
Team Maths -
Created by: Team Maths -, Last Updated: July 19, 2024


In a given set of data, all of its values can be arranged in various possible combinations that are very hard to manually count. A permutation is a formula arithmeticians use to get a value that can indicate the total possible and viable number of unique combinations.

1. Permutations and Combinations Template

2. Permutation Groups Template

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3. Sign of Permutations Template

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Size: 62 KB


4. Permutations and Orbits Template

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Size: 70 KB


5. Permutations With and Without Repetition

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Size: 47 KB


6. Pseudorandom Permutations Template

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7. Special Classes of Permutations

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8. Permutations with Inversions

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9. Restricted Permutations Template

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10. Permutation Covers Template

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11. Variations Twins in Permutations

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12. Irreducible and Connected Permutations


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13. Permutation Generation


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What Is Permutation

A permutation is a type of arrangement that is often used in mathematics. This arrangement allows the person to obtain all the possible combinations of a given arrangement without the need to exclude any of the elements in a given dataset. Not only that but this will also eliminate any repetition in the dataset. If you want to learn more about permutations and the generation of permutations, you may refer to the articles named Irreducible and Connected Permutations, Variations Twins in Permutations, Permutation Covers Template, and Restricted Permutations Template.

How To Write a Permutation Arrangement

A permutation is a really easy and intuitive way to know a specific value in a given situation, without needing to overcomplicate the formula. The formula of permutation comes in the form of P(n,r) = n!/(n-r)!m, where n is the positive integer that represents the object selected, r is the whole number that would represent the objects that are not in repetition, and P(n,r) is the number that represents all the possible permutation arrangements.

Step 1: Write the Formula

Begin by writing down the formula of permutation on an accessible notepad or digital note-taking software. This will help you easily outline the whole process and allow you to easily substitute the given numbers in a later step.

Step 2: List Out the Given Numbers

After writing down the formula on the notepad or digital note-taking software, you must separate and list out the given numbers in the question. Doing this will allow you to immediately have a reference when substituting the given irrational numbers, rational numbers, and real numbers into the formula.

Step 3: Substitute The Correct Values

You must substitute the corresponding given numbers to their variables in the formula. The product of this step creates a working equation that will allow you to obtain the missing variable.

Step 4: Solve the Equation

You will then solve the equation using the given variables. Do note that the (!) symbol represents all the preceding values of the number beside the (!) in descending order.


What is a permutation example?

A permutation is a mathematical concept that is used as an arrangement of mathematical objects in a specified order. An example of a permutation is a dataset of 3 pairs where set A = {3,2}, set B = {3,2} {4,1}, and set C = {3,2}, {4,1}, {5,0}. A real-life application of a permutation is the arrangement of a group of people based on the first letter of their surnames, their birthdays, and other types of filters.

What is the difference between permutation and combination?

A permutation is an arrangement of all objects inside a specified group. This means that no member of the chosen group will be exempted or excluded from the arrangement and sortation. This is juxtaposed with another type of arrangement called a combination. This type of arrangement focuses on the specific selection of members within the chosen group, which is sorted by a specified filter. This represents the biggest difference between the two types of arrangement as a permutation does not exclude members in the group, unlike a combination.

How do you know if it’s a permutation or combination?

The most common factor that differentiates a permutation from a combination is the inclusion of all the parts or members within the given group. A permutation does not exclude and discriminate against any of the members within the group when a person uses said arrangement. A combination, on the other hand, excludes and discriminates the members in a group that do not fit the specified filter. For example, when a person asks a group of people to arrange themselves based on their birthdays in ascending order, this is a real-life application of a permutation. Using the same setting as the example above, when a person asks a group of people whose birthdays range from May to June in descending order. This example is a real-life application of a combination.

A permutation is a type of arrangement that groups and arranges all the members in a specified group without excluding or ignoring any of the members in the group. When done properly you can easily arrange all the members in a dataset using broad and non-exclusive filters and context.

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