Proposal – 59+ Examples, Google Docs, Word, Pages, Editable PDF
Before starting a project or any activity in an organization, there’s always a need to share this idea. Sharing it to a group would result in a much more outstanding proposition. Take, for example, a proposal for a project which needs to be evaluated and thought over before its implementation.
Creating proposals needs a lot of thinking. There are numerous factors that need to be speculated. It needs to be discussed and of course, be approved by someone of high position. Writing grant proposals are very significant too, for this is mostly what the executives will be taking note of.
59+ Proposal Examples
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What Is a Proposal?
Proposal examples are written propositions that are addressed to clients or by any department to its head executives. It contains ideas that would be beneficial to an organization. There are many types of proposals, such as a budget proposal and event proposal.
Proposals aim to be approved by the people involved. Writing a proposal, you have to ensure that all is well thought of. It is important for a proposal to be organized, structured, complete, and clear. You can make proposals in a way you see best and most understandable.
A Business Proposal and What It Holds
One type of proposal is the business proposal. This proposal aims to grab a client to invest in their organization. These proposals mostly address clients, who would potentially purchase goods and services.
There are no specific formats for a business proposal. What matters is its content that delivers a complete and clear concept. Its important elements are:
- Cover letter or page
- Summary
- Table of Contents
- Overview of the Problem
- Method of Solving the Issue
- Company’s Qualification
- Benchmarks (or Schedule)
- Total Expenditure
The length of the proposal is insignificant. It focuses more on how information is communicated.
Guidelines for Writing a Proposal
Writing a proposal is a skill. Though it’s an easy way out to just follow proposal examples, it’s different when making an original one. Don’t get discouraged, we have prepared a few samples for your reference. Plus, here are tips and guidelines to make your proposal effective and more attractive.
1. Planning a Proposal
- Know the people who will be reading it: Understanding what the reader will want to hear is important. When writing a proposal, keep in mind what you want your readers to understand. You may also see sponsorship proposal examples & samples.
- Determine the issue of which your proposal is aiming to resolve: You have to make sure that the readers understand the problem, the situation and has it been dealt with before.
- Unravel solutions to those problems and issues: Make it straightforward and easy to understand. Keep a narrow perspective of the problem and foresee outcomes. You may also like investment proposal examples.
- Apply a writing technique that would make it easier for readers to understand: Keeping it simple yet persuasive is much more meaningful.
- Make use of an outline: This keeps a proposal organized, and will help you deliver what you desire. You may also check out request for proposal examples.
2. Writing the Proposal
- Impress your readers with a firm introduction: Make sure you catch the attention of the readers and keep them interested. You may also see policy proposal examples & samples.
- State the issues clearly and completely: Determine the causes and effects of these issues.
- Issues should have solutions: Explain how to address these issues, why in this manner, and what is expected to be achieved. You may also like concept proposal examples & samples.
- Include a well-constructed schedule of duties and budget: Be as accurate as possible making sure that benefits outweigh costs.
- Wrap up everything in a short but on-point way: Keep your content to a minimum and precise. Do not beat around the bush, but be straightforward with what you can offer.
- Keep an open mind and let others assess your work: Edit your work and proofread to make sure there are no mistakes. You may also check out fundraising proposal examples & samples.
What Is a Research Proposal?
Aside from business proposals, there are other kinds of proposals that anyone can encounter, such as a research proposal. What is a research proposal?
A research proposal is the written proposal for a research paper that aims to convince the reader that there is a need for a research study to be conducted and needs financial aid for the research to be successful. You may also see non-profit proposal examples & samples. Research proposals present all that will be done during the research, what it is for, and what benefits are expected to be achieved at the end.
What Is a Grant Proposal?
There are organizations that operate with the purpose of serving the people and not for profit accumulation, like charities, government branches, foundations, and trusts. You may also like partnership proposal examples & samples. Therefore, to acquire funds that are needed for that organization, grants have to be issued.
A grant proposal is a document requesting funds to achieve a certain undertaking. These kinds of design proposals are used by any government entity asking for monetary assistance to be prepared for operations like improving roads, building facilities that would benefit the society, scholarships, research, charities or cases wherein a calamity has devastatingly affected a community.
Types of Proposals
Reaching this point, you have seen different types of proposals. To better understand, here are brief summaries of the different types of proposals:
1. Unsolicited Proposal: Unsolicited proposals are proposals where no instructions regarding submission of proposals are made but are submitted anyway to catch the potential sponsor’s interest. Some business loan proposals are unsolicited and may be submitted anytime.
2. Solicited Proposal: Solicited proposals is a response to any specific program that is issued by any organization. Proposals of this kind usually have deadlines. Take a look at the security proposal examples that are online for more.
3. Supplemental Proposal: There are instances that the current budget is not enough for the current project. To acquire more funds, a request for an increase in the budget is made in the form of a supplemental proposal.
4. Competing Renewal Proposal: A proposal is made to request sponsors for continued funding for a project proposal that is about to terminate. These type of proposals are like newly-made proposals that need to be approved in the same manner as the new one.
5. Non-competing Proposal: This type of proposal is a request for the succeeding year’s funding, including the progress report of the project, the budget, etc. It also has the schedule of duties, changes or updates, and other relevant information about the project. You may also see grant proposal examples.
General FAQs
1. Define a Proposal.
A proposal is a written plan or a suggestion put forward for consideration by others. It is mostly formal. Business proposals are sent to the prospective client to obtain specific jobs. Also used by a seller, who writes to a buyer to know if he/she wants to buy certain services/goods from the seller.
2. Why is a Proposal important?
Proposals are a way to pitch an idea and state your requirements. It is important because it provides information in writing and you can act knowing the implications of your choices and decisions. Proposals help in making a structured and logical argument to lay down every idea and point in your favor.
3. What should a Proposal cover?
Proposals must cover the following:
- Introduction: a brief overview of the issues, costs, and benefits
- Issue: The subject, the reason for the proposal, the main argument, etc.
- Solutions: Step-by-step plan, potential obstacles and how to overcome them
- Qualifications: Your personnel requirement, experience, etc.
- Conclusions: Add the budget, benefits and reinforce your final point.
4. What makes a Good Proposal?
Preparing a winning proposal means that you are writing for the client and are proving a clear solution to their issues. Not every proposal you make is accepted by the client, so make sure that you make it from the point of view that is beneficial to the client.
5. What is the best way to conclude a Proposal?
The best way to conclude a proposal can be:
- To summarize the key points of your proposal
- Focus on why action is needed
- Emphasize the benefits the action provides
- Add bullet points of essential information
- Add verbal highlights of your key benefits
- Close on a positive note and ask them to take action.