10 Letter Words With Z

Team English - Examples.com
Created by: Team English - Examples.com, Last Updated: April 25, 2024

10 Letter Words With Z

10 Letters Words With Z

Embark on a linguistic journey to master the use of 10-letter words containing the letter ‘Z’. This guide is tailored for teachers and students aiming to enhance their vocabulary and writing skills. Understanding these words not only enriches your language repertoire but also adds a unique flair to your writing. Whether it’s for creative storytelling, academic writing, or effective communication, incorporating such words can significantly elevate your language proficiency. Get ready to explore a diverse range of words that will not only intrigue but also educate.

Download Most Commonly Used 10-Letter Words with Z

100+ Most Commonly Used 10-Letter Words with “Z”

10 Letters Words withZ


10-letter words with the letter “Z” offer a fascinating glimpse into the depth and variety of the English language. The inclusion of “Z”, often considered a less common letter, introduces words that are not only unique but also rich in meaning and usage. These words can range from scientific terms to everyday objects and concepts, making them valuable assets for educators, writers, and students. By understanding and using these words, one can enhance their vocabulary, add precision to their language, and engage more effectively in both academic and creative writing. For teachers aiming to broaden their students’ linguistic horizons, introducing these 10-letter “Z” words can be both educational and fun. Let’s explore a selection of unique 10-letter words containing “Z”, along with their meanings.

Zygodactyl Zwitterion Abuzzingly Analyzable Dazzlement Dizzyingly
Exorcizing Hebraizing Zymologies Rhapsodize Razzmatazz Recognized
Schmalzier Stunningly Volatilize Zygomycota Customized Zygosities
Zygosporic Authorized Specialize Optimizing Utilizable Sympathize
Categorized Emphasized Harmonized Dramatized Stabilized Idolatrize
Mechanized Jeopardize Economized Patronized Monetizing Customize
Magnetized Fertilized Energizing Polarizing Agonizingly Canalizing
Civilizing Womanizing Satirizing Galvanized Epitomized Publicized
Vaporizing Capitalize Socialized Digitizing Cognizable Penalizing
Realizable Quantizing Humanizing Scrutinize Memorizing Immobilize
Modernized Vocalizing Paganizing Urbanizing Ionization Demoralize
Polarizers Normalized Penalizers Stigmatize Utilizably Vandalized
Vandalizes Visualized Visualizer Visualizes Vocalizers Vulcanized
Vulcanizer Vulcanizes Westernize Womanizers Zombifying Zoomorphic
Zombielike Zombieland Zeolitized Zeolitizes Zeppeliner Zigzagging
Zigzagged Zirconiums Zebrafishes Zemindaris Zeptosecon Zettasecon
Zoologists Zoological Zoometries Zoophilies Zoophilous Zoophagous
Zooplankton Zooplanktic Zoopathies Zoophagies Zooculture Zitherists

Most Trending 10 Letter Words With “Z”

Most Trending 10 Letter Words With Z

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In the realm of English vocabulary, 10-letter words with ‘Z’ hold a special place, offering both challenge and charm. These words are not just linguistic gems but also powerful tools for enhancing writing and teaching methodologies. Their unique structure and pronunciation add depth and character to language expression. For educators and students, understanding and utilizing these words can significantly broaden linguistic horizons. Embrace the opportunity to delve into these words, enriching your vocabulary and inspiring creative thinking.

