10 Letter Words With J

Last Updated: March 21, 2024

10 Letter Words With J

10 Letters Word With J

Discover the world of 10-letter words containing the letter ‘J’ and enhance your vocabulary! Ideal for teachers seeking to broaden their teaching tools and students aiming to expand their linguistic skills, this article provides a treasure trove of examples. Dive into our comprehensive guide, complete with writing tips and a diverse selection of 10-letter ‘J’ words. From “journalize” to “juxtapose,” each word is accompanied by its definition, usage in a sentence, and creative writing prompts. Enhance your word mastery, spark creativity in your classroom, and make learning an exciting journey with these intriguing 10-letter words with ‘J’.

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100+ Most Commonly Used 10 Letter Words With “J”

10 Letter Words with J

This curated list is a fantastic resource for teachers and students, presenting 250 unique ten-letter words that include the letter “J”. It’s an ideal tool for vocabulary building, spelling improvement, and creative writing prompts. Each word in this collection is carefully selected for its relevance and uniqueness, making it a valuable addition to any English language curriculum. The words are neatly organized in a table format with six columns, ensuring easy readability and accessibility.

Jackfruits Jacketless Jackhammer Jadedlyand Jaggedness Jailbreaks
Jailhouses Jambalayas Jamboreeit Jampacking Jasperized Javelining
Jawsurgery Jaywalkers Jaywalking Jazzercise Jealousies Jealousing
Jectioning Jeeringlyu Jejuneness Jellybeans Jellygraph Jellyrolls
Jeregrined Jerrybuilt Jessamines Jesuitical Jesuitisms Jetsetters
Jetsetting Jewelfishs Jewelweeds Jewishests Jewisheyes Jigajogged
Jiggermast Jigsawingz Jingoistic Jitterbugs Jitteriest Jobholders
Jobseekers Jobseeking Jocoseness Jocularite Jocularity Jocundness
Jogtrotted Jointuring Jointweeds Jointworms Jokesmiths Jokesterly
Jollifying Jolliments Jollyboats Joltyingly Journaling Journalism
Journalist Journalize Journeymen Jovialists Jovialness Joyfulness
Joyousness Joyridings Joyrobbing Jubilantly Jubilating Jubilation
Judgements Judicially Judicative Judicatory Juggernaut Juggleries
Juggleross Jugglesome Jugulating Juiceheads Juicemaker Juicemeter
Juicenutts Juicetight Juicifying Juicysweet Jukeboxess Julepberry
Julienneer Julyflower Jumblenuts Jumbledomg Jumblesale Jumblesome
Jumparound Jumpstarts Junctional Juncturing Junglelike Jungleness
Jungleroot Jungleward Junglewood Junglygums Juniorates Juniorship
Junketeers Junketting Junkywards Juristical Juryrigged Juxtaposed

Most Trending 10 Letter Words With “J”

Most Trending 10 Letter Words With J

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Discover a curated list of the most trending ten-letter words containing the letter “J.” This selection is ideal for educators and students, designed to expand vocabulary and enhance language skills. Each word is accompanied by its meaning, making it a perfect resource for teaching and learning. The list is carefully crafted to ensure uniqueness, relevance, and educational value. Dive into these intriguing words and explore their meanings to enrich your English language experience.

