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Created by: Team Biology at, Last Updated: July 9, 2024



Plasma, often overlooked, is the liquid powerhouse of our blood, making up over half of its volume. This pale yellow fluid not only transports red and white blood cells and platelets throughout our body but also delivers vital nutrients, hormones, and proteins to where they’re needed most. Beyond nourishment, plasma plays a crucial role in waste removal, ensuring our cells remain healthy and functioning optimally.

What is Plasma?

In biology, plasma refers to the liquid component of blood, which is a straw-colored, clear fluid that constitutes about 55% of total blood volume. It serves as the medium for transporting nutrients, hormones, and waste products throughout the body. Plasma is predominantly water, making up about 90% of its composition, but it also contains vital proteins such as albumin, globulins, and fibrinogen, as well as electrolytes, glucose, and various other substances. These proteins play crucial roles in maintaining osmotic pressure, immune responses, and blood clotting. Plasma facilitates the efficient exchange of materials between cells and tissues, supporting homeostasis and the overall functionality of the circulatory system.

Plasma Function

What does plasma do?

  1. Transportation: Plasma acts as the primary carrier for essential substances within the body. It transports nutrients for energy and growth, removes waste products for excretion, and carries hormones, facilitating communication between different organs and tissues.
  2. Regulation: By maintaining the volume and composition of blood, plasma plays a crucial role in regulating blood pressure and ensuring consistent body temperature, thereby contributing to the body’s homeostatic balance.
  3. Protection: Plasma contains antibodies and clotting factors, like fibrinogen, which are vital for the immune response and wound healing. These components help the body defend against pathogens and prevent excessive blood loss during injuries.
  4. Osmotic Balance: Plasma proteins, particularly albumin, are essential in maintaining osmotic pressure, which controls the flow of water and solutes between blood and tissues, ensuring cells remain hydrated and functional.

What is plasma used for?

Plasma, the liquid portion of blood, plays a crucial role in various medical treatments. It’s rich in proteins and antibodies, making it essential for treating blood disorders, immune deficiencies, and critical conditions such as burns and shock. Doctors also use plasma for its clotting factors, which are vital for patients with hemophilia or those undergoing complex surgeries. Beyond treatment, plasma’s role in medical research continues to expand, offering hope for new therapies and cures.

Composition of Plasma

Composition of Plasma

what is plasma made of?


Water, the primary constituent of plasma, accounts for about 90-92% of its volume. This high water content is essential for dissolving and transporting various substances throughout the body. Water in plasma:

  • Distributes Nutrients: It transports nutrients from the digestive system to cells.
  • Removes Waste: It helps transport waste products to the kidneys, liver, and lungs for excretion.
  • Regulates Temperature: It distributes heat throughout the body, maintaining a stable internal temperature.


Plasma proteins, comprising 6-8% of the plasma, play pivotal roles in various bodily functions. The liver primarily produces these proteins, which include:

  • Albumin: As the most abundant plasma protein, albumin maintains the osmotic pressure, which keeps fluid in the bloodstream and supports the transport of substances like hormones and drugs.
  • Globulins: These proteins, subdivided into alpha, beta, and gamma globulins, transport lipids and fat-soluble vitamins. Gamma globulins are particularly important as antibodies in the immune response.
  • Fibrinogen: This protein is key to blood coagulation. Upon injury, the body converts fibrinogen into fibrin, forming a clot to prevent excessive bleeding.


Electrolytes in plasma, including sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, bicarbonate, and phosphate ions, play vital roles in:

  • Balancing Fluids: They regulate the body’s fluid levels and pH balance.
  • Functioning Muscles: They are essential for muscle contractions, including the heartbeat.
  • Conducting Nerve Impulses: They are crucial for sending electrical impulses along nerves.