  1. Authorized – Officially approved or sanctioned.
  2. Specialize – Concentrate on and become expert in a particular subject or skill.
  3. Realizable – Capable of being achieved or realized.
  4. Motorizing – Equipping with a motor; especially, to replace horsepower.
  5. Zoologists – Scientists who study animals and their behavior.
  6. Zombifying – Turning into a zombie or making zombie-like.
  7. Customized – Modified to suit a particular individual or task.
  8. Civilizing – Bringing to a stage of social, cultural, and moral development considered to be more advanced.
  9. Vandalized – Deliberately destroyed or damaged.
  10. Galvanized – Shocked or excited into taking action.
  11. Appetizers – A small dish of food or drink taken before a meal to stimulate one’s appetite.
  12. Emphasized – Give special importance or value to something in speaking or writing.
  13. Normalized – Bring or return to a normal or standard condition or state.
  14. Sensitized – Cause to respond to certain stimuli; made sensitive.
  15. Sympathize – Agree with a sentiment or opinion; feel sympathy.
  16. Memorizing – Commit to memory; learn by heart.
  17. Digitalize – Convert into a digital form.
  18. Visualized – Form a mental image of; imagine.
  19. Revitalize – Imbue something with new life and vitality.
  20. Mobilizing – Prepare and organize for active service.
  21. Symbolized – Represented by means of symbols.
  22. Criticized – Indicate the faults of in a disapproving way.
  23. Publicized – Make widely known or public.
  24. Epitomized – Be a perfect example of.
  25. Jeopardize – Put in a situation in which there is a risk of harm or failure.
  26. Mechanized – Introduce machines or automatic devices into a process, activity, or place.
  27. Amortizing – Gradually write off the initial cost of an asset.

New & Latest Added 10 Letter Words With “Z”

New & Latest 10 Letter Words With Z

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Exploring the English language is always an adventure, especially when delving into unique and less common words. Among these are 10-letter words containing the letter “Z”, which often carry intriguing meanings and sounds. These words are not just vocabulary expanders but also great tools for educators, writers, and language enthusiasts looking to enhance their lexicon. Here, we’ve compiled a list of the 30 most recent and unique 10-letter words with “Z”, complete with their meanings. Each word is a testament to the rich and diverse nature of the English language.

  1. Zucchettos: Small, round skullcaps worn by Catholic clergy.
  2. Zwitterion: A molecule with both positive and negative charges.
  3. Zoophobias: Extreme or irrational fears of animals.
  4. Zoophilous: Attracted to or living on animals.
  5. Zootherapy: Treatment of disease using animals.
  6. Zoolatries: Excessive devotion to animals, treating them as sacred.
  7. Zoophagous: Feeding on animals.
  8. Zygosities: The genetic characteristics of being a zygote.
  9. Zygomorphy: Bilateral symmetry.
  10. Zoophorous: Supporting or conveying animals.
  11. Zoanthropy: Delusion of a person who believes themselves to be an animal.
  12. Zebrawoods: Tropical American trees with striped wood.
  13. Zoophagies: Practices of eating animals.
  14. Zoogeology: The study of fossil animal remains.
  15. Zirconiums: Metallic elements used in nuclear reactors.
  16. Zygomycota: A class of fungi.

Noun 10 Letter Words With “Z”

Noun 10 Letter Words With Z

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The letter “Z” often adds zest and uniqueness to the English vocabulary. In this exploration, we focus on nouns: specifically, 10-letter words containing the letter “Z”. These words are not just fascinating in their structure but also in their meanings. Nouns with “Z” can range from scientific terms to everyday objects, making them valuable for educators, students, and anyone interested in expanding their vocabulary. Below is a curated list of 30 noun 10-letter words with “Z”, each with its definition, to enrich your language repertoire.

  1. Fertilizer – A substance added to soil to promote plant growth.
  2. Specialize – To focus on a specific area or skill within a broader field.
  3. Stabilizer – A device or substance that maintains balance or stability.
  4. Magnetizer – Something that magnetizes or makes objects magnetic.
  5. Criticizer – Someone who provides critical feedback or analysis.
  6. Patronizer – A person who supports or sponsors a particular cause or business.
  7. Mesmerizer – Someone or something that captivates or enthralls.
  8. Publicizer – A promoter or advertiser of public events or products.
  9. Recognizer – One who identifies or acknowledges something.
  10. Stylizings – The act of giving a distinctive style or appearance.
  11. Radicalize – To cause someone to adopt extreme beliefs or views.
  12. Harmonizer – Something that brings elements into harmonious agreement.
  13. Epitomizer – A person or thing that represents the perfect example.
  14. Aggrandize – To exaggerate or enhance the importance of something.
  15. Modernizer – One who updates or brings something into contemporary times.
  16. Immobilize – To render someone or something motionless or inactive.
  17. Optimizers – Tools or methods that enhance efficiency or performance.
  18. Mechanizer – A person or device that automates or mechanizes tasks.
  19. Paralyzant – A substance that induces paralysis or numbness.
  20. Emphasizer – A person or thing that highlights or emphasizes certain aspects.

