
Last Updated: March 5, 2024


Writing is a hard skill that will allow the person to have written outputs like books, poems, and research. Literary devices are a technique one can use to augment one’s writing, one of which is called synecdoche.

1. Synecdoche and the Presidency

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2. Metonymy and Synecdoche in the New Testament

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3. Synecdoche of Poiesis Template

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4. Urban Synecdoche and the Disappearing City

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5. Synecdoche Two-Component Systems

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6. Synecdoche Release Template

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7. Sense of Agency as Synecdoche

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What Is a Synecdoche

A synecdoche is a figure of speech or a literary device that is a subtype of metonymy. This figure of speech is the usage of a specific part or element of the object to refer to said object.

How to Use a Synecdoche

Synecdoche is a literary device or a figure of speech that you can use to improve the quality of your writing. For example, a sonnet has a limited amount of words that can fit into a line similar to a haiku poem, one can use synecdoche to easily refer to something else, which will not compromise the whole poetic structure used in the poem.

Step 1: Identify and Outline the Usage of the Synecdoche

Begin by creating or using an outline or outline format for a synecdoche. This step will provide you with the necessary context and direction for your writing.

Step 2: Obtain or Research a List of Synechdoches

After you have identified and outlined your usage of the synecdoche, you must obtain and research a list of synecdoches and related entities or words. This will allow you to have a salient synecdoche template for you to use in your writing.

Step 3: Insert the Synecdoche Into the Written Output

The synecdoche will act as a noun, this means it should only occupy the noun slot in a specific sentence or statement. Strategic usage of synecdoche will allow the person to improve their written outputs.

Step 4: Repeat the Above Steps, Until Satisfied

After you have inserted the synecdoche in your writing, you may repeat the above steps until you are satisfied with the outcome. Be sure to moderately use synecdoche in one’s work as too many synecdoches will muddle the overall message and impact of the written output.


Metonymy vs. synecdoche; what is the difference between a metonymy and a synecdoche?

Metonymy is a figure of speech where the writer uses a related word or phrase to refer to a sentiment, proper noun, common noun, or plural noun within a specific context. For example, when a person uses the word “Fuzz” to refer to the “Police”, which is a salient example of metonymy. A synecdoche is a figure of speech where the writer uses an element of a thing to refer to the whole thing. An example of the usage of synecdoche is when the writer uses the word “hired hands” to refer to employees hired by a specific company. Therefore all synecdoches are metonymy, but not all metonymy are synecdoches.

What is the difference between a hyperbole and a synecdoche?

Hyperbole is a figure of speech that exaggerates a quality of a specific thing as a way to exemplify or contrast a specific quality in a statement. A synecdoche is a figure of speech that tries to use a part or portion of a single thing to refer to something bigger than itself.

Can I use synecdoche in a poem I am writing?

Yes, synecdoche is a literary device that can improve and augment the context and message of one’s poem without needing to extend the word count or compromise the poetic structure. This means that you can use synecdoche in your poems, but be sure to moderately use literary devices in one’s poem as too much of these can muddle the whole message and sentiment of the poem.

Synecdoche is a figure of speech that refers to or labels a specific object or entity through a specific object’s part or element. A well-used synecdoche can improve the text and reduce the number of words used to refer to or label a specific thing. Therefore, it is important to know and understand synecdoche to properly appreciate poems and literature.

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