Multiples of 82

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Created by: Team Maths -, Last Updated: August 22, 2024

Multiples of 82

Multiples of 82

Multiples of 82 are numbers that can be expressed as 82 × n, where n is an integer. These multiples follow a pattern, increasing by 82 each time (e.g., 82, 164, 246, 328, 410). Multiples of 82 are crucial in mathematics, especially in algebraic concepts, squares, square roots, and fractions. They play a fundamental role in understanding number properties and performing various arithmetic operations efficiently. Recognizing these multiples aids in grasping more complex mathematical ideas and solving algebraic equations. Multiples serve as essential building blocks in number theory, helping to explore patterns, relationships, and the behavior of numbers within mathematical frameworks. Understanding multiples of 82 enhances mathematical proficiency and problem-solving skills.

What are Multiples of 82?

Multiples of 82 are numbers that can be expressed as 82×n, where n is an integer. These numbers are always even and include values like 82, 164, 246, 328, and so on.

Prime Factorization of 82 : 2 & 41

First 10 Multiples of 82 are 82, 164, 246, 328, 410, 492, 574, 656, 738, 820

First 50 Multiples of 82 are 82, 164, 246, 328, 410, 492, 574, 656, 738, 820, 902, 984, 1066, 1148, 1230, 1312, 1394, 1476, 1558, 1640, 1722, 1804, 1886, 1968, 2050, 2132, 2214, 2296, 2378, 2460, 2542, 2624, 2706, 2788, 2870, 2952, 3034, 3116, 3198, 3280, 3362, 3444, 3526, 3608, 3690, 3772, 3854, 3936, 4018, 4100.

For example, 82, 164, 246 and 328 are all multiples of 82, 155 is not a multiple of 82 for the following reasons:

8282 × 1 = 82, which is divisible by 820
16482 × 2 = 164, which is divisible by 820
24682 × 3 = 246, which is divisible by 820
32882 × 4 = 328, which is divisible by 820
155155 ÷ 82 is not an integer; not divisible by 8273

List of First 100 Multiples of 82 with Remainders

8282 × 1 = 82, which is divisible by 820
16482 × 2 = 164, which is divisible by 820
24682 × 3 = 246, which is divisible by 820
32882 × 4 = 328, which is divisible by 820
41082 × 5 = 410, which is divisible by 820
49282 × 6 = 492, which is divisible by 820
57482 × 7 = 574, which is divisible by 820
65682 × 8 = 656, which is divisible by 820
73882 × 9 = 738, which is divisible by 820
82082 × 10 = 820, which is divisible by 820
90282 × 11 = 902, which is divisible by 820
98482 × 12 = 984, which is divisible by 820
106682 × 13 = 1066, which is divisible by 820
114882 × 14 = 1148, which is divisible by 820
123082 × 15 = 1230, which is divisible by 820
131282 × 16 = 1312, which is divisible by 820
139482 × 17 = 1394, which is divisible by 820
147682 × 18 = 1476, which is divisible by 820
155882 × 19 = 1558, which is divisible by 820
164082 × 20 = 1640, which is divisible by 820
172282 × 21 = 1722, which is divisible by 820
180482 × 22 = 1804, which is divisible by 820
188682 × 23 = 1886, which is divisible by 820
196882 × 24 = 1968, which is divisible by 820
205082 × 25 = 2050, which is divisible by 820
213282 × 26 = 2132, which is divisible by 820
221482 × 27 = 2214, which is divisible by 820
229682 × 28 = 2296, which is divisible by 820
237882 × 29 = 2378, which is divisible by 820
246082 × 30 = 2460, which is divisible by 820
254282 × 31 = 2542, which is divisible by 820
262482 × 32 = 2624, which is divisible by 820
270682 × 33 = 2706, which is divisible by 820
278882 × 34 = 2788, which is divisible by 820
287082 × 35 = 2870, which is divisible by 820
295282 × 36 = 2952, which is divisible by 820
303482 × 37 = 3034, which is divisible by 820
311682 × 38 = 3116, which is divisible by 820
319882 × 39 = 3198, which is divisible by 820
328082 × 40 = 3280, which is divisible by 820
336282 × 41 = 3362, which is divisible by 820
344482 × 42 = 3444, which is divisible by 820
352682 × 43 = 3526, which is divisible by 820
360882 × 44 = 3608, which is divisible by 820
369082 × 45 = 3690, which is divisible by 820
377282 × 46 = 3772, which is divisible by 820
385482 × 47 = 3854, which is divisible by 820
393682 × 48 = 3936, which is divisible by 820
401882 × 49 = 4018, which is divisible by 820
410082 × 50 = 4100, which is divisible by 820
418282 × 51 = 4182, which is divisible by 820
426482 × 52 = 4264, which is divisible by 820
434682 × 53 = 4346, which is divisible by 820
442882 × 54 = 4428, which is divisible by 820
451082 × 55 = 4510, which is divisible by 820
459282 × 56 = 4592, which is divisible by 820
467482 × 57 = 4674, which is divisible by 820
475682 × 58 = 4756, which is divisible by 820
483882 × 59 = 4838, which is divisible by 820
492082 × 60 = 4920, which is divisible by 820
500282 × 61 = 5002, which is divisible by 820
508482 × 62 = 5084, which is divisible by 820
516682 × 63 = 5166, which is divisible by 820
524882 × 64 = 5248, which is divisible by 820
533082 × 65 = 5330, which is divisible by 820
541282 × 66 = 5412, which is divisible by 820
549482 × 67 = 5494, which is divisible by 820
557682 × 68 = 5576, which is divisible by 820
565882 × 69 = 5658, which is divisible by 820
574082 × 70 = 5740, which is divisible by 820
582282 × 71 = 5822, which is divisible by 820
590482 × 72 = 5904, which is divisible by 820
598682 × 73 = 5986, which is divisible by 820
606882 × 74 = 6068, which is divisible by 820
615082 × 75 = 6150, which is divisible by 820
623282 × 76 = 6232, which is divisible by 820
631482 × 77 = 6314, which is divisible by 820
639682 × 78 = 6396, which is divisible by 820
647882 × 79 = 6478, which is divisible by 820
656082 × 80 = 6560, which is divisible by 820
664282 × 81 = 6642, which is divisible by 820
672482 × 82 = 6724, which is divisible by 820
680682 × 83 = 6806, which is divisible by 820
688882 × 84 = 6888, which is divisible by 820
697082 × 85 = 6970, which is divisible by 820
705282 × 86 = 7052, which is divisible by 820
713482 × 87 = 7134, which is divisible by 820
721682 × 88 = 7216, which is divisible by 820
729882 × 89 = 7298, which is divisible by 820
738082 × 90 = 7380, which is divisible by 820
746282 × 91 = 7462, which is divisible by 820
754482 × 92 = 7544, which is divisible by 820
762682 × 93 = 7626, which is divisible by 820
770882 × 94 = 7708, which is divisible by 820
779082 × 95 = 7790, which is divisible by 820
787282 × 96 = 7872, which is divisible by 820
795482 × 97 = 7954, which is divisible by 820
803682 × 98 = 8036, which is divisible by 820
811882 × 99 = 8118, which is divisible by 820
820082 × 100 = 8200, which is divisible by 820

