She went to the store.”

What are reflexive personal pronouns?

Reflexive pronouns refer back to the subject of the sentence, such as myself, yourself, himself, and themselves.

Why is it important to use personal pronouns correctly?

Correct use of personal pronouns ensures clarity and accuracy in communication.

Can personal pronouns be gender-neutral?

Yes, ‘they’ can be used as a singular, gender-neutral pronoun, and options like ‘ze’ or ‘hir’ are also used.

How do you avoid ambiguity with personal pronouns?

Ensure each pronoun clearly refers to a specific antecedent, avoiding vague or unclear references.

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