Relative Pronoun

There are many ways to create a sentence due to the prevalence of multiple sentence structures and modifications. For example, a simple sentence only has a single independent clause, but the addition of a dependent clause turns the sentence into a compound sentence. A relative pronoun introduces and connects the independent clause with a relative clause.

1. The Relative Pronoun

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2. Relative Pronoun

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3. Relative Pronoun Example

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Size: 9 KB


4. Defining Relative Pronoun

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5. Use of Relative Pronoun

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6. Simple Relative Pronoun

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7. Relative Pronouns Worksheets

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8. Blank Relative Pronouns

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9. General Relative Pronouns

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10. Relative Pronouns and Relative Clauses

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11. Relative Pronouns Format

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12. Choosing Relative Pronouns

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13. Interrogative Relative Pronouns

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14. Printable Relative Pronouns

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How to Use a Relative Pronoun

If one is planning to use relative clauses in their sentences, then it is important for the person needs to know how to use and write relative pronouns. If one wants to have various reference points of relative pronouns, then one can use any of the relative pronoun samples, examples, and lists on the links above.

Step 1: Create an Independent Clause

Begin by creating an independent clause that you will use in the whole sentence. Just be sure that it will have the necessary elements of an independent clause which would include the common noun or the proper noun, a verb, and a direct object.

Step 2: Obtain a List of Relative Pronouns

One thing you will need to do is to obtain a list of relative pronouns you can use to attach and connect both the relative clause and the independent clause. The list will help you choose the correct relative pronoun, which you will use to connect the clauses.

Step 3: Write a Relative Clause

A relative clause is a type of dependent clause that has a subject and verb but it cannot stand on its own as it acts like an adjective. You must write a relative clause that will modify the noun or subject presented in the independent clause.

Step 4: Connect the Independent Clause with the Relative Clause

You must connect the independent clause with the relative clause to create a compound sentence. The independent clause will be attached to the relative clause with the relative clause of your choice.


What are common examples of relative pronouns?

The most common relative pronouns one can observe in a daily conversation are which, whose, whoever/whomever, that, and who/whom. The word what, where, and when can also be used as a relative pronouns depending on the context, theme, or tone of the writer.

What is the difference between relative adverbs and relative pronouns?

Relative adverbs are specific types of adverbs a person can use to introduce a relative clause that will modify the location and time of the noun. Relative pronouns are types of pronouns that a person can use to introduce a relative clause that will modify the description or expound the noun. Both conjunctions introduce relative clauses and will determine which part of the independent clause it will modify.

How do I identify the relative pronoun in a compound sentence?

A relative pronoun is easily identifiable due to its purpose and use in the sentence structure. You must first identify the relative clause in the overall sentence and then search for the pronoun that joins both clauses together. This pronoun or conjunction is the relative pronoun. 

Relative pronouns are types of pronouns that will connect an independent clause to a relative clause in an attempt to provide more description or information about the noun or subject of the independent clause. It is important to know how to use relative pronouns and clauses to improve and expound the quality of your writing or speech.

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