Cohesive Devices

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Created by: Team English -, Last Updated: August 28, 2024

Cohesive Devices

Cohesive Devices

Cohesive devices are words or phrases used to connect ideas and ensure the smooth flow of sentences and paragraphs in a text. They include conjunctions (such as “and,” “but,” “because”), pronouns (like “he,” “she,” “it”), and transitional words and phrases (such as “however,” “therefore,” “in addition”). Effective use of cohesive devices enhances readability and clarity, making it easier for readers to follow the text. Integrated Marketing Communication Methods, Communication Protocol, and Mobile Marketing Communication also rely on cohesive devices to convey clear messages across various platforms.

What are Cohesive Devices?

Cohesive devices are words and phrases that link sentences and paragraphs, ensuring clarity and flow in writing. They include conjunctions, pronouns, and transition words like “however,” “therefore,” and “furthermore,” which help readers follow the writer’s ideas and arguments smoothly.

Examples of Cohesive Devices

Examples of Cohesive Devices
  1. However
    • Indicates contrast or contradiction.
    • Example: “The weather was cold; however, we decided to go hiking.” This sentence shows a contrast between the cold weather and the decision to go hiking despite it.
  2. Therefore
    • Shows a cause-and-effect relationship.
    • Example: “She studied hard for the exam; therefore, she passed with flying colors.” Here, the hard studying is the cause, and passing the exam is the effect.
  3. Moreover
    • Adds additional information.
    • Example: “He is a talented musician; moreover, he is an excellent writer.” This sentence adds extra information about his skills, highlighting another of his talents.
  4. Thus
    • Conveys a conclusion or result.
    • Example: “He forgot to set his alarm; thus, he was late for the meeting.” The result of forgetting to set the alarm is being late for the meeting.
  5. Consequently
    • Highlights the result of a specific action.
    • Example: “It rained heavily all night; consequently, the match was postponed.” The heavy rain led to the match being postponed.
  6. In addition
    • Adds to the previous point.
    • Example: “The book was informative; in addition, it was quite entertaining.” This adds more information, indicating that the book was not only informative but also entertaining.
  7. Similarly
    • Shows similarity between two ideas.
    • Example: “She loves reading; similarly, her brother enjoys books.” This highlights that both she and her brother share a love for reading.
  8. On the other hand
    • Presents an alternative or contrast.
    • Example: “I enjoy outdoor activities; on the other hand, my sister prefers staying indoors.” This sentence contrasts the speaker’s preference with their sister’s.
  9. For instance
    • Introduces an example to illustrate a point.
    • Example: “Many fruits are rich in vitamins; for instance, oranges are high in vitamin C.” This provides a specific example to support the general statement about fruits.
  10. In conclusion
    • Summarizes or wraps up the discussion.
    • Example: “In conclusion, regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health.” This sentence summarizes the discussion, emphasizing the importance of regular exercise.

Cohesive Devices Examples Sentences

  1. The weather was cold; however, we decided to go hiking.
  2. She studied hard for the exam; therefore, she passed with flying colors.
  3. He is a talented musician; moreover, he is an excellent writer.
  4. He forgot to set his alarm; thus, he was late for the meeting.
  5. It rained heavily all night; consequently, the match was postponed.
  6. The book was informative; in addition, it was quite entertaining.
  7. She loves reading; similarly, her brother enjoys books.
  8. I enjoy outdoor activities; on the other hand, my sister prefers staying indoors.
  9. Many fruits are rich in vitamins; for instance, oranges are high in vitamin C.
  10. In conclusion, regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health.
  11. The team performed well; as a result, they won the championship.
  12. He was tired; nonetheless, he continued to work on the project.
  13. The company is expanding; hence, they are hiring more staff.
  14. She didn’t see the car coming; consequently, she stepped into the road.
  15. The cake was delicious; furthermore, it was beautifully decorated.
  16. He had never been there before; thus, he got lost.
  17. She didn’t like the movie; on the contrary, her friend enjoyed it.
  18. We planned to visit the museum; however, it was closed.
  19. The meeting was long; nevertheless, it was productive.
  20. They were running late; as a result, they missed the train.

