“W” Silent Words

Last Updated: April 3, 2024

“W” Silent Words


In the labyrinth of the English language, silent words stand as curious sentinels, guarding the complex history and evolution of linguistics. These silent “W” words, often inherited from ancient languages, weave a tapestry of silent whispers that challenge speakers and learners alike. They are the invisible threads that connect modern English to its rich past, embodying the quirks and idiosyncrasies of language evolution. Understanding silent words is akin to unlocking a secret code, revealing the intricate patterns and influences that have shaped English into the vibrant, dynamic language it is today.

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5 Letter Words With W 6 Letter Words with W 7 Letter Words With W
8 Letter words with W 9 Letter Words With W 10 Letter Words With W
Words Starting with W Words Ending with W Words With Letter W in Middle
OW Words

30+ Most Commonly used “W” Silent Words

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wrestle ˈrɛsəl wreath riːθ whose huːz
wrist rɪst wry raɪ whom huːm
write raɪt sword sɔːrd whoop huːp
wrong rɔŋ answer ˈænsər wholly ˈhoʊli
wring rɪŋ two tuː wholesome ˈhoʊlsəm
wristwatch ˈrɪstwɒtʃ who huː whisper ˈwɪspər
wrapper ˈræpər whole hoʊl white waɪt
wreck rɛk written ˈrɪtən whittle ˈwɪtəl
wren rɛn wrote roʊt whim wɪm
wrinkle ˈrɪŋkəl wrath ræθ whirl wɜrl
wreak riːk what wɒt wharf wɔrf
wheat wiːt wheel wiːl whether ˈwɛðər
whenever wɛnˈɛvər where wɛər which wɪtʃ
while waɪl whine waɪn whip wɪp
whiz wɪz whack wæk whiff wɪf

Starting Words with “W” Silent 

Starting Words with W Silent

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     1. Wrist – /rɪst/: The joint between hand and forearm. The “W” is silent.

     2.Writhe – /raɪð/: To twist in pain. Begins silently with “W.”

     3.Wraith – /reɪθ/: A ghostly figure, with a silently starting “W.”

     4.Wreck – /rɛk/: Destruction of property, “W” is silent.

     5.Wrestle – /ˈrɛs.əl/: Physical struggle, with a silent “W.”

     6.Wry – /raɪ/: Dry humor, starting silently with “W.”

     7.Wrong – /rɒŋ/: Incorrect, with a silent “W.”

     8.Wrangle – /ˈræŋ.ɡəl/: To argue loudly, “W” is silent.

     9.Write – /raɪt/: Marking symbols on a surface, silently starts with “W.”

     10.Wrath – /ræθ/: Intense anger, with a silent “W” at the beginning.

Ending Words with “W” Silent

Ending Words with W Silent

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  1. Shadow – /ˈʃæd.oʊ/: A dark area or shape produced by an object blocking light.
  2. Marrow – /ˈmær.oʊ/: The soft substance in the cavities of bones where blood cells are produced.
  3. Meadow – /ˈmɛd.oʊ/: A piece of grassland, especially one used for hay.
  4. Window – /ˈwɪn.doʊ/: An opening in a wall or door, typically covered with glass, to let light and air in and allow people to see out.
  5. Sparrow – /ˈspær.oʊ/: A small, brown and gray bird, common in many parts of the world.
  6. Borrow – /ˈbɒr.oʊ/: To take and use something that belongs to someone else with the intention of returning it.
  7. Farrow – /ˈfær.oʊ/: A litter of pigs.
  8. Narrow – /ˈnær.oʊ/: Having a small width in comparison to its length or height.
  9. Yarrow – /ˈjær.oʊ/: A plant with white or yellow flowers that is used in traditional medicine.
  10. Willow – /ˈwɪl.oʊ/: A type of tree with narrow leaves and strong, flexible branches.

Middle Words with “W” Silent

Middle Words with W Silent

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  1. Answer – /ˈæn.sər/: A reaction or response to a question or situation.
  2. Sword – /sɔːrd/: A weapon with a long metal blade and a hilt with a handguard.
  3. Two – /tuː/: The number following one and preceding three.
  4. Awkward – /ˈɔː.kwərd/: Causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with.
  5. Knowledge – /ˈnɒl.ɪdʒ/: Information and skills acquired through experience or education.
  6. Answered – /ˈæn.sərd/: Responded to a question or request.
  7. Towards – /təˈwɔːrdz/: In the direction of.
  8. Own – /oʊn/: To possess something as one’s property.
  9. Bowler – /ˈboʊ.lər/: A player in cricket who delivers the ball to the batsman.
  10. Swollen – /ˈswoʊ.lən/: Enlarged or expanded from fluid, typically due to injury or inflammation.

