Multiples of 83

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Created by: Team Maths -, Last Updated: August 22, 2024

Multiples of 83

Multiples of 83

Multiples of 83 are numbers that can be expressed as 83 × n, where n is an integer. These multiples follow a pattern, increasing by 83 each time (e.g., 83, 166, 249, 332, 415). Multiples of 83 are crucial in mathematics, particularly in algebraic concepts, squares, square roots, and fractions. They play a fundamental role in understanding number properties and performing various arithmetic operations efficiently. Recognizing these multiples aids in grasping more complex mathematical ideas and solving algebraic equations. Multiples of 83 serve as essential building blocks in number theory, helping to explore patterns, relationships, and the behavior of numbers within mathematical frameworks. Understanding multiples of 83 enhances mathematical proficiency and problem-solving skills.

What are Multiples of 83?

Multiples of 83 are numbers that can be expressed as 83×n, where n is an integer. These numbers are always even and include values like 83, 166, 249, 332, and so on.

Prime Factorization of 83 : 1 × 83

First 10 Multiples of 83 are 83, 166, 249, 332, 415, 498, 581, 664, 747, 830

First 50 Multiples of 83 are 83, 166, 249, 332, 415, 498, 581, 664, 747, 830, 913, 996, 1079, 1162, 1245, 1328, 1411, 1494, 1577, 1660, 1743, 1826, 1909, 1992, 2075, 2158, 2241, 2324, 2407, 2490, 2573, 2656, 2739, 2822, 2905, 2988, 3071, 3154, 3237, 3320, 3403, 3486, 3569, 3652, 3735, 3818, 3901, 3984, 4067, 4150, 4233, 4316, 4399, 4482, 4565, 4648, 4731, 4814, 4897, 4980, 5063, 5146, 5229, 5312, 5395, 5478, 5561, 5644, 5727, 5810, 5893, 5976, 6059, 6142, 6225, 6308, 6391, 6474, 6557, 6640, 6723, 6806, 6889, 6972, 7055, 7138, 7221, 7304, 7387, 7470, 7553, 7636, 7719, 7802, 7885, 7968, 8051, 8134, 8217, 8300, 8383.

For example, 83 , 80, 166 and 249 are all multiples of 83, 149 is not a multiple of 83 for the following reasons:

8383 × 1 = 83, which is exactly divisible by 830
16683 × 2 = 166, which is exactly divisible by 830
24983 × 3 = 249, which is exactly divisible by 830
33283 × 4 = 332, which is exactly divisible by 830
149149 ÷ 83 is not an integer; not divisible by 8366