Cohesive Devices Examples for Essays

  1. However, the results of the study were inconclusive.
  2. The research was thorough; therefore, the findings were reliable.
  3. The author presents a compelling argument; moreover, the evidence is substantial.
  4. The data was collected over several years; thus, it provides a comprehensive overview.
  5. The policy was implemented successfully; consequently, the community benefited greatly.
  6. The novel offers a deep insight into human nature; in addition, it is beautifully written.
  7. The theory has been widely accepted; similarly, other researchers have found supporting evidence.
  8. The proposal has many benefits; on the other hand, it also has some drawbacks.
  9. Several studies support this hypothesis; for instance, Smith (2020) found similar results.
  10. In conclusion, the evidence strongly supports the initial hypothesis.
  11. The results were surprising; as a result, new questions have emerged.
  12. The author’s approach is innovative; nonetheless, it has its critics.
  13. The project exceeded expectations; hence, it received additional funding.
  14. The initial plan was flawed; consequently, it had to be revised.
  15. The analysis was thorough; furthermore, the methodology was sound.
  16. The new policy was controversial; thus, it sparked widespread debate.
  17. The solution seems effective; on the contrary, it might not be sustainable long-term.
  18. The study aimed to explore new avenues; however, it faced several limitations.
  19. The discussion was lengthy; nevertheless, it was necessary for a thorough understanding.
  20. The team worked tirelessly; as a result, they completed the project ahead of schedule.

Cohesive Devices Examples for Writing

  1. However, the main character’s motivations remain unclear.
  2. The experiment was carefully designed; therefore, the results are highly reliable.
  3. The author argues that education is crucial; moreover, she provides compelling evidence to support her claim.
  4. The team conducted extensive research; thus, their conclusions are well-founded.
  5. The new policy was effective; consequently, the organization saw immediate improvements.
  6. The movie was captivating; in addition, the cinematography was stunning.
  7. The protagonist is brave and resourceful; similarly, her brother demonstrates great courage.
  8. The proposal has many strengths; on the other hand, it also has significant weaknesses.
  9. There are many benefits to regular exercise; for instance, it improves cardiovascular health.
  10. In conclusion, the study confirms the hypothesis that social factors influence learning.
  11. The conference was well-organized; as a result, it attracted many attendees.
  12. The findings were unexpected; nonetheless, they provide valuable insights.
  13. The company is expanding rapidly; hence, they are hiring more staff.
  14. She missed the deadline; consequently, her project was not considered.
  15. The presentation was informative; furthermore, it was engaging and interactive.
  16. The solution seemed straightforward; thus, it was implemented immediately.
  17. The initial review was positive; on the contrary, subsequent reviews were critical.
  18. The plan was ambitious; however, it was achievable with the right resources.
  19. The report was lengthy; nevertheless, every section was necessary for understanding.
  20. The community worked together; as a result, they quickly rebuilt after the storm.

Types of Cohesive Devices

Cohesive devices are essential for creating clear and logical connections within a text. They can be categorized into several types:


Reference involves using pronouns or other referencing words to point back to something mentioned earlier in the text. This helps avoid repetition and keeps the text concise.
Example: “John arrived late because he missed the bus.” (Here, “he” refers back to “John.”)


Substitution replaces a word or phrase with another word to avoid repetition and make sentences shorter.
Example: “I need a pen. Do you have one?” (“One” substitutes for “pen.”)


Ellipsis is the omission of words that are understood from the context, making the text more concise without losing meaning.
Example: “I went to the park, and she did too.” (The word “go” is omitted after “she did.”)


Conjunctions are words used to link clauses or sentences. They help to show relationships between ideas, such as addition, contrast, cause, and effect.
Example: “I wanted to go to the party, but I was too tired.” (Here, “but” shows a contrast between the two clauses.)

Lexical Cohesion

Lexical cohesion involves the use of related words to maintain continuity in a text. This includes the repetition of words, synonyms, antonyms, and collocations.
Example: “The team played exceptionally well. Their performance was outstanding.” (“Played,” “performance,” and “outstanding” all relate to the theme of sports and excellence.)


Reiteration involves repeating a word or phrase, or using a synonym or near-synonym, to emphasize a concept and ensure the reader understands the key point.
Example: “The lecture was boring. The dullness of the presentation made it hard to stay awake.” (“Boring” and “dullness” are related terms reinforcing the idea.)


Collocation refers to the habitual juxtaposition of a particular word with another word or words with a frequency greater than chance. These word pairs or groups naturally go together, enhancing cohesion.
Example: “Fast food” (These two words commonly appear together and are expected to be used in that combination.)


Parallelism is the use of similar grammatical structures in related phrases or clauses to create a sense of rhythm and balance in writing.
Example: “She enjoys reading, writing, and jogging.” (The parallel structure of the verbs creates a cohesive rhythm.)

Transitional Phrases

Transitional phrases are used to connect ideas smoothly between sentences and paragraphs, guiding the reader through the text.
Example: “In addition,” “on the other hand,” “as a result,” “for instance.” (These phrases help link ideas and provide a smooth transition.)


Anaphora is the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses or sentences, creating a rhetorical effect and emphasizing a particular point.
Example: “Every day, every night, in every way, I am getting better and better.” (The repetition of “every” emphasizes the ongoing nature of the improvement.)

By using these types of cohesive devices, writers can create well-structured, coherent texts that are easy for readers to understand and follow.

