Meristematic Tissue

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Created by: Team Biology at, Last Updated: July 8, 2024

Meristematic Tissue

Meristematic Tissue

On a journey into the dynamic world of Meristematic Tissue, the engine room of plant growth and regeneration. This complete guide unveils the intricate processes driven by these specialized tissues, which are pivotal in forming new cells that enable plants to flourish and adapt. From the tips of roots to the buds of shoots, meristematic tissue plays a critical role in the plant’s ability to extend and renew itself. Through vivid examples, we’ll explore the definition, meaning, and indispensable uses of meristematic tissues, alongside the compounds they produce. Whether you’re a budding botanist or simply curious about the secrets of plant growth, this guide offers rich, NLP-friendly insights into the vibrant cellular activity that underpins the green world around us.

What is Meristematic Tissue?

Meristematic tissue is a type of plant tissue comprised of undifferentiated cells known as meristematic cells. These cells are characterized by their ability to continuously divide and differentiate into various types of cells that contribute to the growth and development of the plant. Meristematic tissue is found in regions of the plant where growth is taking place, such as the tips of roots and shoots (apical meristems), the circumference of the stem and roots (lateral meristems), and at the base of leaves or internodes in some plants (intercalary meristems). The primary functions of meristematic tissue include facilitating growth in length (primary growth) through apical meristems and growth in thickness (secondary growth) through lateral meristems, allowing plants to increase in size and develop new organs throughout their life cycle.

Characteristics of Meristematic Tissue

Characteristics of Meristematic Tissue

Meristematic tissue, crucial for plant growth and development, exhibits several distinctive characteristics that enable its function in perpetuating growth. Here are the key features explained through points:

  1. Undifferentiated Cells: Meristematic cells are undifferentiated or partially differentiated, which means they have the potential to develop into various types of plant cells. This property allows for the formation of new tissues and organs throughout the life of the plant.
  2. Active Cell Division: Cells within meristematic tissues are in a continuous state of division. This rapid cell division is responsible for the growth of plants in length (through apical meristems) and thickness (through lateral meristems).
  3. High Metabolic Activity: Due to the constant cell division, meristematic cells exhibit high metabolic activity. They consume a significant amount of energy and nutrients to support the synthesis of new cell walls and organelles.
  4. Small, Compact Cells: Meristematic cells are typically small, with a compact arrangement that minimizes the space between them. This tight packing is essential for efficient cellular communication and coordination during the division process.
  5. Large Nuclei: The cells have relatively large nuclei compared to their cytoplasmic volume, which is a reflection of their high genetic activity and the control required for cell division and differentiation.
  6. Lack of Vacuoles: Meristematic cells either lack vacuoles or have very small ones. This is in contrast to mature plant cells, where vacuoles can occupy a significant portion of the cell’s volume.
  7. Thin Cell Walls: The walls of meristematic cells are thin and primarily composed of cellulose. Unlike mature cells, their walls have not yet thickened or become specialized, allowing for easier cell division.
  8. Limited or No Specialization: Cells in meristematic tissue perform the basic functions of cell division and growth and are not specialized for other functions like photosynthesis, storage, or transport.
  9. Location-Specific Function: The activity of meristematic tissues varies depending on their location in the plant. Apical meristems are involved in primary growth (lengthening), while lateral meristems contribute to secondary growth (thickening).

Types of Meristematic tissues

Meristematic tissues are crucial for plant growth and development, consisting of undifferentiated cells that divide continuously. These tissues are classified based on their location in the plant and their specific roles in growth. Below is a detailed explanation of the types of meristematic tissue:

Apical Meristems

Apical Meristems

Parts and Function

  • Shoot Apical Meristem (SAM): Located at the tip of the stem and branches, SAM is responsible for the vertical growth of shoots and the formation of new leaves and flowers.
  • Root Apical Meristem (RAM): Found at the tip of the root, RAM facilitates the growth of roots into the soil, allowing for better absorption of water and nutrients.


Apical meristems are vital for primary growth (elongation) in plants, leading to the extension of the plant body in both the aerial and subterranean directions. This growth allows plants to explore new spaces for light and resources.

Lateral Meristems

Parts and Function

  • Vascular Cambium: This cylinder-shaped layer of cells is located between the wood (xylem) and the bark (phloem) in stems and roots. It produces secondary xylem (wood) inward and secondary phloem (bark) outward, contributing to the thickening of the stem and root.
  • Cork Cambium (Phellogen): Found just under the bark, cork cambium generates the outer protective layer of the stem, known as cork (phellem), and the phelloderm, contributing to the plant’s secondary growth.


Lateral meristems are essential for secondary growth, which increases the thickness or girth of plants, especially noticeable in woody plants. This growth strengthens the plant and provides additional support for taller structures.

Intercalary Meristems

Parts and Function

Located at the base of leaves or internodes, especially in monocots like grasses, intercalary meristems contribute to the elongation of stems and leaves from the base.