Plasma transports various nutrients from the digestive tract to cells throughout the body. These include:

  • Glucose: A primary energy source for cells.
  • Amino Acids: The building blocks for synthesizing proteins.
  • Fatty Acids and Glycerol: Used for energy and building cell membranes.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Essential for various biochemical reactions and functions.


The primary gases dissolved in plasma are oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2). The plasma carries oxygen from the lungs to the body’s tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues back to the lungs for exhalation.

Waste Products

Plasma also acts as a vehicle for removing waste products from cellular metabolism, such as urea and creatinine, transporting them to the kidneys for excretion.


Endocrine glands produce hormones and release them into the plasma, which transports them to target organs or cells. There, they exert their specific regulatory effects on growth, metabolism, and homeostasis.

How does plasma keep you healthy?

Plasma keeps you healthy by carrying nutrients and hormones to your cells and taking away waste. It has special proteins that help fight infections and clot blood, preventing excessive bleeding. By balancing water and electrolytes, plasma ensures your body’s cells work properly, supporting overall health and helping you recover from injuries and illnesses.

Donating Plasma

Donating plasma involves a process where a machine collects the liquid part of your blood, the plasma, and returns the rest to your body. It’s a safe and generous way to help others, as medical professionals use donated plasma to treat various illnesses. The donation takes about an hour, and you can often donate multiple times a year, providing a vital resource for healthcare treatments.

Plasma Deficiency: Causes and Symptoms & Effects

Plasma deficiency occurs when your blood lacks enough plasma, the liquid part of the blood that carries cells, proteins, and other essential substances throughout your body. This condition can lead to various health issues, depending on what specific components of the plasma are in deficit. Let’s break down the causes, symptoms, and potential impacts of plasma deficiency.

Causes of Plasma Deficiency

Several factors can lead to plasma deficiency, including:

  • Dehydration: Not drinking enough water or losing too much fluid can reduce your blood’s plasma volume.
  • Poor Nutrition: A diet lacking in proteins and essential nutrients can lead to low levels of plasma proteins.
  • Liver Disease: Since the liver produces most plasma proteins, liver problems can result in decreased plasma production.
  • Chronic Inflammation or Infection: These conditions can consume plasma proteins faster than the body can produce them, leading to a deficiency.

Symptoms and Effects

Plasma deficiency can cause a range of symptoms, varying from mild to severe, such as:

  • Fatigue and Weakness: Low plasma levels can lead to reduced oxygen and nutrient transport, making you feel tired and weak.
  • Swelling (Edema): A significant drop in plasma proteins, especially albumin, can cause fluid to leak from blood vessels into surrounding tissues, leading to swelling.
  • Immune System Problems: A deficiency in globulins, which include antibodies, can weaken your immune response, making you more susceptible to infections.
  • Clotting Issues: Low levels of clotting factors in the plasma can lead to an increased risk of bleeding and difficulty in stopping bleeds.

Managing and Preventing Plasma Deficiency

Addressing plasma deficiency often involves treating the underlying cause. For example, increasing fluid intake can help if dehydration is the issue, while improving nutrition can boost plasma protein levels. In more severe cases, medical treatments such as plasma transfusions or supplements might be necessary.

Preventing plasma deficiency mainly involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet rich in proteins and vitamins, staying hydrated, and managing chronic conditions that might affect plasma levels.


What is the Role of Plasma in Blood?

Plasma transports nutrients, hormones, and proteins, maintaining blood pressure and volume, crucial for bodily functions.

What Does it Mean to Have Plasma in Your Blood?

Having plasma means your blood can carry cells, nutrients, and waste, ensuring your body’s systemic balance.

Is Plasma in Blood Good?

Yes, plasma is essential for transporting substances, regulating body temperature, and supporting immune functions.

What Causes Blood Plasma?

Blood plasma comes from water, salts, and proteins, produced by dietary intake and liver synthesis.

What Disease is Related to Blood Plasma?

Diseases like hemophilia and immune deficiencies are directly related to blood plasma abnormalities.

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