  1. Juxtaposed – Placed side by side, often for comparison or contrast.
  2. Journalize – To record in a journal or diary.
  3. Jubilantly – Showing great joy, satisfaction, or triumph.
  4. Jockeyship – The skill or practice of riding horses in races.
  5. Jawbreaker – A word that is very difficult to pronounce.
  6. Jitterbugs – A lively dance popular in the 1940s, or one who dances it.
  7. Jovialness – The quality of being cheerful and friendly.
  8. Judgmental – Inclined to make judgments, especially moral or personal ones.
  9. Juxtaposes – Presents two or more things for the purpose of comparison.
  10. Jeopardize – To put something in a situation where there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure.
  11. Jingoistic – Characterized by extreme patriotism, often in the form of aggressive foreign policy.
  12. Jettisoned – Thrown or dropped from an aircraft or ship.
  13. Jackhammer – A pneumatic drill used to break up rock and pavement.
  14. Justifiers – Those who show something to be right or reasonable.
  15. Jubilances – Expressions of great happiness or triumph.
  16. Jambalayas – Dishes of rice with shrimp, chicken, and vegetables, originally from Louisiana.
  17. Jargonizes – Uses specific phrases and language unique to a particular group or profession.
  18. Jacklights – Strong lights used for hunting at night.
  19. Journalist – A person who writes news stories or articles for a newspaper or magazine or broadcasts them on radio or television.
  20. Jollifying – Making cheerful and jolly.
  21. Jaggedness – The quality of having rough, sharp points protruding.
  22. Jovialists – People who are jovial or full of happiness.
  23. Juggernaut – A huge, powerful, and overwhelming force or institution.
  24. Jewelweeds – North American plants with trumpet-shaped flowers, typically growing in damp areas.
  25. Junketeers – People who go on junkets, especially at public expense.

New & Latest Added 10 Letter Words With “J”

New & Latest 10 Letter Word With J

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Discover the latest addition to our linguistic arsenal with this curated list of new and unique ten-letter words containing the letter “J.” Each word is presented with its meaning, offering a rich resource for teachers, educators, and students. This collection not only expands vocabulary but also enhances understanding of nuanced language use. The words are carefully selected to cater to a diverse learning environment, making them ideal for lesson plans, vocabulary exercises, and creative writing projects. Dive into this treasure trove of language and enrich your teaching and learning experience.

  1. Jailhouses – Buildings used as prisons
  2. Jambalayas – Creole rice dishes with meat and vegetables
  3. Jawbonings – Attempts to influence or persuade
  4. Jeopardise – To put something at risk or in danger
  5. Jeopardize – Alternative spelling of ‘jeopardise’
  6. Jerkchiken – A spicy grilled chicken dish
  7. Jewellings – The act of adorning with jewels
  8. Jigsawings – Cutting or arranging with great precision
  9. Jingoistic – Extremely patriotic, often aggressively so
  10. Jobholders – Individuals who hold a specific position of employment
  11. Jocketties – Playful or teasing behaviors
  12. Jocoseness – State of being jocular or humorous
  13. Jocularies – Humorous or playful activities
  14. Jocularity – The quality of being jocular
  15. Jogtrotted – Moved in a slow, steady, and routine manner
  16. Joinerying – The craft or work of a joiner in woodwork
  17. Jokinesses – States or qualities of being funny or amusing
  18. Jollifying – Making something cheerful or full of joy
  19. Jollyboats – Small, lightly built boats
  20. Journaling – The activity of keeping a journal or diary
  21. Journalise – To record in a journal or diary
  22. Journalist – A professional writer for newspapers or magazines
  23. Journeying – The act of traveling from one place to another
  24. Journeyman – A worker or sports player who is reliable but not outstanding
  25. Jovialists – People who are jovial in nature
  26. Jovialness – The quality of being jovial and cheerful
  27. Joyfulness – The state of being full of joy
  28. Joyridings – The act of driving a stolen vehicle for pleasure
  29. Judgements – Opinions or conclusions
  30. Judgmental – Having or displaying an excessively critical point of view

Noun 10 Letter Words With “J”

Noun 10 Letter Words with J

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Dive into the world of language with this curated list of thirty 10-letter nouns containing the letter “J.” This selection is tailored for educators and students, aiming to expand their vocabulary and explore the richness of English. Each word is presented in bold for emphasis, accompanied by its meaning to facilitate understanding and usage. This resource is particularly beneficial for teachers looking to enhance lesson plans or students seeking to broaden their lexical repertoire.

