Star Format Interview

Last Updated: July 24, 2024

Star Format Interview

It goes without saying when it comes to interviews and how applicants answer them, there is no denying that there is a specific manner or structured manner to answering questions based on how you may react to a certain situation. This format is called a S.T.A.R. method or a S.T.A.R. format interview.

1. Behavioral Star Interview Techniques

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Size: 92 KB


2. Star Interview Method

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Size: `108 KB


3. STAR Method Interview Prep Packet

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Size: 36 KB


4. Behavioural Star Interview Questions

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Size: 73 KB


5. STAR Interviewing Practice Sheet

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6. STAR Interview Technique Template

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7. STAR Interview Worksheet

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Size: 44 KB


What Is a Star Format Interview?

A S.T.A.R. format interview is a type of specific structured interview outline format that is based on a behavioral approach to the interview questions. The acronym S.T.A.R. stands for situation, task, action, and result. Following the format to answer questions from the interviewer will surely be helpful.

How to Use the Star Format Interview

It goes without saying when candidates are interviewed for a job opportunity, they are going to go through a series of questions. There are some interview questions that follow the S.T.A.R. format. In order to get to know what it is about, here are some simple guidelines.

Step 1: Use the S.T.A.R. method

The first step is to use the method in itself. It is the most basic way to start. If you are the interviewer, you would know that you need to ask the right questions to garner the right answers from the applicant. If you are the applicant, you will need to understand the questions before answering any of them.

Step 2: Analyze the Situation in Every Question

Applicants have to learn to analyze the situation given in every question. Whether this is in the form of an interview, or in the form of writing. Situational questions can be tricky and should be taken into a lot of considerations. Think before you answer.

Step 3: Understanding the Task Given

The task can range from a short interview in which an applicant is given a question to a situation essay. The task here is to provide a good answer and a good reason to solve the problem in the situation. Some situations can be based on real life events. Understand the full basis of the task.

Step 4: Think of the Best Possible Action

Once you have understood the full basis of what task you are given, what the situation is about, it is time you think of a possible course of action. The course of action will also depend on how you perceive the task and the situation you are given.

Step 5: Share the Results of the Action

Lastly, the results of the possible course of action has to be shared to the interviewer or vice versa. The results of the action is going to be the basis of an interview analysis essay that is going to be made.


What is S.T.A.R. format interview and what does it do?

S.T.A.R. is an acronym that stands for situation, task, action and result. This is a kind of format that interviewers use in order to understand the behavioral concept of an applicant and how they are going to assess a situation. This format interview gives the interviewer an opportunity to see how an applicant can figure out a solution based on the situation they are given. The format can come in two ways. An oral interview or a written interview. It is through the interview that the applicant is able to showcase their skills in solving situational problems.

Do all companies when hiring use the S.T.A.R. format method in their interview?

There are some companies who do use this method for interviews. As it gives them a wide berth of getting to know the applicant better. It gives them a larger point of view and to make an authentic assessment from it. There are a majority of companies and businesses who do use this format method in interviews to give them a wide berth of getting to know the applicant.

How do you answer a S.T.A.R. question?

To answer a question taken from this format, you must first understand what is being asked of you. Understand the task and the situation and put yourself in that situation. Figure out a practical course of action and explain what you are going to do, and how you are going to do it.

Interviewers and applicants know when they are given or given a series of questions, some can be situational while others are not. You can tell if it is a question under the STAR format when the questions make you do a series of tasks when you are in a situation. When it asks you to give a practical call for action.

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