Short Words with “W” Silent

Short Words with W Silent

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  1. Wrist – /rɪst/: The joint connecting the hand and forearm.
  2. Wrap – /ræp/: To cover or enclose something.
  3. Wreck – /rɛk/: The destruction of a vehicle or ship.
  4. Wring – /rɪŋ/: To twist and squeeze something to force liquid from it.
  5. Wrest – /rɪst/: The joint connecting the hand and forearm.
  6. Wry – /raɪ/: Using or expressing dry, especially mocking, humor.
  7. Who – /huː/: Used to ask which person or people.
  8. Whom – /huːm/: Used instead of “who” as the object of a verb or preposition.
  9. Whole – /hoʊl/: All of; entire.
  10. Whose – /huːz/: Belonging to or associated with which person.

Long Words With “W” Silent

Long Words With W Silent

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  1. Wrestling – /ˈrɛs.lɪŋ/: The sport or activity of grappling with an opponent and trying to throw or hold them down on the ground.
  2. Answering – /ˈæn.sər.ɪŋ/: Responding to a question or call.
  3. Wrangling – /ˈræŋ.ɡlɪŋ/: Engaging in a long, complicated dispute or argument.
  4. Twilight – /ˈtwaɪ.laɪt/: The soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the reflection of the sun’s rays from the atmosphere.
  5. Wristwatch – /ˈrɪst.wɒtʃ/: A watch worn on the wrist.
  6. Playwright – /ˈpleɪ.raɪt/: A person who writes plays.
  7. Swordsmanship – /ˈsɔːrd.smən.ʃɪp/: The skills of fighting with a sword.
  8. Acknowledgment – /əkˈnɒl.ɪdʒ.mənt/: Acceptance of the truth or existence of something.
  9. Swallowtail – /ˈswɒl.oʊ.teɪl/: A type of butterfly with pointed extensions on its hind wings, resembling the tail of a swallow.
  10. Bittersweet – /ˈbɪt.ər.swiːt/: Having a mixture of sadness and happiness.

Perspective “W” Silent Words

Perspective on Silent W Words

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  1. Answer – /ˈæn.sər/: A reaction to a question, letter, phone call, etc.
  2. Sword – /sɔːrd/: A weapon with a long metal blade and a hilt with a hand guard.
  3. Two – /tuː/: The number following one and preceding three.
  4. Whole – /hoʊl/: Entire, complete, or the full amount.
  5. Wrist – /rɪst/: The joint connecting the hand with the forearm.
  6. Write – /raɪt/: To mark coherent words on paper or another surface.
  7. Wreck – /rɛk/: The destruction of a vehicle, or a vehicle or ship that has been destroyed.
  8. Wrinkle – /ˈrɪŋ.kəl/: A small line or fold in something, especially skin or fabric.
  9. Wristwatch – /ˈrɪstˌwɑtʃ/: A watch worn on a strap around the wrist.
  10. Wrath – /ræθ/: Extreme anger.

“W” Silent Words for Kids

W Silent Words for Kids

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  1. Wrist – /rɪst/: The part of your arm where your hand joins your arm.
  2. Write – /raɪt/: To make letters or numbers on a surface, especially using a pen or pencil.
  3. Wrong – /rɒŋ/: Not correct.
  4. Wrapped – /ræpt/: Covered something by winding or folding a piece of material around it.
  5. Wreck – /rɛk/: A vehicle, ship, or building that has been destroyed.
  6. Wrinkle – /ˈrɪŋ.kəl/: A small line or fold in your skin, often a sign of aging.
  7. Wristwatch – /ˈrɪstˌwɒtʃ/: A watch that is worn on the wrist.
  8. Whisper – /ˈwɪs.pər/: To speak very softly using one’s breath without one’s vocal cords, especially for the sake of privacy.
  9. Who – /huː/: Used to ask or talk about which person or people; subject form.
  10. Whole – /hoʊl/: All of something.

Difficult “W” Silent Words 

Difficult with Silent “W” Words

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  1. Answer – /ˈæn.sər/: A reaction or response to a question or situation.
  2. Sword – /sɔːrd/: A weapon with a long metal blade and a hilt with a handguard.
  3. Two – /tuː/: The number equivalent to the sum of one and one.
  4. Wrestle – /ˈrɛs.əl/: To engage in a fight or struggle by grappling with someone.
  5. Wristwatch – /ˈrɪst.wɒtʃ/: A watch worn on a strap around the wrist.
  6. Wring – /rɪŋ/: To twist and squeeze forcefully to force liquid from it.
  7. Whole – /hoʊl/: All of; entire.
  8. Who – /huː/: Used to ask which person or people; used to introduce a clause giving further information about a person mentioned.
  9. Wholesome – /ˈhoʊl.səm/: Conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical well-being.
  10. Wreath – /riːθ/: An arrangement of flowers, leaves, or stems fastened in a ring and used for decoration or for laying on a grave.

In Conclusion, Exploring the silent “W” words reveals the depth and complexity of the English language, offering a unique challenge to learners and enthusiasts alike. This journey not only enhances pronunciation skills but also enriches vocabulary, showcasing the linguistic heritage and evolution of English. Embrace these phonetic treasures to unlock new levels of linguistic understanding and appreciation, making every silent “W” a step towards mastery.

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