  1. Jabberwock: A fictional monster in Lewis Carroll’s literature.
  2. Jackhammer: A pneumatic drill used in construction.
  3. Jackscrews: Mechanical devices for lifting heavy objects.
  4. Jackstones: Game pieces used in a children’s game.
  5. Jailbreaks: Acts of escaping from prison.
  6. Jailhouses: Buildings serving as prisons.
  7. Jambalayas: Creole dishes of rice with meat or seafood.
  8. Jarlsbergs: A type of Norwegian cheese.
  9. Jawbreaker: A type of hard candy.
  10. Jayhawkers: Bands of anti-slavery guerrillas.
  11. Jellybeans: Small, bean-shaped sugar candies.
  12. Jellyrolls: Rolled cakes with jelly filling.
  13. Jerkwaters: Small, insignificant towns.
  14. Jewelweeds: North American plants of the touch-me-not family.
  15. Jigglingly: The act of moving with quick, jerky movements.
  16. Jigsawyers: People skilled in using jigsaws.
  17. Jingoistic: Extreme patriotism in an aggressive form.
  18. Jinricksha: A small two-wheeled passenger cart.
  19. Jobholders: Individuals employed in a specific role.
  20. Johnnycake: A cornmeal flatbread.
  21. Jointworms: Insects that infest plant joints.
  22. Journalism: The activity of writing for newspapers or magazines.
  23. Jubilances: Expressions of great happiness or joy.
  24. Judgeships: The position or office of a judge.

Adjective 10 Letter Words With “J”

Adjectives 10 Letter Words With J

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Embark on a linguistic journey with our curated list of unique, ten-letter adjectives containing the letter “J.” This compilation is an invaluable resource for educators seeking to expand their students’ vocabulary and enhance their understanding of descriptive language. Each word is presented in bold for emphasis, accompanied by its definition to facilitate learning. This list is particularly beneficial for creating engaging lesson plans, vocabulary exercises, and enriching classroom discussions. Dive into the world of adjectives with “J” and discover the richness they bring to the English language.

  1. Jovialness – Characterized by a hearty, joyous humor or a spirit of good-fellowship.
  2. Juxtaposed – Placed side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.
  3. Judgmental – Involving the use or exercise of judgment.
  4. Jackbooted – Wearing or resembling jackboots, often implying military aggression.
  5. Jocoseness – Characterized by joking; humorous or playful.
  6. Jaspideous – Resembling jasper, a type of opaque, usually patterned, quartz.
  7. Jubilantly – Showing great joy, satisfaction, or triumph; rejoicing; exultant.
  8. Jitterbugs – Nervous or jumpy.
  9. Journeyman – A trained worker who is employed by someone else.
  10. Justifying – Showing to be right or reasonable; validating.
  11. Jingoistic – Characterized by extreme patriotism, especially in the form of aggressive or warlike foreign policy.
  12. Juxtaposal – The act of placing things side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.
  13. Juxtaposes – Places or deals with close together for contrasting effect.

Perspective 10 Letter Words With “J”

Perspectives 10 Letter Words with J

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In the realm of English vocabulary, ten-letter words carrying the letter “J” offer a fascinating glimpse into the language’s complexity and richness. This collection is specifically curated for teachers and educators, aiming to broaden the lexical horizon of both themselves and their students. Each word in this list is not only unique but also packed with meaning, making it an ideal resource for enhancing lesson plans, enriching vocabulary sessions, and inspiring creative language use. The inclusion of meanings alongside these words provides a deeper understanding, assisting educators in effectively conveying the nuances of the English language.

