New Manager Introduction Speech

Last Updated: July 23, 2024

New Manager Introduction Speech

New Manager Introduction Speech Examples

Saying goodbye to an old colleague and manager can be depressing, but getting to know a new manager in a company is an exciting and important event. As this involves the company as a whole who will be knowing someone who is going to lead them. For a new manager to introduce themselves through a speech is the best way to express how they feel about the new role and how they want to be seen through the eyes of their new colleagues. Writing an introduction speech is simply as easy as 1 2 3 especially if you have an idea as to what you want to let people know about you.

3+ New Manager Introduction Speech Examples

1. Sample New Manager Introduction Speech

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  • PDF

Size: 357 KB


2. Basic New Manager Introduction Speech

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Size: 31 KB


3. New Manager Introduction Speech Example

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Size: 47 KB


4. New Manager Introduction Speech in PDF

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Size: 663 KB


Defining Manager

A person who is in charge of a company. An individual who conducts business. A professional who works at a company. A person who directs a team to do something.

Defining Introduction

The beginning of anything. The genesis of a speech, a story or any literary piece. This also refers to the start or presenting something or someone new. To shove a new idea or a lesson.

Defining Speech

This is defined as a way of using words to express. A public discourse wherein people engage in sharing opinions and ideas of a topic. A spoken language that an individual or a group of people use to communicate with one another.

Defining Introduction Speech

An introduction speech is used to get to know a person or a group of people. This is used to tell individuals a few key points about you. To welcome someone new.

Tips for Presenting Introduction Speech

  • Maintain Eye Contact:  Do not let your eyes wander around the whole room. Nor avoid making eye contact with someone from the audience. The reason for maintaining eye contact is to show your audience you are happy to be there, and you welcome them as well. Avoiding eye contact will send a different signal towards your audience.
  • Stand straight: Slouching while making your speech also sends the wrong signals towards your future colleagues. To show that you are happy to be here, stand up straight. This way, your audience can also look up to you as a person to be trusted. A leader.
  • Smile: A smile can easily turn the whole atmosphere around.
  • Make them feel welcomed: Make them feel welcome and thank them for coming to your introduction speech.
  • Use appropriate language and gestures: When presenting your speech, you may use hand gestures but avoid the most inappropriate ones as well as avoiding rude language.


What tone should a farewell speech be?

A farewell speech for a manager or a boss can be both joyful and sad. It is a mix of understanding that this person has to leave and also to be happy for the person on their next chapter in life.

As a manager, do I need to add my job history to my introduction speech?

Not necessarily. All you have to do is to introduce yourself, say some things about you, express how happy you are to be working with your new colleagues, and stating about a future of employment with them. Make your colleagues feel comfortable as well as be open to them when you make your speech.

In an introduction speech, do I need to mention my managerial credentials?

You may mention some but not all as it may sound too long and your audience may lose interest. Also, when you read out loud the credentials, do not sound too humble nor too arrogant. Professional tone must be used at all times.

How do I write a good ending to my introduction speech?

Simply write why you think you are a good fit for this position, thank everyone for meeting you today, and say you look forward to working with them.

A managerial introduction speech consists of your introduction on the first paragraph, your credentials, aspirations, high hopes on the second paragraph and the third paragraph you write your thank you. Professional tone and manner should always be observed when writing and presenting your introduction. Stand straight, maintain eye contact, and avoid unnecessary information and actions.

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