Annual Timeline

Last Updated: January 7, 2025

Annual Timeline

Annual Timeline

Having a plan is important before embarking on any project. It is equally significant to be capable of sharing the plan by presenting it to investors. Endeavors such as campaigns, events, marketing initiatives, personal or business projects, etc. are often planned on an annual cycle.

Annual timelines create a structure for the events and programs which take place annually in an organization. We have provided 18+ annual timeline examples and templates for you to get an idea of different layouts which can be used for creating an annual timeline.

Annual Timeline Examples & Templates

1. Annual Performance Appraisal Timeline

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Employees of many universities take self-assessment evaluations every year. This template presents the annual performance appraisal timeline that the employees have to follow. It also describes the process of appraisal for the ease of the employees and the supervisors. Visit Annual Operational Plan Examples for more examples.

2. Annual Planning Timeline Example

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This template is an example of an annual planning timeline for college works. It is color-coded to make the timeline organized and easy-to-understand. You can use this layout to make an annual planning timeline of your own. High-Level Project Plan Examples contains more such examples.

3. Essential Annual Campaign Timeline

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This sample presents the essential annual campaign timeline of a church foundation. It presents the monthly tasks and events the church will be organizing for the parish.

4. Faculty Annual Achievement Timeline

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Schools and universities maintain an annual achievement timeline of the faculty. This template consists of such an annual timeline of faculty accomplishments in teaching, research, and service, along with upcoming events.

5. Annual Organization Requirements Timeline

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This template provides the meetings scheduled in a year of an educational organization. It also provides important notes where applicable for the benefit of the readers.

6. Annual Review Timeline Example

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This is an example of a comprehensive program review, annual review timeline of a college. It also contains a timeline of training and validation. The length of the bars in the timeline indicates the time taken for the activity. Visit Marketing Timeline Examples for more templates.

7. Annual Performance Review Timeline

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This is an annual performance review timeline of a university. It also consists of a checklist that can help the employees and the manager to stay on track for completing the review in time.

8. Annual Assessment Plan Timeline Template

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Universities and schools have to follow an annual assessment plan timeline for the smooth functioning of the assessment program. This template presents the layout of such an assessment timeline. You can use this format to create one for your institute.

9. Annual Assessment Timeline Example

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Institutes have to maintain a high level of efficiency. For this purpose, they conduct annual assessments to find out if there are any potholes in the functioning of the organization. This template provides a timeline for such assessment plans. You can download this template to create an assessment timeline divided in months.

10. Annual Reporting Timeline

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Large companies have to maintain an annual report to give a fair idea of the company position to the investors and the employees. This template consists of the annual reporting timeline that a company follows when drafting an annual report of different departments of the company.

11. Annual Budget Request Timeline

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Every organization drafts an annual budget every fiscal year. This template is an example of an annual budget request timeline of a university that specifies the persons responsible for each task along with relevant time frames.

12. Annual Appeal Timeline Template

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This template presents an annual appeal timeline of Episcopal Ministries of Long Island. It lays out the dates of important events and other important notes and announcements addressed to volunteers of the event.

13. Annual Faculty Review Timeline Example

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This template is an amicable timeline for the annual faculty review of a university. It marks the provisional time taken in the chart with respect to the events and dates.

14. Annual Town Meeting Timeline

Annual Town Meeting Timeline

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The annual town meeting timeline is presented in this template. It has different sections such as date, time and activity. It also contains a list of holidays and additional information.

15. Annual Fund Timeline Example

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This is a Learning Plan of an annual fund timeline prepared by the Healey Education Foundation. It is to be customized by schools based on their specific needs and calendar. It is divided into Summer and Winter and further classified into months of the year.

16. Annual Timeline Checklist Template

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If you are in an organization that conducts events for POP awareness, this template will be beneficial for you to prepare a timeline checklist for POP awareness month. This contains the timeline from 12 months prior to the event to 7 days post event. You can use this as a checklist as well.

17. Annual School Board Election Timeline

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It is a timeline for the annual election of school board. Annual school elections have to follow certain guidelines and processes. This template consists of monthly tasks and can be used by the election committee.

18. Annual Timeline Example

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This is an annual assessment timeline for faculty. Teachers have to assess the outcome of the courses they are teaching to understand if the courses are relevant and effective. This Schedule suggests such a timeline for the assessment of courses by the faculty which has to be done at least once in a six-year cycle.

19. Annual Report Timeline in DOC

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This template provides an annual report timeline. It gives the timeline for academic as well as administrative departments. It consists of all the deadlines that have to be met by the departments for assessment reporting.

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