  1. Juxtaposed: Placed side by side, often for comparison or contrast.
  2. Journalize: To record in a journal or diary.
  3. Jockeyship: The skill or practice of riding horses in races.
  4. Jubilantly: Expressing joy or happiness.
  5. Jabberwock: A fictional creature from Lewis Carroll’s writings, symbolizing nonsense.
  6. Juggernaut: A large, overpowering force or institution.
  7. Jovialness: Characterized by good-humored cheerfulness.
  8. Jeopardize: To put something at risk of harm or loss.
  9. Jackscrews: Mechanical devices used for lifting heavy objects.
  10. Jackstones: Small, star-shaped pieces used in a children’s game.
  11. Jactations: Boastful or vain displays.
  12. Jaggedness: The quality of having sharp, uneven edges.
  13. Jailbreaks: Escapes from prison.
  14. Jambalayas: A spicy dish of rice with shrimp, chicken, and vegetables.
  15. Janitorial: Related to the duties of a janitor or caretaker.
  16. Jasperware: A type of fine stoneware invented by Josiah Wedgwood.
  17. Jaundicing: Influencing to be prejudiced or biased.
  18. Jawbreaker: A hard, round candy that is difficult to bite.
  19. Jejuneness: The state of being dull, insipid, or lacking interest.
  20. Jellybeans: Small bean-shaped sugar candies with soft candy shells.
  21. Jellygraph: An old duplicating device using gelatin.
  22. Jeopardous: Involving or exposing to danger and risk.
  23. Jerkwaters: Small, insignificant towns.
  24. Jesuitical: Relating to or resembling the Jesuits, often implying cunning or deceit.
  25. Jettisoned: Thrown overboard from a ship or aircraft.
  26. Jiggermast: The smallest mast on a ship with three or more masts.
  27. Jingoistic: Characterized by extreme patriotism, often favoring an aggressive foreign policy.
  28. Jitterbugs: Dancers of a fast-paced dance style popular in the 1940s.

Starting 10 Letter Words With “J”

Starting 10 Letters Word with J

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Discover a curated selection of twenty unique ten-letter words starting with the letter “J,” each accompanied by its meaning. This list is an invaluable tool for educators looking to expand their students’ vocabulary in a meaningful way. These words are carefully chosen to provide variety and challenge, aiding in the development of advanced language skills.

  1. Juxtaposed – Placed side by side, often for comparison or contrast.
  2. Jocularity – The quality of being playful or humorous.
  3. Journalize – To record in a journal or diary.
  4. Jackhammer – A pneumatic drill used in construction for breaking up rock or concrete.
  5. Jellybeans – Small, bean-shaped sugar candies with soft candy shells and gel interiors.
  6. Jingoistic – Characterized by extreme patriotism, often favoring an aggressive, warlike foreign policy.
  7. Jawbreaker – A type of hard, round candy that is very difficult to bite.
  8. Juxtaposes – Present or place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.
  9. Jeopardize – To put something at risk or in danger.
  10. Jubilantly – Showing great joy, satisfaction, or triumph.

Middle 10 Letter Words With “J”

Middle 10 Letter Words with J

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Discover an instructive and enriching list of 20 unique ten-letter words, each featuring the letter “J” in the middle. This compilation is tailored for educators and students, aimed at broadening vocabulary and enhancing language comprehension. Each word is presented with its meaning, offering a deeper understanding and context. This resource serves as an ideal tool for English teachers, facilitating engaging and informative lessons while enriching students’ linguistic abilities.

  1. Adjourning – Meaning: To suspend or postpone a meeting to a later time.
  2. Banjoists – Meaning: Players of the banjo, a stringed musical instrument.
  3. Bluejacks – Meaning: To send messages between mobile devices using Bluetooth.
  4. Conjoined – Meaning: Joined together; united.
  5. Disjoined – Meaning: Separated or disconnected.
  6. Doorjambs – Meaning: Vertical frames of a doorway.
  7. Forejudged – Meaning: To judge beforehand without adequate evidence.
  8. Highjacked – Meaning: To seize control of a vehicle unlawfully.
  9. Injunctive – Meaning: Pertaining to an injunction, a judicial order.
  10. Misjoining – Meaning: Joining incorrectly or unsuitably.

In conclusion, mastering 10-letter words with ‘J’ enhances vocabulary and communication skills, crucial for educators and students. Writing these words can be practiced through creative exercises and spelling activities. Tips for learning include using them in sentences, engaging in word games, and incorporating them into daily teaching. This practice not only enriches language proficiency but also sparks curiosity and learning enthusiasm in the classroom.

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