Printable Homographs

Last Updated: March 11, 2024

Printable Homographs

Have you ever wondered why some words can mean differently or sound differently, even when they’re being spelled the same way?

Anyone who’s quite familiar with the English language may have noticed how common these cases are among some words found in the dictionary. It’s not unusual for you to confuse two words with one another due to how they are pronounced or spelled the same but have different meanings, because a lot of people share the same problems as well. You may also see balanced sentences examples.

It’s a bit complicated to learn, but with the help of a few examples, learning homographs is an exciting experience that will expand your knowledge in the language.

General Homographs Example

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3rd Grade Homograph Worksheet Example

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Example of Homograph

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Defining a Homograph

Homographs are words that are spelled similarly but differ in origin, meaning, and sometimes even pronunciation. The difference of these words are usually indicated in the shift in an accented syllable, or the way it is used in a simple sentence.

Example: Fine

The word fine can refer to four varying circumstances, namely the following:

  • very good or of high quality
  • sharp or keen
  • thin (such as a thread or hair piece)
  • a sum of money used to settle a legal matter

If you ask somebody how they are and they respond by saying that they’re fine, then it means that they’re doing okay. But if a judge tells you to pay a fine for breaking the law, then it means that you’re required to pay a certain amount of money as a penalty by a court of law. You may also like how to write short sentences.

Some homographs may also be considered as heteronyms, which refer to multiple words bearing the same spelling but with different pronunciations and meanings (like the example provided above). Homographs may also be used to formulate riddles with insanely ridiculous puns, such as:

1. How do pigs write?
With a pigpen. (where pigs live/ an instrument used for writing)

2. Why was the picture sent to jail?
Because it was framed. (to make a person appear guilty using false evidence/ a place to put a picture)

3. Why would a pelican make the perfect lawyer?
Because he knows how to stretch his bill. (the beak of a bird/ a draft of a proposed law)

4. What’s a frank frank?
A hot dog that gives his most honest opinion. (an open and sincere expression/ a shortened term for a frankfurter, or widely known as a hot dog)

5. You know what isn’t fair?
The fact that every girl isn’t fair. (acceptable/ of light complexion)

Recognizing Homophones and Homographs Example

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Basic Homograph Worksheet Example

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The Difference between Homographs, Homophones, and Homonyms

Homographs, homophones, homonyms—these are words that are often tossed around by teachers and linguists alike. But what do these words actually mean? Though homographs for kids are usually introduced during their early years of education, some students and adults still find them quite complicated to learn.

The prefix that each of these words bear come from the Greek word homós, which means “one and the same.” Knowing this, it’s clear that these words possess some sort of similarities that also make them distinguishable. You may also check out examples on how to write a sentence outline.

As mentioned previously, homographs are words (usually a pair) that are spelled alike, but have different meanings, and at times, pronunciations.

The “-graph” of this term indicates that the concept of writing and reading is used as primary basis. For example, stalk can refer to different things. It can be a plant stem, or the means of pursuing someone stealthily. Here, though the word stalk is pronounced the same way, it can still possess distinctive meanings in different scenarios. You might be interested in complete and incomplete sentences.

But what happens when two words are spelled identically but do not sound the same when pronounced? Then this proves that a homograph isn’t always a homophone.

For instance, lead (which is read as ‘led’) may refer to a type of metal used in construction, plumbing, etc., while lead, as a verb could mean to “show the way.” The “-phone” ending of the term simply means sound or voice. This makes a homophone a word that possesses the same sound as another word, but with different spellings and meanings. You may also see compound sentence examples.

Now this is where it gets even trickier.

Homonyms are words that are spelled the same (like homographs) and pronounced alike (like homophones), but are relatively different in meaning. The root “-hym” simply means word or name. But since a homonym can be used to describe a homograph or a homophone, this can be quite confusing for most people to analyze. You may also like examples of oxymoron in sentences.

So the question is: does a homonym have to be both a homograph and a homophone? Or does it just have to be one or the other? Though some dictionaries claim that a homonym can either be a homograph or a homophone, this would actually depend on who you ask. Generally, the concept of homonyms are more often taught by instructors and linguists due to how it applies more broadly as opposed to its counterparts. You may also check out exclamatory sentence examples.