Intercalary meristems allow for the rapid regrowth of grasses and similar plants after being grazed by herbivores or cut. This ability ensures continuous growth and quick recovery from physical damage.

Meristematic tissues are foundational for the dynamic growth processes in plants, enabling them to grow taller, thicker, and recover from injuries. Each type of meristematic tissue plays a unique role, tailored to the specific needs of plant development and regeneration, showcasing the adaptability and resilience of plant life

Meristematic Tissue: Classification Based on Function

Meristematic tissues are regions of actively dividing cells in plants, responsible for growth and development. Based on their function, meristematic tissues can be classified into several types, each playing a crucial role in the plant’s lifecycle.

Apical Meristems

  • Location: Found at the tips of roots and shoots.
  • Function: Responsible for primary growth, which results in the elongation of the plant, allowing roots to penetrate deeper into the soil and shoots to increase in height.
  • Characteristics: Apical meristems contribute to the formation of leaves, flowers, and branches, and are crucial for the vertical growth of the plant.

Lateral Meristems

  • Location: Positioned along the sides of stems and roots.
  • Function: Accountable for secondary growth, which leads to an increase in the girth or thickness of the plant.
  • Types: Includes the vascular cambium (increases the thickness of vascular tissues) and cork cambium (forms the outer protective layer, or bark).
  • Characteristics: Lateral meristems are essential for the plant to grow in diameter and support the larger structure.

Intercalary Meristems

  • Location: Located at the base of leaves or internodes (the stem segments between nodes).
  • Function: Facilitate the regrowth of grasses and similar plants after being cut or grazed and contribute to the elongation of the internodes.
  • Characteristics: Intercalary meristems enable plants to quickly regenerate parts that are damaged by external factors, maintaining the plant’s ability to perform photosynthesis efficiently.

Cambial Meristems (a subtype of Lateral Meristems)

  • Function: Specifically, the vascular cambium adds layers of vascular tissue called secondary xylem (wood) and secondary phloem, enhancing the plantā€™s ability to transport water, nutrients, and sugars.
  • Characteristics: The activity of cambial meristems is what leads to the formation of annual rings in trees, allowing for the determination of a treeā€™s age.

FAQ of Meristematic Tissue

1. What is meristematic tissue?

  • Meristematic tissue consists of undifferentiated cells in plants that are capable of continuous division. These tissues are responsible for the growth and development of a plant in various directions and dimensions.

2. Where are meristematic tissues located in a plant?

  • Meristematic tissues are located in specific areas such as the tips of roots and shoots (apical meristems), the circumference of the stems and roots (lateral meristems), and at the base of leaves or between nodes (intercalary meristems).

3. What are the main functions of meristematic tissue?

  • The primary functions include facilitating growth by generating new cells through division, contributing to the elongation of shoots and roots (primary growth), increasing the thickness or girth of the plant (secondary growth), and enabling parts of the plant to regenerate after being cut or damaged.

4. How do meristematic tissues differ from permanent tissues?

  • Meristematic tissues consist of actively dividing cells that can differentiate into various types of cells, contributing to the growth of the plant. Permanent tissues, on the other hand, are derived from meristematic tissues but have ceased to divide and usually perform specific functions in the plant.

5. What are the types of meristematic tissue based on location?

  • Based on location, meristematic tissues are classified as apical meristems (found at the tips of roots and shoots), lateral meristems (found along the sides of stems and roots), and intercalary meristems (located at the base of leaves or internodes).

6. Can meristematic tissue differentiate into other types of tissues?

  • Yes, cells from meristematic tissues can differentiate into all other types of plant tissues, including various types of permanent tissues such as epidermal, ground, and vascular tissues, depending on their location and the needs of the plant.

7. Why is the meristematic tissue important for plants?

  • Meristematic tissue is crucial for the growth and adaptability of plants. It allows plants to grow in length, increase in thickness, repair injuries, and adapt to their environment through the formation of new organs and structures.

8. How do plants grow taller and thicker?

  • Plants grow taller due to the activity of apical meristems, which contribute to primary growth by elongating the shoots and roots. They grow thicker through the action of lateral meristems, particularly the vascular cambium and cork cambium, which contribute to secondary growth by increasing the girth of the plant.

9. Do all plants have meristematic tissue?

  • Yes, all plants have some form of meristematic tissue, as it is essential for growth and development. However, the presence and activity level of different types of meristematic tissues can vary widely among different plant species.

10. How is meristematic tissue studied?

  • Meristematic tissue is studied through various methods, including microscopy, which allows scientists to observe the small, densely packed cells and their division patterns, and molecular biology techniques, which help in understanding the genetic control of cell division and differentiation in these tissues.

Meristematic tissue is pivotal for plant growth, enabling elongation, thickness increase, and regeneration. This article’s table classificationā€”apical, lateral, and intercalary meristemsā€”illustrates how plants adapt and thrive. Understanding meristematic tissues sheds light on the dynamic nature of plant development, offering insights into how plants respond to environmental challenges and sustain life.


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Types of Meristematic tissues

Meristematic Tissue: Classification Based on Function