Preposition Excercises

Team English -
Created by: Team English -, Last Updated: July 4, 2024

Preposition Excercises

Preposition Excercises (1)

Preposition exercises help learners understand the use of prepositions and their role in sentences. These exercises focus on identifying prepositions, distinguishing them from adverbs, and forming prepositional phrases. Learners practice placing prepositions correctly before their objects and within phrases, enhancing their grasp of sentence structure and clarity in communication.

Exercises – 1. Fill in the Blanks

Complete the sentences using the correct Preposition.

  1. She arrived ___ the airport just in time to catch her flight.
  2. The cat is hiding ___ the table.
  3. We are planning to go ___ vacation next month.
  4. He was born ___ 1990.
  5. The book is ___ the shelf.
  6. She will meet us ___ the restaurant at 7 PM.
  7. They walked ___ the park enjoying the sunny weather.
  8. He put the keys ___ his pocket.
  9. The picture is hanging ___ the wall.
  10. She has been working here ___ three years.
  11. There is a bridge ___ the river.
  12. The kids are playing ___ the playground.
  13. He usually goes to bed ___ midnight.
  14. They live ___ the same street as us.
  15. She is very good ___ playing the piano.
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Exercises – 2. Rewrite the Sentences

Rewrite the following sentences by replacing the underlined nouns with the appropriate Preposition.

  1. The weather was hot. We decided to go swimming.
  2. She didn’t know the answer. She asked the teacher for help.
  3. The dog barked loudly. The neighbors complained.
  4. I have a lot of homework. I can’t come to the party.
  5. He finished his work early. He went home.
  6. The car broke down. They called a mechanic.
  7. She was very tired. She went to bed early.
  8. The movie was interesting. I watched it twice.
  9. The shop was closed. We went to another one.
  10. It was raining heavily. They canceled the match.
  11. The cake was delicious. Everyone asked for the recipe.
  12. He forgot his umbrella. He got wet in the rain.
  13. The book was boring. She didn’t finish reading it.
  14. They were late. They missed the bus.
  15. The road was icy. They drove slowly.
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Exercises – 3. Match the Preposition

Match each Sentence with the correct Preposition.

1. Look after your belongings.
2. Depend on your instincts.
3. Interested in learning new skills.
4. Good at solving puzzles.
5. Agree with your opinion.
6. Afraid of the dark.
7. Wait for the bus.
8. Listen to the teacher.
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Exercises – 4. Identify the Preposition

Identify the Preposition in the following sentences.

  1. She arrived at the airport.
  2. The cat is hiding under the table.
  3. We are planning to go on vacation.
  4. He was born in 1990.
  5. The book is on the shelf.
  6. She will meet us at the restaurant.
  7. They walked through the park.
  8. He put the keys in his pocket.
  9. The picture is hanging on the wall.
  10. She has been working here for three years.
  11. There is a bridge over the river.
  12. The kids are playing in the playground.
  13. He usually goes to bed at midnight.
  14. They live on the same street as us.
  15. She is very good at playing the piano.
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Exercises – 5. Choose the Correct Preposition

Choose the correct Preposition to complete each sentence.

  1. She is interested _ (in/on) learning new languages.
  2. The cat jumped _ (over/under) the fence.
  3. We will meet _ (at/on) noon.
  4. He is good _ (at/in) mathematics.
  5. She borrowed a book _ (from/of) the library.
  6. They walked _ (across/along) the riverbank.
  7. He sat _ (between/among) his friends.
  8. The movie starts _ (at/in) 8 PM.
  9. The kids are playing _ (on/in) the yard.
  10. She lives _ (in/on) Elm Street.
  11. The concert was postponed _ (to/for) next week.
  12. The dog ran _ (towards/through) the gate.
  13. She has been working here _ (for/since) 2010.
  14. The book is _ (on/in) the table.
  15. They traveled _ (by/with) car to the countryside.
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What is a preposition?

A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words within a sentence, showing relationships like direction, place, time, or method.

Can you give examples of common prepositions?

Common prepositions include: in, on, at, by, for, with, about, under, between, and through.

How do prepositions function in a sentence?

Prepositions function by connecting a noun or pronoun to another word, explaining the relationship between them. For example, “The book is on the table.”

What are prepositional phrases?

Prepositional phrases consist of a preposition, its object, and any modifiers. For example, “under the table” and “with great enthusiasm.”

How do I choose the correct preposition?

Choosing the correct preposition depends on the context and meaning you want to convey. Practice and exposure to language help improve this skill.

Can prepositions be used at the end of a sentence?

Yes, prepositions can be used at the end of a sentence, especially in informal speech. For example, “What are you looking at?”

Are prepositions necessary in every sentence?

No, prepositions are not necessary in every sentence, but they are crucial for providing clarity and detail in many sentences.

How can I practice using prepositions?

You can practice using prepositions by completing exercises, reading, writing, and identifying prepositional phrases in sentences.

What are some common mistakes with prepositions?

Common mistakes include using the wrong preposition, omitting necessary prepositions, or adding unnecessary ones. For example, “discuss about” instead of “discuss.”

Are prepositions the same in every language?

No, prepositions vary between languages, and their usage rules can differ significantly. Learning prepositions in a new language requires practice and exposure to that language.

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