Roman Numerals 1 to 10000

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Created by: Team Maths -, Last Updated: July 19, 2024

Roman Numerals 1 to 10000

Roman Numerals 1 to 10000 is a list showing numbers from 1 to 10000 in their Roman numeral forms. This list helps students learn Roman numeral translations easily. By understanding Roman numerals from 1 to 10000, students can also learn to form new numbers. This article covers all the rules for writing Roman numerals from 1 to 10000. Let’s explore these rules together on this page.

Roman Numerals 1 to 10000 Chart

Roman Numerals 1 to 10000 Chart

List of Roman Numerals 1 to 10000

1 – I2 – II3 – III4 – IV5 – V
6 – VI7 – VII8 – VIII9 – IX10 – X
11 – XI12 – XII13 – XIII14 – XIV15 – XV
16 – XVI17 – XVII18 – XVIII19 – XIX20 – XX
21 – XXI22 – XXII23 – XXIII24 – XXIV25 – XXV
26 – XXVI27 – XXVII28 – XXVIII29 – XXIX30 – XXX
31 – XXXI32 – XXXII33 – XXXIII34 – XXXIV35 – XXXV
36 – XXXVI37 – XXXVII38 – XXXVIII39 – XXXIX40 – XL
41 – XLI42 – XLII43 – XLIII44 – XLIV45 – XLV
46 – XLVI47 – XLVII48 – XLVIII49 – XLIX50 – L
51 – LI52 – LII53 – LIII54 – LIV55 – LV
56 – LVI57 – LVII58 – LVIII59 – LIX60 – LX
61 – LXI62 – LXII63 – LXIII64 – LXIV65 – LXV
66 – LXVI67 – LXVII68 – LXVIII69 – LXIX70 – LXX
71 – LXXI72 – LXXII73 – LXXIII74 – LXXIV75 – LXXV
91 – XCI92 – XCII93 – XCIII94 – XCIV95 – XCV
96 – XCVI97 – XCVII98 – XCVIII99 – XCIX100 – C
150 – CL200 – CC250 – CCL300 – CCC350 – CCCL
400 – CD450 – CDL500 – D550 – DL600 – DC
650 – DCL700 – DCC750 – DCCL800 – DCCC850 – DCCCL
900 – CM950 – CML1000 – M1050 – ML1100 – MC
1150 – MCL1200 – MCC1250 – MCCL1300 – MCCC1350 – MCCCL
1400 – MCD1450 – MCDL1500 – MD1600 – MDC1700 – MDCC
1800 – MDCCC1900 – MCM2000 – MM2500 – MMD3000 – MMM
3500 – MMMD4000 – MV̅4500 – MV̅D5000 – V̅5500 – V̅D
6000 – V̅M6500 – V̅MD7000 – V̅MM7500 – V̅MMD8000 – V̅MMM
8500 – V̅MMMD9000 – MX̅9500 – MX̅D10000 – X̅

How to Write Roman Numerals 1 to 10000?

  • Method 1: Break the number into its smallest parts, write their Roman numerals, and then add or subtract them. For example, take the number 2847. Break it down as 2847 = 1000 + 1000 + 500 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 5 + 1 + 1 = M + M + D + C + C + C + X + X + X + V + I + I = MMDCCCLVII.
  • Method 2: Group the numbers for addition. For example, take the number 2847. Group it as 2847 = 2000 + 800 + 40 + 7. Convert each group to Roman numerals: 2000 = MM, 800 = DCCC, 40 = XL, and 7 = VII. Therefore, 2847 = MM + DCCC + XL + VII = MMDCCCXLVII.

Both methods can be used to write Roman numerals from 1 to 10,000.

Rules to Write Roman Numerals 1 to 10000

  • When a bigger numeral precedes a smaller numeral, their values are added. For example, in MI, M is greater than I (M>I), so MI equals M + I, which is 1000 + 1 = 1001.
  • When a smaller numeral precedes a bigger numeral, their values are subtracted. For example, in CD, C is less than D (C<D), so CD equals D – C, which is 500 – 100 = 400.
  • When a numeral is repeated multiple times, their values are added. For example, MMM equals M + M + M, which is 1000 + 1000 + 1000 = 3000.
  • The same numeral cannot be used more than three times in a row. Additionally, V, L, and D cannot be repeated; they can only appear once.

Solved Problems

Problem 1: Convert the number 467 to Roman numerals

Break down the number: 467 = 400 + 60 + 7

  • 400 = CD
  • 60 = LX
  • 7 = VII Thus, 467 in Roman numerals is CDLXVII.

Problem 2: What is the sum of MDCLXVI and CCC in Roman numerals?

  • MDCLXVI = 1666
  • CCC = 300
  • 1666 + 300 = 1966
    1966 in Roman numerals is MCMLXVI.

Problem 3: What is the result when you subtract DCCC from MM in Roman numerals

  • MM = 2000
  • DCCC = 800
  • 2000 – 800 = 1200
    1200 in Roman numerals is MCC.

Problem 4: Convert the Roman numeral MMXIV to a number

  • MM = 2000
  • X = 10
  • IV = 4
  • 2000 + 10 + 4 = 2014 Thus, MMXIV equals 2014.

Problem 5: Write the number 7489 in Roman numerals

Break down the number: 7489 = 7000 + 400 + 80 + 9

  • 7000 = V̅I̅I̅ (or VII with an overline)
  • 400 = CD
  • 80 = LXXX
  • 9 = IX
    Thus, 7489 in Roman numerals is V̅I̅I̅CDLXXXIX.

What does Z mean in Roman numerals?

Z is not a Roman numeral. The Romans did not use the letter Z in their numbering system.

What is XL in Roman numerals?

XL in Roman numerals equals 40. X (10) precedes L (50), indicating subtraction: 50 – 10 = 40.

Is 45 a VL or XLV?

45 is XLV in Roman numerals, not VL. XLV represents 40 (XL) plus 5 (V).

What does C stand for in Roman numerals?

C in Roman numerals stands for 100. It originates from the Latin word “centum,” meaning one hundred.

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