Adjective 10 Letter Words With “Z”

Adjective 10 Letter Words with Z

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Exploring the English language reveals a trove of unique and intriguing words, especially when delving into adjectives with a ‘Z’. These ten-letter words are not just vocabulary enhancers but also a gateway to enriching language skills. Ideal for educators, students, and language enthusiasts, this list provides a diverse range of adjectives, each carrying its distinctive flair. Understanding and using these words can add depth and precision to language, making communication more effective and expressive. Here’s a curated list of adjectives, each ten letters long and containing a ‘Z’, along with their meanings.

  1. Blazonries – Coats of arms or other heraldic symbols.
  2. Bronzewing – Pertaining to a type of pigeon with bronze-colored wings.
  3. Buzzworthy – Deserving of attention or creating a buzz.
  4. Crazedness – The state of being wildly insane or excited.
  5. Dazzlingly – In a way that amazes with brilliance or excellence.
  6. Freezingly – Extremely cold or causing to freeze.
  7. Glazieries – Places where glass is sold or made.
  8. Grazefully – In a manner that is full of grace or beauty.
  9. Hazardable – Capable of being risky or dangerous.
  10. Jazzercize – A type of dance fitness program.
  11. Lazarettes – Small storerooms or spaces on a ship.
  12. Lizardlike – Resembling or characteristic of a lizard.
  13. Muzzlingly – In a manner that restrains or suppresses.
  14. Normalized – Made standard or regular.
  15. Ozonations – Processes involving the treatment with ozone.
  16. Pazazzling – Displaying an attractive and exciting style or flair.
  17. Pizzicatos – Musical notes played by plucking strings.
  18. Quizzingly – In a questioning or mildly teasing manner.
  19. Razzmatazz – Excitement, activity, or impressive display.
  20. Realizable – Capable of being achieved or realized.
  21. Rebaptized – Baptized again or anew.
  22. Regularize – To make regular or conform to a standard.
  23. Ritualized – Performed as a formal or ceremonial act.
  24. Sizzleback – A type of fish known for making a sizzling sound.
  25. Unbreezing – Relieving from cold or a chilling effect.
  26. Visualized – Formed a mental image of; envisaged.
  27. Waltzingly – In a manner resembling or related to a waltz.

Describing 10 Letter Words With “Z”

Describing 10 Letter Words with Z

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In the realm of language and learning, ten-letter words with a ‘Z’ hold a special place. These words, often overlooked, can be powerful tools in enhancing vocabulary and expression. Suitable for teachers, students, and anyone interested in the English language, this compilation is not just about expanding vocabulary but also about understanding the nuance and usage of these words. Each word in this list is carefully selected to represent a range of contexts and meanings, offering a comprehensive understanding of how these words can be employed in everyday language. Below is a list of describing words, ten letters in length and containing a ‘Z’, along with their meanings.