Uses Cohesive Devices

Cohesive devices play a crucial role in effective writing and communication. Here are the important uses of cohesive devices:

1. Enhancing Clarity

Cohesive devices help clarify relationships between ideas, making it easier for readers to follow the writ
Example: “I forgot to bring my umbrella. Consequently, I got soaked in the rain.”

2. Improving Readability

Using cohesive devices improves the overall readability of a text. They create a natural progression of ideas, making the text more engaging and less choppy.
Example: “First, we visited the museum. Then, we had lunch at a nearby café.”

3. Providing Structure

Cohesive devices help organize writing by indicating the sequence of events, comparisons, contrasts, and cause-effect relationships. This provides a clear structure that guides the reader through the text.
Example: “Although it was raining, we decided to go for a hike. In contrast, others chose to stay indoors.”

4. Avoiding Repetition

By using pronouns, synonyms, and substitutions, cohesive devices help avoid unnecessary repetition of words and phrases, making the text more concise and varied.
Example: “Maria loves her cat. She takes care of it every day.”

5. Emphasizing Key Points

Repetition and parallelism, as types of cohesive devices, can emphasize important ideas or themes within a text, helping to reinforce the message and make it more memorable.
Example: “Success requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance.”

6. Enhancing Coherence

Cohesive devices ensure that different parts of a text are linked together logically, enhancing the overall coherence of the writing. This helps the reader understand how different ideas and arguments are connected.
Example: “The company has seen significant growth. As a result, they are expanding their operations.”

Cohesive Devices Exercises

Exercise 1: Identifying Cohesive Devices


“Although it was raining, we decided to go for a hike. We packed our raincoats and umbrellas, so we stayed dry. Furthermore, the rain added a mystical quality to the forest. We saw several deer grazing, which was a pleasant surprise. By the time we returned, the rain had stopped, and the sun was setting. Overall, it was a wonderful day.”


  1. Although (conjunction)
  2. We (pronoun)
  3. So (conjunction)
  4. Furthermore (transitional phrase)
  5. Which (relative pronoun)
  6. By the time (conjunction)
  7. Overall (transitional phrase)

Exercise 2: Completing Sentences with Cohesive Devices

  1. Although the weather was cold, we decided to go swimming.
  2. She studied hard for the exam; therefore, she passed with flying colors.
  3. I enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, biking, and fishing.
  4. He was late because he missed the bus.
  5. She is not only a talented musician but also a skilled painter.
  6. The team performed well in the tournament; therefore, they won several awards.
  7. The store offers a variety of fruits such as apples, bananas, and oranges.
  8. He didn’t like the movie; so he left the theater early.

Exercise 3: Using Cohesive Devices in Writing


I decided to bake a cake for my friend’s birthday. First, I gathered all the ingredients. Next, I preheated the oven and started mixing the batter. Meanwhile, my friend called to confirm the party time. Finally, the cake was ready, and it turned out perfectly.

Exercise 4: Sentence Reordering

  1. The team was planning to hold an outdoor event.
  2. However, the weather forecast predicted heavy rain.
  3. In addition, several team members were unavailable on the planned date.
  4. They decided to postpone the meeting.
  5. As a result, the event was rescheduled for the following week.

Exercise 5: Synonym Replacement

  1. The children enjoyed the playground. The park had many fun activities.
  2. The scientist conducted an experiment. The test was successful.
  3. The teacher gave the students homework. The assignments were completed on time.


What are conjunctions in cohesive devices?

Conjunctions are words like and, but, or, which connect clauses, sentences, or words within sentences to show relationships.

How do pronouns function as cohesive devices?

Pronouns like he, she, it, and they replace nouns previously mentioned, avoiding repetition and linking ideas.

What are transitional phrases?

Transitional phrases like furthermore, however, and in addition guide readers through the text by indicating connections or contrasts between ideas.

What role does repetition play in cohesion?

Repetition reinforces key ideas and terms, helping to maintain focus and coherence in the text.

How do synonyms contribute to cohesion?

Using synonyms prevents repetition while maintaining the connection between ideas, enriching the text and keeping it engaging.

What are lexical chains?

Lexical chains are sequences of related words or phrases that create cohesion by linking concepts across a text.

How can substitution improve cohesion?

Substitution replaces a word or phrase with another that refers to the same thing, aiding in avoiding redundancy and maintaining flow.

What is ellipsis in cohesive writing?

Ellipsis involves omitting parts of a sentence that are understood from the context, making the writing more concise while retaining meaning.

How does parallelism contribute to cohesion?

Parallelism uses similar structures in sentences or phrases to create rhythm and enhance readability, emphasizing the connection between ideas.

Why is sentence variety important in cohesion?

Sentence variety keeps the reader engaged and helps maintain a smooth flow by mixing different sentence structures and lengths.

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