List of First 100 Multiples of 83 with Remainders

8383 × 1 = 83, which is exactly divisible by 830
16683 × 2 = 166, which is exactly divisible by 830
24983 × 3 = 249, which is exactly divisible by 830
33283 × 4 = 332, which is exactly divisible by 830
41583 × 5 = 415, which is exactly divisible by 830
49883 × 6 = 498, which is exactly divisible by 830
58183 × 7 = 581, which is exactly divisible by 830
66483 × 8 = 664, which is exactly divisible by 830
74783 × 9 = 747, which is exactly divisible by 830
83083 × 10 = 830, which is exactly divisible by 830
91383 × 11 = 913, which is exactly divisible by 830
99683 × 12 = 996, which is exactly divisible by 830
107983 × 13 = 1079, which is exactly divisible by 830
116283 × 14 = 1162, which is exactly divisible by 830
124583 × 15 = 1245, which is exactly divisible by 830
132883 × 16 = 1328, which is exactly divisible by 830
141183 × 17 = 1411, which is exactly divisible by 830
149483 × 18 = 1494, which is exactly divisible by 830
157783 × 19 = 1577, which is exactly divisible by 830
166083 × 20 = 1660, which is exactly divisible by 830
174383 × 21 = 1743, which is exactly divisible by 830
182683 × 22 = 1826, which is exactly divisible by 830
190983 × 23 = 1909, which is exactly divisible by 830
199283 × 24 = 1992, which is exactly divisible by 830
207583 × 25 = 2075, which is exactly divisible by 830
215883 × 26 = 2158, which is exactly divisible by 830
224183 × 27 = 2241, which is exactly divisible by 830
232483 × 28 = 2324, which is exactly divisible by 830
240783 × 29 = 2407, which is exactly divisible by 830
249083 × 30 = 2490, which is exactly divisible by 830
257383 × 31 = 2573, which is exactly divisible by 830
265683 × 32 = 2656, which is exactly divisible by 830
273983 × 33 = 2739, which is exactly divisible by 830
282283 × 34 = 2822, which is exactly divisible by 830
290583 × 35 = 2905, which is exactly divisible by 830
298883 × 36 = 2988, which is exactly divisible by 830
307183 × 37 = 3071, which is exactly divisible by 830
315483 × 38 = 3154, which is exactly divisible by 830
323783 × 39 = 3237, which is exactly divisible by 830
332083 × 40 = 3320, which is exactly divisible by 830
340383 × 41 = 3403, which is exactly divisible by 830
348683 × 42 = 3486, which is exactly divisible by 830
356983 × 43 = 3569, which is exactly divisible by 830
365283 × 44 = 3652, which is exactly divisible by 830
373583 × 45 = 3735, which is exactly divisible by 830
381883 × 46 = 3818, which is exactly divisible by 830
390183 × 47 = 3901, which is exactly divisible by 830
398483 × 48 = 3984, which is exactly divisible by 830
406783 × 49 = 4067, which is exactly divisible by 830
415083 × 50 = 4150, which is exactly divisible by 830
423383 × 51 = 4233, which is exactly divisible by 830
431683 × 52 = 4316, which is exactly divisible by 830
439983 × 53 = 4399, which is exactly divisible by 830
448283 × 54 = 4482, which is exactly divisible by 830
456583 × 55 = 4565, which is exactly divisible by 830
464883 × 56 = 4648, which is exactly divisible by 830
473183 × 57 = 4731, which is exactly divisible by 830
481483 × 58 = 4814, which is exactly divisible by 830
489783 × 59 = 4897, which is exactly divisible by 830
498083 × 60 = 4980, which is exactly divisible by 830
506383 × 61 = 5063, which is exactly divisible by 830
514683 × 62 = 5146, which is exactly divisible by 830
522983 × 63 = 5229, which is exactly divisible by 830
531283 × 64 = 5312, which is exactly divisible by 830
539583 × 65 = 5395, which is exactly divisible by 830
547883 × 66 = 5478, which is exactly divisible by 830
556183 × 67 = 5561, which is exactly divisible by 830
564483 × 68 = 5644, which is exactly divisible by 830
572783 × 69 = 5727, which is exactly divisible by 830
581083 × 70 = 5810, which is exactly divisible by 830
589383 × 71 = 5893, which is exactly divisible by 830
597683 × 72 = 5976, which is exactly divisible by 830
605983 × 73 = 6059, which is exactly divisible by 830
614283 × 74 = 6142, which is exactly divisible by 830
622583 × 75 = 6225, which is exactly divisible by 830
630883 × 76 = 6308, which is exactly divisible by 830
639183 × 77 = 6391, which is exactly divisible by 830
647483 × 78 = 6474, which is exactly divisible by 830
655783 × 79 = 6557, which is exactly divisible by 830
664083 × 80 = 6640, which is exactly divisible by 830
672383 × 81 = 6723, which is exactly divisible by 830
680683 × 82 = 6806, which is exactly divisible by 830
688983 × 83 = 6889, which is exactly divisible by 830
697283 × 84 = 6972, which is exactly divisible by 830
705583 × 85 = 7055, which is exactly divisible by 830
713883 × 86 = 7138, which is exactly divisible by 830
722183 × 87 = 7221, which is exactly divisible by 830
730483 × 88 = 7304, which is exactly divisible by 830
738783 × 89 = 7387, which is exactly divisible by 830
747083 × 90 = 7470, which is exactly divisible by 830
755383 × 91 = 7553, which is exactly divisible by 830
763683 × 92 = 7636, which is exactly divisible by 830
771983 × 93 = 7719, which is exactly divisible by 830
780283 × 94 = 7802, which is exactly divisible by 830
788583 × 95 = 7885, which is exactly divisible by 830
796883 × 96 = 7968, which is exactly divisible by 830
805183 × 97 = 8051, which is exactly divisible by 830
813483 × 98 = 8134, which is exactly divisible by 830
821783 × 99 = 8217, which is exactly divisible by 830
830083 × 100 = 8300, which is exactly divisible by 830