  1. Alchemized – Transformed, especially in a mysterious or magical manner.
  2. Banalizing – Making something common or trivial.
  3. Blazonment – The act of displaying or depicting heraldic arms.
  4. Brazenness – Shameless or impudent boldness.
  5. Civilizing – Educating or refining a society or person.
  6. Colonizing – Establishing control over a foreign land or people.
  7. Customized – Made or altered according to personal or individual specifications.
  8. Digitizing – Converting data into digital form.
  9. Emblazoned – Decorated with heraldic arms or other specific designs.
  10. Feminizing – Making more feminine in nature or appearance.
  11. Frizzliest – Extremely frizzy, curly, or unruly.
  12. Glamorized – Made to seem glamorous or more appealing.
  13. Hellenized – Influenced by the Greek culture or language.
  14. Humanizing – Making something more humane or civilized.
  15. Idealizing – Regarding or representing as perfect or better than in reality.
  16. Jeopardize – To put someone or something into a situation of risk or danger.
  17. Legalizing – Making lawful or legal.
  18. Maximizing – Make as large or great as possible.
  19. Normalized – Brought or returned to a normal condition or state.
  20. Organizing – Arranging or coordinating systematically for a particular purpose.
  21. Patronized – Treated with an apparent kindness that betrays a feeling of superiority.
  22. Quantizing – Converting into quantum mechanical terms or dividing into quanta.
  23. Randomized – Made random; arranged without definite aim, reason, or pattern.
  24. Realizable – Capable of being achieved or realized.
  25. Solarizing – Exposing to sunlight, especially in photography to produce an effect.
  26. Urbanizing – Make or become more characteristic of a city or urban area.
  27. Victimized – Singled out for cruel or unjust treatment.
  28. Visualized – Formed a mental image of; imagined.

SAT 10 Letter Words With “Z”

SAT 10 Letter Words with Z

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The SAT exam, a critical milestone for many students, requires a strong command of the English language. Ten-letter words with a ‘Z’ can be particularly challenging yet rewarding to master. These words, often appearing in advanced texts, can significantly enhance a student’s vocabulary, aiding in SAT preparation and beyond. This list is an essential resource for educators, SAT tutors, and students aiming to broaden their lexical scope. Each word is selected for its relevance to the SAT context and includes a definition to facilitate understanding and usage. Here is a list of 30 SAT-relevant ten-letter words containing ‘Z’, along with their meanings.

  1. Authorized – Officially approved or having authority.
  2. Baptizable – Capable of being baptized.
  3. Capitalize – To take advantage of or to use to one’s benefit.
  4. Criticized – Evaluated and judged, often negatively.
  5. Dramatized – Adapted into a dramatic form or to express something more dramatically.
  6. Economized – To save or use resources efficiently.
  7. Galvanized – Stimulated into action; electrified.
  8. Hybridized – Crossbred or combined genetically.
  9. Idolatrize – To worship as an idol or to idolize excessively.
  10. Journalize – To record in a journal or diary.
  11. Keratinize – To become hard and tough like keratin.
  12. Legitimize – To make legal or acceptable.
  13. Normalized – Brought or returned to a normal condition or state.
  14. Organizing – Arranging systematically for a particular purpose.
  15. Plagiarize – To use and pass off (the ideas or writings of another) as one’s own.
  16. Quantizing – Dividing into discrete, quantifiable segments.
  17. Recognized – Acknowledged or identified from knowledge of appearance or characteristics.
  18. Sensitized – Made sensitive or more sensitive.
  19. Tantalized – Tormented or teased with the sight or promise of something unobtainable.
  20. Vandalized – Deliberately destroyed or damaged.
  21. Weaponized – Adapted for use as a weapon.
  22. Xenophobes – People with an irrational fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers.
  23. Youthfully – In a manner characteristic of youth; young in appearance or spirit.
  24. Zeitgeists – The defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history.
  25. Zombifying – Turning into a zombie-like state; dehumanizing.
  26. Zoomorphic – Having the form of an animal.
  27. Zygomorphs – Bilaterally symmetrical in structure.

Perspective 10 Letter Words With “Z”

Perspective 10 Letter Words with Z

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Exploring the English language is always an enlightening journey, especially when delving into specific categories of words. For educators and students alike, understanding 10-letter words that include the letter ‘Z’ offers a unique challenge. These words not only enhance vocabulary but also provide a deeper understanding of language nuances. Below is a curated list of 30 such words, each containing ‘Z’ and accompanied by their meanings. This list can be a valuable resource for teachers looking to enrich their lessons and students aiming to expand their lexical repertoire.

