
Last Updated: March 4, 2024


Writing is a soft skill that can lead to a hard skill through specialization. When writing becomes a hard skill, it will have a lot of techniques and styles that the writer can use to augment and improve their writing. One of these techniques is in the proper utilization and usage of a semicolon in the writer’s text.

1. Semicolon and Colons Template

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2. Using Semicolons

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Size: 83 KB


3. Semicolons, Commas, and Periods Template

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Size: 79 KB


4. Semicolons Revised Template

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Size: 83 KB


5. Semicolon Presentation

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Size: 47 KB


6. Controlling Colon and Semicolon Use

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Size: 63 KB


7. Basic Rules for Commas and Semicolons


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Size: 69 KB


8. Helpful Hints for Technical Writing Semicolon

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 9. Secret Life of Semicolons

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Size: 36 KB


10. Punctuating with Semicolons and Colons

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Size: 100 KB


11. Review of Semicolon Template

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Size: 60 KB


12. Semicolon Writing Prompt Template


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Size: 49 KB


13. Semicolon Worksheet Template

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Size: 37 KB


14. Silently Shifting Semicolon

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Size: 71 KB


16. Semicolon and Independent Clauses

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Size: 35 KB


17. Misuses of Semicolons and Colons

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Size: 44 KB


18. Punctuation Semicolons Basics

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Size: 46 KB


19. Three Rules of Semicolons

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Size: 59 KB


What Is a Semicolon

A semicolon is a type of punctuation mark that is symbolized by a period above a comma (;). Writers and authors have been using semicolons to subtly and indirectly connect two interrelated ideas and statements into a single sentence.

How to Use a Semicolon in a Sentence

A well-used semicolon can outline a nuanced relationship between two or more concepts, ideas, statements, and clauses in a subtle manner. If you need a reference you may use any of the semicolon templates and semicolon presentations listed above to improve your technical and creative writing skills.

Step 1: Plan Out the Sentence

Begin by planning out the sentence and the way you will use the semicolon in a said sentence. This will provide you with the necessary amount of context that will help you in the next steps of the how-to.

Step 2a: If Used as a Connector, Write the Independent Clauses

If you are using the semicolon as a connector of two clauses then you must plan out the independent clauses and write them out. Note, the two clauses should have a logical connection or similarity with one another to use the semicolon.

Step 2b: If Used Alongside a Conjunctive Verb, Plan out The Verb and the Clauses

If you are planning on using the semicolon as a connector that will precede the conjunctive verb, then you must plan out both the conjunctive verb and the two clauses. Note that the conjunctive verb will shape the second clause to fit its intention. For example, if one were to use “however” as the conjunctive verb, then the second clause should be something contrary or a juxtaposition of the concept of the preceding statement.

Step 3: Connect the Clauses and All the Parts With a Semicolon

After you have done the steps above, you must now connect the clauses and/or conjunctive verbs into one whole sentence. The placement of the semicolon should be sequestered between the end of the first clause and the beginning of the conjunctive verb or second clause.


What does a semicolon tattoo mean?

One of the most popular tattoos that people get is a semicolon tattoo. This tattoo is usually placed on the person’s left or right wrist, which is about the symbolism brought about by the tattoo. The semicolon tattoo symbolizes a message and mark of a person who has dealt with suicidal thoughts, attempts, addiction, and other mental disorders that would lead to a horrific conclusion. This tattoo is a product of Project Semicolon that highlights the usage of a semicolon in a literary sense and converts it into an empowering statement or symbol of survival and solidarity. Not only does the tattoo symbolize a specific intention, but it also symbolizes that the person is the author of their own life and that the person is in control of their life.

What is the main use of a semicolon?

The main usage of a semicolon is to prevent the end of a sentence and extend it beyond a single simple sentence. This symbol allows an author to go beyond the simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentence structure, and stitch together a longer and more nuanced statement. But this does not always mean that the author can use a semicolon, as overuse of this symbol will ruin the pacing of the statement. Not only will the pacing be affected, but the reader will not have a forced rest or stop, which will reduce their attention and interest in the text.

Colon vs. semicolon; what are the differences between colons and semicolons?

Colons and semicolons have a very close relationship and usage as literary devices. Colons (:) allow the author to indicate a direct relationship between two independent clauses or a list of common and proper nouns. i.e. “Alexa likes creating three things: problems, Gunplas, and food.” A semicolon (;), on the other hand, can be used to connect two independent clauses that have a logical connection with each other. Often, it can replace the comma (,) in a compound sentence structure. I.e. “Alexa spends most of her money buying Gunpla; however, she doesn’t get to buy a lot, due to the low stock.

A semicolon is one of the many punctuation marks an author can use on their books, like biographies and autobiographies; quantitative and qualitative research, articles, and poems. Unlike commas and periods, the usage of semicolons is very nuanced and will require future planning as it can ruin the pacing of the text. Well-used and timed semicolons can easily provide and illustrate a direct relationship between two statements, concepts, and clauses. In conclusion, if a person wants to be a good writer, then they must understand and fully utilize semicolons in their writing.

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