Read More About Multiples of 82

Table of 82

Important Notes

Even Numbers: All multiples of 82 are even numbers, meaning they end in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.

Divisibility: A number is a multiple of 82 if it can be divided by 82 with no remainder.

Factors: Multiples of 82 have 82 as one of their factors.

Infinite Sequence: There are infinitely many multiples of 82, extending indefinitely as 82, 164, 246, 328, and so on.

Arithmetic Pattern: The difference between consecutive multiples of 82 is always 82.

Examples on Multiples of 82

Simple Multiples

82: 82×1 = 82

164: 82×2 = 164

246: 82×3 = 246

Larger Multiples

820: 82×10 = 820

1640: 82×20 = 1640

3280: 82×40 = 3280

Real-Life Examples

Time: 82 hours in a little over three days is a multiple of 82 because 82×1=82.

Money: $82 is a multiple of 82 because 82×1=82.

Measurements: 164 feet is a multiple of 82 because 82×2=164.

Practical Examples of Multiples of 82

  1. Classroom Arrangement: In a school, if each classroom has 82 desks, then 82, 164, or 246 desks would be multiples of 82.
  2. Event Planning: An event coordinator can arrange seats in multiples of 82, such as 82, 164, or 246 seats, to accommodate guests efficiently.
  3. Shipping: A warehouse packages items in batches of 82. Therefore, shipments of 82, 164, or 246 items are all multiples of 82.
  4. Construction: A builder uses 82 bricks per wall section. So, using 164 or 246 bricks ensures each wall section is a multiple of 82.
  5. Inventory Management: A store orders products in multiples of 82, such as 82, 164, or 246 items, to maintain consistent inventory levels.

Practical Applications

Counting by Eighty-Twos: When counting by eighty-twos (82, 164, 246, 328…), you are listing the multiples of 82.

Even Numbers: Any even number that is a multiple of 82, such as 164 or 328, is a multiple of 82 because it can be divided evenly by 82.

Is 246 a multiple of 82?

Yes, 246 is a multiple of 82 because 82×3=246.

What are the first five multiples of 82?

The first five multiples of 82 are 82, 164, 246, 328, and 410.

Is 82 a common multiple of any other number?

Yes, 82 is a common multiple of 1, 2, 41, and 82.

How can multiples of 82 be used in real life?

Multiples of 82 can be used in scenarios involving grouping, packaging, or arranging items in sets of 82.

What is the largest multiple of 82 less than 1000?

The largest multiple of 82 less than 1000 is 984 (82×12=984).

Are multiples of 82 used in mathematics?

Yes, multiples of 82 are used in various mathematical concepts, including algebra and number theory.

Is 900 a multiple of 82?

No, 900 is not a multiple of 82 because 900÷82 does not result in an integer.

Can multiples of 82 be negative?

Yes, multiples of 82 can be negative if multiplied by a negative integer (e.g., 82×-1=-82).

Is 738 a multiple of 82?

Yes, 738 is a multiple of 82 because 82×9=738.

Can a number be both a multiple of 82 and another number?

Yes, a number can be a multiple of 82 and another number if both numbers share common factors. For example, 164 is a multiple of 82 and 2.

How many multiples of 82 are there?

There are infinitely many multiples of 82.

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