Temporary Job Resignation Letter – Examples
A temporary job or a “temp job” is usually a job intended to replace permanent employees on leave. Temp jobs can last can last a day up to several months. Employers need need to quickly fill a position when the company experiences a sudden loss of employee or needs additional employees for busier times. It can also mean that the company is considering you as the first in line for a permanent spot.
A temp job can be of advantage to you as well. You gain additional experiences, and learn new skills and techniques in the industry. The experiences you gain can be then added to your resume before applying for that dream job. Regardless, temp jobs are still a good starter for a career you’re starting build. Also see 47 Application Letter Examples & Samples
However, if you find another job that ensures a permanent position for you, how do you resign from your temporary job? Especially when you’re a temporary worker or contractor that wants to resign earlier than the expiration of your employment, how do you leave with positive recommendations? Here are some tips and samples for a temporary job resignation letter.
Temporary Job Resignation Letter Examples
Sample 1
Mr. A. Employee
1, My House
Any Street
This Town
PO57 3DE
1st January 2017
Mrs. A. Manager
The Company
Employment Street
That Town
PO57 3DE
Dear Sir/Madam, or by name (if you know it) or To Whom it May Concern,
I would like to resign from my role as Temporary (Job title).
In accordance with my terms and conditions I am giving you (how much notice and therefore my final day will be (name that date once you have worked out your notice).
I have enjoyed my time with (Name Company) and feel that being here on a temporary basis has taught me a lot and built upon my experience for which I am very grateful. I have now found a more permanent role to which I have accepted and to where I feel my career now lies.
I would like to thank you for the experience and opportunities you have given me during the (how long you have been there) and to wish you all the best for the company’s future.
Please forward my final pay slip and P45 to my address (as above or detail here where you would like it sending to). I understand that my final pay will include any holiday pay that I have not taken and any monies owing from this final months work.
Best Wishes.
Yours faithfully/sincerely
Sample 2
Mr. A. Employee
1, My House
Any Street
This Town
PO57 3DE
1st January 2017
Mrs. A. Manager
The Company
Employment Street
That Town
PO57 3DE
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
I have enjoyed working at ABC Marketing. However, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to complete this temporary assignment.I have secured a full-time permanent position. My last day of work will be May 15.
I appreciate the opportunities you have provided me during my time with the company.
Your Signature (hard copy letter)
Your Typed Name
Sample 3
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email
City, State, Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name,
I have really enjoyed working in (Name of the company or organization), however, I really regret that I won’t be able to complete the given temporary assignment.
I have got full-time work job position in (Name of company), and my last date of work with the (Name of the current company or organization) will be on (Date of resignation).
I really appreciate and thank full for the opportunities which I got during my working period, it helped me to enhance my skills and helped me develop techniques of my own.
Yours Sincerely,
Your Signature (If it is printed or hard copy resignation letter)
Your Typed Name
Unfortunately, sometimes you need to resign from your post earlier than expected. And it’s just not possible to provide the standard two weeks notice before resigning. Perhaps you have personal circumstances you need to look into or the working environment has become uncomfortable and you decide to leave immediately. However, it is best to weigh in the positive and negative impact of resigning without a two weeks notice before resigning.
Sample 4 – Short Notice
Your Name
Your Address
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone Number
Your Email
City, State, Zip Code
Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name:
Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am resigning from my temporary position with ABCD Company on Friday, March XX, 20XX.
I understand that two weeks notice is standard; however, personal circumstances require that I leave my position at this company by the end of this week.
I am glad to provide any assistance I can during this transition.
Thank you for the opportunities for professional and personal development that you have provided me during the last five years.
I have enjoyed working for the agency and appreciate the support provided me during my tenure with the company.
Your Signature (hard copy letter)
Your Typed Name
Sample 5 – Emailed Resignation Letter (Short Notice)
Subject Line: Resignation on October XX, 20XX
Dear Bob,
Please accept this letter as my resignation from ABC Company. Unfortunately, due to health reasons, I won’t be able to provide the standard two weeks notice. My last day at the company will be next Friday, October XX, 20XX.
I apologize for the short notice. Although it was only a temporary position, I’ve enjoyed working together tremendously and have learned so much from your management. Please let me know what I can do in the next few days to help ease the transition.
Thank you for your understanding.
Temporary jobs are helpful when you want to have a job before that permanent position or when you just want to work for a short period of time. So, it is expected for you to leave your temporary position for a permanent one.
However, do not leave your job abruptly and without notice. Explain the situation with your employer. Formally discuss the circumstances as to why you can no longer complete the temporary job position. You may also see Career Goals to Help You Achieve Your Dream Job
As for your future employer, inform them of the situation first hand. If you sign the contract, indicate the date you would join their company. It is only right to discuss to them in advance that you are currently with a temporary job to help your future employer adjust and give you enough time to reach an amicable agreement with your current employer.
Temporary jobs, be it for a few days, weeks or months are helpful for your resume. Always inform your employer of the professional direction you are about to take. When you decide to leave, inform them in advance to help them find a replacement for you and help them transition with a new employee smoothly. Always exit the job graciously and on a positive remark. You may also see How to Write a Job Resignation Letter