Article Summary

Last Updated: April 26, 2024

Article Summary

In the vast realm of academia and journalism, effective communication is key. Whether you’re navigating through a scientific journal, medical literature, or a newspaper article, the ability to condense complex information into a concise and coherent summary is an invaluable skill. In this article, we will delve into the art of crafting article summaries, exploring various genres such as journal articles, medical literature, and newspaper reports. From understanding the fundamentals to exploring practical examples, this guide aims to equip you with the tools necessary to unlock the power of summarization and enhance your competitive advantage in the world of written communication.

9+ Article Summary Examples

1. Journal Article Summary

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  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


2. Math-Science Article Summary

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Size: 398 KB


3. Article Summary Template

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Size: 5 KB


4. Journal Article Summary Example

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Size: 115 KB


5. Newspaper Article Summary

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Size: 14 KB


6. Extra Credit Article Summary

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Size: 120 KB


7. Article Summary Active Learning

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Size: 148 KB


8. Child Rights Article Summary

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Size: 256 KB


9. Medical Article Summary

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Size: 60 KB


 10. Event Article Summary

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Size: 41 KB

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What is an Article Summary?

An article summary serves as a condensed version of a larger piece of writing, capturing its essence and main points while maintaining the text structure and central arguments. It is a concise representation that allows readers to grasp the key ideas, findings, and implications of the original work without having to read the entire document. The purpose of an article summary is to provide an overview of the content, enabling readers to quickly assess its relevance to their interests or research. It acts as an annotation, abstract, or executive summary, catering to different contexts and audiences.

How to Write an Article Summary

To properly know how to write a summary, follow these steps:

Step 1: Read the Article

Begin by thoroughly reading the article, gaining a comprehensive understanding of its main ideas, arguments, evidence, and supporting details.

Step 2: Identify Key Points

Determine the core message and the primary supporting points presented in the article. These are the crucial elements you need to convey in your summary.

Step 3: Summarize Succinctly

Craft a concise summary, encompassing the main ideas and omitting excessive details, examples, and illustrations. Ensure that the summary reflects the text structure of the original article, maintaining a logical flow.

Step 4: Use Your Own Words

Avoid directly copying sentences or passages from the original article. Instead, rephrase the ideas in your own words while retaining the essence of the original author’s message.

Step 5: Revise and Edit

After completing your initial summary, review and refine it for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Eliminate any redundancies or unnecessary details, ensuring that your summary captures the essence of the article.

Step 6: Proofread and Finalize

Carefully proofread your summary to correct any grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Make sure your summary accurately represents the key points of the article before finalizing it.


What are the essential elements to include in an article summary?

An article summary should include the main ideas, arguments, evidence, and conclusions presented in the original piece while maintaining the text structure. It should capture the essence of the article while being concise and coherent.

Can I use direct quotes from the original article in my summary?

It is generally recommended to avoid using direct quotes in an article summary. Instead, strive to paraphrase the ideas and concepts in your own words while maintaining the original author’s intended meaning.

Are there any specific guidelines for summarizing academic reports?

When summarizing academic reports, it is important to focus on the research question, methodology, key findings, and implications. Tailor your summary to the target audience, ensuring that it highlights the significance and contributions of the report’s research.

Mastering the art of writing article summaries empowers individuals to navigate through vast amounts of information effectively. By condensing complex texts into concise and coherent representations, readers can quickly assess the relevance and value of articles. Armed with an understanding of article summary fundamentals and equipped with examples from various genres such as journal articles, medical literature, and newspaper reports, you now possess the tools to enhance your competitive advantage in the realm of written communication. So, dive into the world of summarization and unlock the true power of brevity and clarity in conveying ideas. Remember, as the saying goes, “In summary, here are 19+ article writing examples” for you to explore!

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