  1. Zoophilous: Attracted to or living on animals.
  2. Zoophagous: Feeding on other animals.
  3. Zygomorphs: Bilaterally symmetrical.
  4. Zombifying: Turning into a zombie.
  5. Zeitgeists: The defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history.
  6. Zoophilist: A lover of animals.
  7. Zymologies: Studies of fermentation.
  8. Zygosities: The quality of being zygous.
  9. Zoophobias: Extreme or irrational fear of animals.
  10. Zitherists: Players of the zither.
  11. Zoogloeoid: Resembling zoogloea.
  12. Zwitterion: A molecule with both positive and negative charges.
  13. Zombielike: Resembling a zombie.
  14. Zoogeology: The study of fossil animals.
  15. Zoographed: Depicted or described animals.
  16. Zootherapy: Treatment using animals.
  17. Zoanthropy: A mental disorder involving the belief of being an animal.
  18. Zymometers: Devices measuring fermentation.
  19. Zephyrlike: Resembling a gentle breeze.
  20. Zugzwanged: In chess, forced to make a disadvantageous move.
  21. Zettabytes: Units of digital information.
  22. Zoosporous: Producing zoospores.
  23. Zygodactyl: Having two toes facing forward and two backward.
  24. Zinkifying: Coating with zinc.
  25. Zooplastic: Relating to the formation of animal tissues.
  26. Zoophilies: Strong affinities for animals.
  27. Zoogonidia: A type of small reproductive body in some algae and fungi.
  28. Zemindaris: Land held under feudal tenure in India.

Starting 10 Letter Words With “Z”

Starting 10 Letters Words with Z


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The letter ‘Z’ is often seen as unique and somewhat exotic in the English language. This characteristic makes 10-letter words starting with ‘Z’ particularly interesting for educators and learners. These words can be used to challenge students and enhance their vocabulary. Here is a collection of 20 such words, each beginning with ‘Z’ and defined for clarity. Teachers can utilize this list to create engaging lessons, and students can use it to broaden their understanding of complex words.

  1. Zoophilous: Attracted to or living on animals.
  2. Zoophagous: Feeding on other animals.
  3. Zygomorphs: Having bilateral symmetry.
  4. Zymologies: Studies of fermentation.
  5. Zygosities: The quality of being zygous.
  6. Zoophobias: Extreme or irrational fear of animals.
  7. Zitherists: Players of the zither.
  8. Zwitterion: A molecule with both positive and negative charges.
  9. Zoogeology: The study of fossil animals.
  10. Zootherapy: Treatment using animals.

Middle 10 Letter Words With “Z”

Middle 10 Letters Words with Z

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Words with ‘Z’ in the middle possess a distinctive charm, making them fascinating subjects for linguistic exploration. For educators aiming to challenge their students, these 10-letter words with ‘Z’ in the middle offer a unique opportunity. They are not only interesting but also beneficial for vocabulary enhancement. Here, we present a list of 20 such words, each with their meanings. Teachers can integrate these into vocabulary lessons, and students can use them to expand their language skills.

  1. Authorized: Officially approved or sanctioned.
  2. Realizable: Capable of being realized or achieved.
  3. Mobilizers: Those who mobilize or rally.
  4. Idealizing: Regarding or representing as perfect or better than reality.
  5. Visualizer: One who visualizes or imagines.
  6. Realizably: In a realizable manner.
  7. Utilizable: Capable of being utilized.
  8. Equalizers: Devices or things that make things equa 4yu
  9. Moralizing: Commenting on issues of right and wrong, typically with an unfounded air of superiority.
  10. Revitalize: To imbue something with new life and vitality.

In conclusion, 10-letter words with ‘Z’ are not just vocabulary elements but gateways to a richer linguistic experience. For teachers and students, these words offer an opportunity to explore and embrace the complexity and beauty of the English language. By incorporating these words into your teaching and writing, you can significantly enhance comprehension, expression, and linguistic flair. Embrace this unique collection as a tool for educational and creative growth.

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