Read More About Multiples of 83

Table of 83

Important Notes

  • Odd Numbers: All multiples of 83 are odd numbers, meaning they end in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9.
  • Divisibility: A number is a multiple of 83 if it can be divided by 83 with no remainder.
  • Factors: Multiples of 83 have 83 as one of their factors.
  • Infinite Sequence: There are infinitely many multiples of 83, extending indefinitely as 83, 166, 249, 332, 415, and so on.
  • Arithmetic Pattern: The difference between consecutive multiples of 83 is always 83.

Examples on Multiples of 83

Simple Multiples

83: 83×1 = 83

166: 83×2 = 166

249: 83×3 = 249

Larger Multiples

830: 83×10 = 830

1660: 83×20 = 1660

3320: 83×40 = 3320

Real-Life Examples

  • Time: 83 minutes is a multiple of 83 because 83×1=83.
  • Money: $83 is a multiple of 83 because 83×1=83.
  • Measurements: 249 inches (20.75 feet) is a multiple of 83 because 83×3=249.

Practical Examples of Multiples of 83

  1. Classroom Seating: A school arranges chairs in rows of 83, so if there are 166 or 249 chairs, they are multiples of 83.
  2. Event Planning: An event coordinator sets up tables with 83 seats each. Thus, 83, 166, or 249 guests can be seated in multiples of 83.
  3. Shipping: A warehouse packs boxes in batches of 83, ensuring shipments of 83, 166, or 249 items are multiples of 83.
  4. Construction: A builder uses 83 bricks per section of a wall, so sections requiring 83, 166, or 249 bricks are in multiples of 83.
  5. Inventory Management: A store orders supplies in multiples of 83, maintaining stock levels with 83, 166, or 249 items.

Practical Applications

Counting by Eighty-Threes: When counting by eighty-threes (83, 166, 249, 332…), you are listing the multiples of 83.

Odd Numbers: Any number that is a multiple of 83, such as 166 or 249, is a multiple of 83 because it can be divided evenly by 83.

Is 249 a multiple of 83?

Yes, 249 is a multiple of 83 because 83×3=249.

What are the first five multiples of 83?

The first five multiples of 83 are 83, 166, 249, 332, and 415.

Is 83 a common multiple of any other number?

Yes, 83 is a common multiple of 1, 83.

How can multiples of 83 be used in real life?

Multiples of 83 can be used in scenarios involving grouping, packaging, or arranging items in sets of 83.

What is the largest multiple of 83 less than 1000?

The largest multiple of 83 less than 1000 is 913 (83×11=913).

Are multiples of 83 used in mathematics?

Yes, multiples of 83 are used in various mathematical concepts, including algebra and number theory.

Is 900 a multiple of 83?

No, 900 is not a multiple of 83 because 900÷83 does not result in an integer.

Can multiples of 83 be negative?

Yes, multiples of 83 can be negative if multiplied by a negative integer (e.g., 83×-1=-83).

Is 747 a multiple of 83?

Yes, 747 is a multiple of 83 because 83×9=747.

Can a number be both a multiple of 83 and another number?

Yes, a number can be a multiple of 83 and another number if both numbers share common factors. For example, 166 is a multiple of 83 and 2.

What is the smallest multiple of 83?

The smallest multiple of 83 is 83 itself.

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