Basic Homograph Example

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Simple Homograph Worksheet Example

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10 Common Examples of Homographs

Homographs are fairly common in the English language. If they aren’t used properly in a sentence, then they could be perceived differently by a listener or a reader. To expand our knowledge in homographs even further, let’s take a look at the following examples:

1. Content

First definition: happy or satisfied

When used in a sentence: The only way to live a peaceful life is to stop worrying about the things you do not have, and to be fully content with things that you do have.

Second definition: the things or substances that are found inside an object

When used in a sentence: The content of the essay was extremely difficult to understand.

You may also see imperative sentence examples.

2. Contract

First definition: a written or spoken agreement

When used in a sentence: Make sure you have read every chapter of the contract before signing it.

Second definition: to catch or incur (usually a disease or an infectious agent)

When used in a sentence: The patient might have contracted malaria after her trip to Uganda for a medical mission just a couple of months before her symptoms began to show.

3. Entrance

First definition: an opening, such as a door or a passage way 

When used in a sentence: We parked our car right across the street to avoid parking fees, but then again, it’s a 3-minute walk from the mall’s entrance.

Second definition: to bewitch or fill someones with a strong sense of wonder and delight

When used in a sentence: I was entranced by how the trees were shaped eerily and how the wind remained cool despite the warm weather.

You may also check out complex sentences examples.

4. Minute

First definition: a period of time which is equivalent to sixty seconds or the sixtieth of an hour

When used in a sentence: I stood there at the corner of the street for thirty minutes or so, hoping to get a glimpse of her as she leaves her favorite pastry shop.

Second definition: extremely small

When used in a sentence: There’s a minute chance that we’ll make it to the finals, but I guess anything’s worth a shot at this point.

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5. Project

First definition: a proposed plan or assignment that must be undertaken by a group of individuals before a specified deadline

When used in a sentence: Our history project is due in no less than two weeks, but we’ve barely even started with our miniature model of the Lincoln Memorial.

Second definition: to cause a shadow of an image on a given surface

When used in a sentence: The sun projected a charming shadow on the walls of my bedroom.

Third definition: to present

When used in a sentence: She likes to project herself more as a humble servant than as a Princess of England.

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6. Proceeds

First definition: to move forward, or begin or continue a course of action

When used in a sentence: If the board of members approves our request for the celebration to push through, the meeting proceeds, if not, the meeting is dissolved.

Second definition: a sum of money obtained from an activity or event

When used in a sentence: The proceeds of last night’s charity event will go to The National Cancer Research Institute to assists scientists, researchers, and medical professionals in their search to find a cure for the disease.

7. Tear

First definition: to pull or rip apart

When used in a sentence: I’m not quite sure how I got this tear along the hem of my dress.

Second definition: to move quickly

When used in a sentence: If you can tear along the footpath on your bike, I bet you can reach my house in about five minutes or so.

Third definition: a drop of clear, salty water produced by the natural glands of the body

When used in a sentence: As I watched him leave for his flight, I tried to hold back the tears that were threatening to escape, but it was too much for my heart to take.

You may also see fused sentence examples.

8. Wind

First definition: to turn or move

When used in a sentence: My wall clock is as old as my grandfather, which is why you still need to wind it to make it work.

Second definition: the natural movement of air; breeze

When used in a sentence: The wind gets stronger when you’re at a higher altitude, which is why I recommend you to bring a jacket for our hike tomorrow.

9. Bat

First definition: a sporting equipment commonly used in baseball

When used in a sentence: I can’t even catch a ball, let alone swing a bat.

Second definition: a nocturnal mouselike mammal that usually appears inside dark, secluded areas such as caves and abandoned buildings

When used in a sentence: A lot of movies and fiction stories depict bats as vampires, though many critics argue that there isn’t a scientific basis to prove such theory.

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10. Bass

First definition: a kind of fish

When used in a sentence: My father went out to fish for some bass for our dinner tonight, but came home empty-handed because of the dry season that we’re experiencing at this side of the country.

Second definition: a low or deep voice (usually of an adult male)

When used in a sentence: His beautiful bass voice suits country and folk songs very well.

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Homograph Definitions Worksheet Example

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Learning Homograph Worksheet Example

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While the English language will never be easy for beginners and even those fluent in the language itself, knowing why some words sound differently or mean differently can help us enhance our communication skills for better written and oral delivery. This allows us to get our points across to an audience more successfully for proper comprehension. You may also check out run-on sentences examples.

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